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Paul Lambert


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So you're not happy with Lerner?

I think the spending restrictions need to be lifted now.

So were you happy with them previously? Like in January for example? Have you had any issue with the limitations placed on Lambert over the last 2 years?


Why can't you just ask me questions that aren't loaded?

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I really don't get this argument that its unlikely another manager could do better with the same limitations.

Would all managers choose to spend the limited funds the same? Could no other manager use coaching and tactics to improve players and the way the team play?

I still can't believe he's so defended. 2 years ago if you suggested we were in for a relegation battle you were mocked and now another shocking season, similar to McLeish you've still got fans defending it.

Not picking on you BJ - but you could argue that he has improved some of his signings, the likes of Westwood, Lowton, Bacuna, Benteke, KEA were all from 'lower' divisions/clubs and he's got them playing Premier League football - none of them are substandard to the league but (barring Benteke) wouldn't be snapped up by the top clubs either.

So you could argue, he's spent ok. The other option would be to go 'QPR'!!!!

Also, Clark, Delph and (up until a few months ago) Weimann are playing probably the best football of their career.

I don't believe the two options are what we've done or QPR? No in between?

Regardless of everything you've said we've still had a record breaking shocking season, again!

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I really don't get this argument that its unlikely another manager could do better with the same limitations.

Would all managers choose to spend the limited funds the same? Could no other manager use coaching and tactics to improve players and the way the team play?

I still can't believe he's so defended. 2 years ago if you suggested we were in for a relegation battle you were mocked and now another shocking season, similar to McLeish you've still got fans defending it.

If it was as simple as you seem to make it out, then most managers in the Premier League would be building their entire squads with £40m, would they not?

Or do they just choose to spend more for the fun of it?

Well every team has different needs. I don't buy that this record breaking 2nd shit season is the best we could hope for. Again I don't remember any of those defending Lambert suggesting another shit season was inevitable.



Every team has different needs, in what way?


And if you think a different manager could get our current squad to perform much better in terms of coaching/tactics, then you must surely believe that our current squad are capable of a top half finish (as an indicator of improvement)? I personally don't think our current squad are capable of that without some positive additions in the summer.

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So you're not happy with Lerner?

I think the spending restrictions need to be lifted now.
So were you happy with them previously? Like in January for example? Have you had any issue with the limitations placed on Lambert over the last 2 years?

Why can't you just ask me questions that aren't loaded?


Simple question really.

You defend Lambert with the financial restrictions so have you had a problem with them? Because I'm sure you've defended Lerner and the financial approach many times.

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Let's say you were given the job of saving a sinking ship.


You needed (let's say) tar to seal up the leaks.


You asked your cash-strapped employers for some tar, so they scraped together a bit of cut-price tar and sent it off to you in a few supply boats.


You set about sealing up the leaks with this cut-price tar, but didn't really have enough to do the job, and then word arrived that five of the biggest supply boats had sunk.


The ship was still taking on water, and you were still working to fix the leaks.


Wouldn't you rightly feel aggrieved if the sailors on board turned on you, having failed to take into account the sunken supply boats and the cut-price tar?



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I really don't get this argument that its unlikely another manager could do better with the same limitations.

Would all managers choose to spend the limited funds the same? Could no other manager use coaching and tactics to improve players and the way the team play?

I still can't believe he's so defended. 2 years ago if you suggested we were in for a relegation battle you were mocked and now another shocking season, similar to McLeish you've still got fans defending it.

If it was as simple as you seem to make it out, then most managers in the Premier League would be building their entire squads with £40m, would they not?

Or do they just choose to spend more for the fun of it?

Well every team has different needs. I don't buy that this record breaking 2nd shit season is the best we could hope for. Again I don't remember any of those defending Lambert suggesting another shit season was inevitable.

Every team has different needs, in what way?

And if you think a different manager could get our current squad to perform much better in terms of coaching/tactics, then you must surely believe that our current squad are capable of a top half finish (as an indicator of improvement)? I personally don't think our current squad are capable of that without some positive additions in the summer.

Well not every team needs the same players in the same positions. Our current squad is awful due to the way the manager has spent his limited funds. I don't believe we had to have a squad as abysmal as this one hence my belief a different manager could have done better with these limitations.

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I really don't get this argument that its unlikely another manager could do better with the same limitations.

