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Paul Lambert


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Just back from VP. You can't fault the players attitude tonight in terms of the effort they put in. Defensively we were very good which given we had our two best CB's out was some going. However we invite pressure onto ourselves and it is clearly now a ply of Lambert not to press teams high up the pitch. Much as when we played Man City and held out to late in the game it seemed inevitable that Southampton would score.

In isolation a backs to the wall draw against second place Southampton with a number of players out isn't a bad result. However that is now 8 games without a win and 2 points from 24. Those two recent draws have also been accompanied by some decent defensive displays but dire football when we have the ball.

Happy with the point tonight but I can't let it mask over the fact that we are on a dire run of form playing some dire football. I suppose it is therefore no surprise that there were just 25k in VP tonight which must be the lowest league attendance since the days of O'Leary

Edited by markavfc40
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I'm leaning towards the "get rid in the summer" view.

I'm more leaning towards the "let's see how things are when most of his best players aren't injured or suspended" view.

You've got 100 games to assess.



Okay, I've just performed my assessment: When most of his best players aren't injured or suspended he's actually done pretty well.

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I'm leaning towards the "get rid in the summer" view.

I'm more leaning towards the "let's see how things are when most of his best players aren't injured or suspended" view.
You've got 100 games to assess.

Okay, I've just performed my assessment: When most of his best players aren't injured or suspended he's actually done pretty well.

Excellent. When you can't find an excuse for a game he's done pretty well.

I can see why you're convinced we'll be a good team under him eventually.

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I'm leaning towards the "get rid in the summer" view.

I'm more leaning towards the "let's see how things are when most of his best players aren't injured or suspended" view.

You've got 100 games to assess.



Okay, I've just performed my assessment: When most of his best players aren't injured or suspended he's actually done pretty well.


25k attendance says otherwise and its not just about the injuries. Many fans still go to watch their team with a few injured players?? Your devotion for Lambert seems to hold no boundries, we are a boring defensive team under Lambert, losing crowds by the 10's of thousands but I guess its your opinion and your ofcourse entitled to it!

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I'm leaning towards the "get rid in the summer" view.

I'm more leaning towards the "let's see how things are when most of his best players aren't injured or suspended" view.

You've got 100 games to assess.



Okay, I've just performed my assessment: When most of his best players aren't injured or suspended he's actually done pretty well.



As he? I'd be interested to see some stats back that up. The football as in the main during his tenure been dire regardless of who has been on the pitch and the results during his time obviously speak for themselves.

The injuries we had defensively and the suspension of Benteke doesn't excuse the fact that we simply can't retain possession beyond a few passes. The players he has are good enough to do that. We are now clearly set up to sit back and not press the opposition high up the pitch. NZogbia and Weimann spend more time in their own half helping out the fullback than they do in the opposing one. Westwood and Sanchez are both playing as defensive midfielders. We just invite pressure and it was inevitable Southampton would score. We played a similar way when we played West Ham and like tonight some how escaped with a draw due to an excellent defensive display whilst at the same time doing next to f*ck all when we have the ball.

Edited by markavfc40
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Another low this time the attendance. Why do people still defend him? An awful manager who is very instrumental in the demise of the club . Get rid now , god awful manager who has no right to be stealing a wage from villa still

Another low? Im sure the attendance has been lower. Definitely was in 1999

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I'll be honest, I think all I want is to see us scoring goals and trying to develop a system of football that is sustainable and can evolve. If that needs to take place in the Championship I'm ok with that. Stodgy dour shit football scrapping around in the Premier league, just because it's the premier league depresses me far too much. I don't care about trying to scrap 17th or 12th, and seeing as we can't even beat leyton orient in the cups, cup runs are a waste of time under this delinquent as well. I'm saying it clearly: I would accept relegation if it leads us to trying to play better football. Who gives a shit about the prestige of playing in the top flight alone? It is meaningless to me. Football should be entertaining, it should excite the fans and bring cheer. Save for an arab takeover that is never happening anytime soon, so **** pissing about hoping for that one magic season every ten years when we just about manage to do well enough to finish 6th before pissing away the european games "to focus on the league", **** the intermediate spells of having no other reason to exist other than to avoid the drop ( so soul destroyingly negative ), and let's just play ball. We go down, we go down. I don't care. I just cannot stomach any more of this 1 shot on target / a match crap, inability to hold onto the ball with an alarming lack of capability for rich professionals. Arguing about the merits of 10th or 17th is such sad debate to have. #


All I would like on a weekend is to be able to reasonably expect the eleven players out there to try and score goals and play entertaining football. I don't care what league that happens in. 

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Excellent. When you can't find an excuse for a game he's done pretty well.

I can see why you're convinced we'll be a good team under him eventually.



So having most of your best players injured isn't a reason to do badly, it's just an excuse??


