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Paul Lambert


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FWIW I think he has done a fantastic job in the transfer market. My issue with him is tactical. I think the players he has bought in are capable of better than this.


I sort of agree with that. I'm hoping to see some improvements in this regard over the course of the season, especially in games such as tomorrow's



You're going to be disappointed.


But hopefully only because the game's on Sunday.

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Have a look how it compares to games against the same opposition last year


I don't really see the relevance. QPR for example weren't in the premier league last season but we've still lost to them.


I think comparing the 14 game mark across the two seasons gives a better means for comparison and it doesn't look good reading.



Comparing the 19 game mark across two seasons gives a better means for comparison.  14 games could include or, similarly, exclude playing, for example; Chelsea, Man City, Arsenal, Man Utd and Liverpool.


We played Chelsea, Man City, Arsenal and Liverpool in both sets of 14 games so happy with that.

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Lambert and Lerner are a match made in hell for us, they really are.


The incompetent manager can hide behind a lack of spending, so no matter how badly he sets the team up and no matter how much he fails, fans will rally round him as a) he isn't McLeish, and B) he has no money.


Lerner can hide behind a manager doing poor, and knows if he keeps him on it takes the pressure off. He doesn't need to spend money as the manager continues to back the chairman in interviews. Also, he isn't Doug Ellis.


A match made in hell and it is destroying our club.

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Excluding Burnley and QPR the like for like record is


Pts 15 this season as against 9 last season

GD -8 this season -7 last season (this season we have conceded 15 last season we conceded 20)


For me that is progress

2 of the main differences if we looked at like for like results rather our comparative position in the table:


We lost to Palace last season and we beat them this season (3 points difference). Both performances awful - this season we fluked 3 points.


We beat Liverpool this season and got a point last season (2 points difference). Last season Liverpool had Suarez and Sturridge (therefore a better side) and Suarez dived to get Liverpool a point. This season we defended for the majority of the second half, Liverpool hit the post and were unlucky not to get (at least) a point.

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Have a look how it compares to games against the same opposition last year


I don't really see the relevance. QPR for example weren't in the premier league last season but we've still lost to them.


I think comparing the 14 game mark across the two seasons gives a better means for comparison and it doesn't look good reading.


I realised you wouldnt.


It's relevant because to see if we have progressed it is fairer to compare our like for like performances .  If you are going to say our defemce is weaker in the games played then to be fair you have to look at how that defence performed in the same games last year.


There are so many variables to take into account for this kind of comparison that it proves nothing.


It is a better comparison than just saying 14 games and not taking into account either the opposition or the run of games played.  Unless of course the intention is not to be objective about the criticism and just want to criticise anyway


When the league table is based on a like for like basis rather than based on games played you might have a point.

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I'm not sure how much progress can be expected when he is being out spent by most clubs and has been reducing the wage bill.

Apart from the 11 clubs in the league Lambert has had a larger net spend than since his arrival. :rolleyes:

I'd be interested to see figures to back that up but even if that is accurate then we are currently around about where we should be.

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That figure started out life as a Lambert-basher's fantasy, and has been quoted again and again. Nobody has produced anything whatsoever to back it up. I suspect it has no basis in fact whatsoever, or at least that six of those clubs have been relegated.


As the saying goes, if you tell a lie often enough people start to believe it.

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That figure started out life as a Lambert-basher's fantasy, and has been quoted again and again. Nobody has produced anything whatsoever to back it up. I suspect it has no basis in fact whatsoever, or at least that six of those clubs have been relegated.


As the saying goes, if you tell a lie often enough people start to believe it.


Certainly something you should think about too.

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I'm not sure how much progress can be expected when he is being out spent by most clubs and has been reducing the wage bill.

Apart from the 11 clubs in the league Lambert has had a larger net spend than since his arrival. :rolleyes:

I'd be interested to see figures to back that up but even if that is accurate then we are currently around about where we should be.


Sure, just go back a number of days in this thread and they should be there.


If we finish where we are now (12th) then yes we will be closer to where we should be. Long way too go though!

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That figure started out life as a Lambert-basher's fantasy, and has been quoted again and again. Nobody has produced anything whatsoever to back it up. I suspect it has no basis in fact whatsoever, or at least that six of those clubs have been relegated.


As the saying goes, if you tell a lie often enough people start to believe it.


Certainly something you should think about too.



You're saying I lie? I mean, I do from time to time but I hope you're not suggesting that I'm such a saddo that I tell lies to support Paul Lambert's position as manager. No, you see, my support of Lambert is based on the fact that I think he's not the reason for Aston Villa's problems.

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That figure started out life as a Lambert-basher's fantasy, and has been quoted again and again. Nobody has produced anything whatsoever to back it up. I suspect it has no basis in fact whatsoever, or at least that six of those clubs have been relegated.


As the saying goes, if you tell a lie often enough people start to believe it.

Wrong on the point about no back up as source provided.


Wrong on the point about relegated clubs as I stated I was referring to the current premier league clubs.


What next 100+8=92 ;)

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He has taken it from here I suspect. http://transferleague.co.uk/league-tables/transfer-league-table-last-five-seasons.html


Either way. Still an utterly pointless way of Lambert bashing. 


So, the last FIVE seasons, then :)


Some of us are able to add 3 seasons together - hence why I said from when Lambert took over. :D



Okay, then add them up for us to see, quoting sources, and IF we come out 11th in the spending I'll issue a grovelling apology.


Wait, just in case a grovelling apology isn't enough, I'll throw in your choice of fifty pounds or oral pleasure.

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