Would all managers choose to spend the limited funds the same? Could no other manager use coaching and tactics to improve players and the way the team play?

I still can't believe he's so defended. 2 years ago if you suggested we were in for a relegation battle you were mocked and now another shocking season, similar to McLeish you've still got fans defending it.

Not picking on you BJ - but you could argue that he has improved some of his signings, the likes of Westwood, Lowton, Bacuna, Benteke, KEA were all from 'lower' divisions/clubs and he's got them playing Premier League football - none of them are substandard to the league but (barring Benteke) wouldn't be snapped up by the top clubs either.

So you could argue, he's spent ok. The other option would be to go 'QPR'!!!!

Also, Clark, Delph and (up until a few months ago) Weimann are playing probably the best football of their career.

I don't believe the two options are what we've done or QPR? No in between?

Regardless of everything you've said we've still had a record breaking shocking season, again!


Agreed, it's been poor - Lambert shoulders some of the blame but so do the board in equal measure. Lambert was desperate to improve the squad in January but was limited to only two loans.....


The season's not quite over yet - as we're so inconsistant it's difficult to predict how we'll fare for the remainder.....


FWIW - I don't think changing the manager will instantly improve us, we'd be in exactly the same position 'building' again.

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I really don't get this argument that its unlikely another manager could do better with the same limitations.

Would all managers choose to spend the limited funds the same? Could no other manager use coaching and tactics to improve players and the way the team play?

I still can't believe he's so defended. 2 years ago if you suggested we were in for a relegation battle you were mocked and now another shocking season, similar to McLeish you've still got fans defending it.

If it was as simple as you seem to make it out, then most managers in the Premier League would be building their entire squads with £40m, would they not?

Or do they just choose to spend more for the fun of it?

Well every team has different needs. I don't buy that this record breaking 2nd shit season is the best we could hope for. Again I don't remember any of those defending Lambert suggesting another shit season was inevitable.

Every team has different needs, in what way?

And if you think a different manager could get our current squad to perform much better in terms of coaching/tactics, then you must surely believe that our current squad are capable of a top half finish (as an indicator of improvement)? I personally don't think our current squad are capable of that without some positive additions in the summer.

Well not every team needs the same players in the same positions. Our current squad is awful due to the way the manager has spent his limited funds. I don't believe we had to have a squad as abysmal as this one hence my belief a different manager could have done better with these limitations.



So our squad is abysmal but if we got a new manager, he'd be able to coach them and bring in tactics that would see us higher than the 13th position we currently sit in?


I see.

Edited by samjp26
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Simple question really.

You defend Lambert with the financial restrictions so have you had a problem with them? Because I'm sure you've defended Lerner and the financial approach many times.


Unlike some I don't see things in black and white so yes while I have defended the restrictions to an extent in the past I also think that Lerner should perhaps not be so extreme with them.

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Let's say you were given the job of saving a sinking ship.


You needed (let's say) tar to seal up the leaks.


You asked your cash-strapped employers for some tar, so they scraped together a bit of cut-price tar and sent it off to you in a few supply boats.


You set about sealing up the leaks with this cut-price tar, but didn't really have enough to do the job, and then word arrived that five of the biggest supply boats had sunk.


The ship was still taking on water, and you were still working to fix the leaks.


Wouldn't you rightly feel aggrieved if the sailors on board turned on you, having failed to take into account the sunken supply boats and the cut-price tar?





Bah. That video of me is over two years old. And I've got some new frames.


(I thought I'd explain the situation in non-footballing terms in case some of Lambert's critics are failing to see the big picture, which they are. But I'm not, thanks to my nice thick lenses)

Edited by CrackpotForeigner
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I agree samjp26 just talking about hypotheticals.

Kind of like the purely hypothetical situation where any new manager won't do any better than this one and thus will incur the same approval rating from fans two years into their reign.


I've never said that any new manager won't do better so don't make things up please, but are you 100% certain that a new manager would make us better and improve our league position, whilst still adhering to the financial restrictions in place?


I'm not 100% certain that would be the case and I guess that Lerner/Faulkner aren't anywhere near being 100% certain of that being the case, hence why he will stay as our manager for a few more years yet.

I wasn't referring to yours specifically in that post though I guess that is how it looked given your name was mentioned in the original. I was basically just pointing out to suttonpaul that the hypotheticals are done by all sides.