I've got no idea whether we could ever be a good team under Lambert, but if we go on having to play sides who've spent twice as much on a single signing than we have in the whole transfer window we'll probably never get to find out.

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I'll be honest, I think all I want is to see us scoring goals and trying to develop a system of football that is sustainable and can evolve. If that needs to take place in the Championship I'm ok with that. Stodgy dour shit football scrapping around in the Premier league, just because it's the premier league depresses me far too much. I don't care about trying to scrap 17th or 12th, and seeing as we can't even beat leyton orient in the cups, cup runs are a waste of time under this delinquent as well. I'm saying it clearly: I would accept relegation if it leads us to trying to play better football. Who gives a shit about the prestige of playing in the top flight alone? It is meaningless to me. Football should be entertaining, it should excite the fans and bring cheer. Save for an arab takeover that is never happening anytime soon, so **** pissing about hoping for that one magic season every ten years when we just about manage to do well enough to finish 6th before pissing away the european games "to focus on the league", **** the intermediate spells of having no other reason to exist other than to avoid the drop ( so soul destroyingly negative ), and let's just play ball. We go down, we go down. I don't care. I just cannot stomach any more of this 1 shot on target / a match crap, inability to hold onto the ball with an alarming lack of capability for rich professionals. Arguing about the merits of 10th or 17th is such sad debate to have. #


All I would like on a weekend is to be able to reasonably expect the eleven players out there to try and score goals and play entertaining football. I don't care what league that happens in.

I think it's quite brave to come out and say stuff like that coz inevitably some people will call you a bad fan.

IMO it's not . Football has changed dramatically for the worse and completely numbed my enthusiasm for it.

Premiership or Championship is becoming less of an issue for me aswell.

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Your devotion for Lambert seems to hold no boundries, we are a boring defensive team under Lambert, losing crowds by the 10's of thousands but I guess its your opinion and your ofcourse entitled to it!


I'm not the slightest bit devoted to Lambert, except to say that he doesn't deserve the sack.


Sure we're a boring, defensive team under Lambert at the moment, but the two strikers he signed have only played about 60 games between them in three years. Ask Liverpool what life's like without your star striker and best player - and they've still got Sturridge and lots of cash.

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Excellent. When you can't find an excuse for a game he's done pretty well.

I can see why you're convinced we'll be a good team under him eventually.

So having most of your best players injured isn't a reason to do badly, it's just an excuse??

I've got no idea whether we could ever be a good team under Lambert, but if we go on having to play sides who've spent twice as much on a single signing than we have in the whole transfer window we'll probably never get to find out.

Its something that happens in football. To continue to use it time and time again to deflect any blame from the manager after 100 games in charge turns it into a rather boring excuse.

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good point tonight considering the players we had out. Problem getting players back isn't translating into wins - perhaps with the exception of Benteke, but if we had Senderos, Vlaar, Delph back tonight Im not convinced we would have got better than 1-1

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After we went 1 up, is there a single fan who didn't know what would happen next? Defend the edge of our area and hope the opposition don't have the guile to score with their 65+% possession and wave after wave of attacks. It's like groundhog day. We either get drubbed senseless or try to mug a draw or steal a 1 goal victory while hanging on for dear life. 


On top of Lambert's massive collection of 'worst ever' records, can add definitively the worst ever style of football we have played.  


I don't understand how anyone could stick up for him as our manager. Now I only watch out of a sense of duty, not because I want to. It's like a chore, something that you have to do even though you gain no enjoyment from it.


When we are the lowest scorers in Britain, and defending for 90 mins at home to Southampton and scoring with our only shot on target after a shocking mistake by their keeper is seen as some kind of positive, what's the point?


How many 'worst ever' records can one person get before our clueless board realise that he is a toxic shite of a  manager who heaps misery on everyone who cares about our club? They're more likely to give him a 20 year contract and a knighthood than do the right thing though.


I genuinely hate supporting us at the moment. Being a villa fan now, to quote George Orwell, is 'like a boot stamping on a human face, forever'.

well put, i will endorse all of that.

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So having most of your best players injured isn't a reason to do badly, it's just an excuse??

I've got no idea whether we could ever be a good team under Lambert, but if we go on having to play sides who've spent twice as much on a single signing than we have in the whole transfer window we'll probably never get to find out.

Its something that happens in football. To continue to use it time and time again to deflect any blame from the manager after 100 games in charge turns it into a rather boring excuse.



The number of games is irrelevant. What's true for one game is true for a hundred. It's not as if he's had cash to spend to replace the injured players.

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good point tonight considering the players we had out. Problem getting players back isn't translating into wins - perhaps with the exception of Benteke, but if we had Senderos, Vlaar, Delph back tonight Im not convinced we would have got better than 1-1


i agree, except it may not be such a good point in how poor Southampton played.


Its a toss up of views.

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