Anyway, you can never be 100% certain about what might happen in any given situation. Nobody on here could've been 100% certain that another manager could have done better than McLeish could they? The 'it could be worse' mentality is just a very reactionary one and if everybody had such a mindset, there would never be the persuit for better in this world. For example, unhappy couples wouldn't seperate due to the potential possibility that they might end in an even more unhappy relationship.

Also why are you using the opinion of Lerner to back up your own? I really couldn't care less whether he is content with the performance of the manager or not as I can think for myself. This is the same Randy Lerner who also thought appointing Alex McLeish was a good idea. I take it that you had full confidence in that decision too?

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So our squad is abysmal but if we got a new manager, he'd be able to coach them and bring in tactics that would see us higher than the 13th position we currently sit in?


I see.



Well, that would be the idea.  Of course, if he was given some money to spend he start to undo some of the damage caused by Lambert's buys.  But really, what you're saying is that Lambert is the absolute best manager we can hope for at the moment.  If that's true, it's just a matter of time before we're not in the Premier League any more.  He's hit his glass ceiling already.

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Bah. That video of me is over two years old. And I've got some new frames.




(I thought I'd explain the situation in non-footballing terms in case some of Lambert's critics are failing to see the big picture, which they are. But I'm not, thanks to my nice thick lenses)



Hahaha!  Fair play!


I understand the point you're making but it wasn't the best analogy.


I'll keep the analogy going though - You'd expect the sailors to be angry if the captain ignored the big holes whilst continually repatching the smaller ones.  Some them he did three times because he'd wasted tar on them in the first instance.


He also had several big buckets of expensive tar on the ship with him, but not being a fan of expensive tar he left them at the back of the ship until he could find someone to help him throw them into the sea.

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So our squad is abysmal but if we got a new manager, he'd be able to coach them and bring in tactics that would see us higher than the 13th position we currently sit in?


I see.



Well, that would be the idea.  Of course, if he was given some money to spend he start to undo some of the damage caused by Lambert's buys.  But really, what you're saying is that Lambert is the absolute best manager we can hope for at the moment.  If that's true, it's just a matter of time before we're not in the Premier League any more.  He's hit his glass ceiling already.



So you also think that the squad is abysmal, but you also think that a new manager would miraculously make them into a top 10 Premier League side? 


I really don't understand how that works and if any extra money is to be spent on improving the squad, then it is going to be Lambert who gets to try and do so surely, right so as well IMO. If our squad is abysmal then surely we're overachieving as it is.


I've always said I'll judge our season overall at the end of it, should we finish in the position we are in now or higher, I'll be happy with the outcome of the season based on all factors to be taken into account. I also believe that if we're in a similar position to the one we're in now, next season, then I'll agree that maybe a fresh manager is needed to shake things up. Right now, no, it isn't going to make a difference and as I say if anybody is to get some money to improve what we have then it should be Lambert. 

Edited by samjp26
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Let's say you were given the job of saving a sinking ship.


You needed (let's say) tar to seal up the leaks.


You asked your cash-strapped employers for some tar, so they scraped together a bit of cut-price tar and sent it off to you in a few supply boats.


You set about sealing up the leaks with this cut-price tar, but didn't really have enough to do the job, and then word arrived that five of the biggest supply boats had sunk.


The ship was still taking on water, and you were still working to fix the leaks.


Wouldn't you rightly feel aggrieved if the sailors on board turned on you, having failed to take into account the sunken supply boats and the cut-price tar?

I think if I was a sailor I would be too busy checking out the life boats.  :wacko:

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So our squad is abysmal but if we got a new manager, he'd be able to coach them and bring in tactics that would see us higher than the 13th position we currently sit in?

I see.

It would seem you don't.

I think a better manager could improve the current squad but he would need money to replace a lot of the shit Lambert has filled the squad with.

If a better manager had come in instead of Lambert with the same restrictions I think things could have been better.

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should we finish in the position we are in now or higher, I'll be happy with the outcome of the season based on all factors to be taken into account.

Pointless debate then. You've admitted you'll be happy with a record breaking shit season. If that's the case I'm not surprised you're so behind an awful manager.

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So who do people want to come in to replace Hoddle/Curbishley/whoever encounters the same problems and the fans are on their back again?


Maybe this needs to happen, get another fan favourite in, let him struggle with the funding and let them realise the real problem. We will not move on and compete with the current owner.

Who is to say that a new manager would struggle.
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