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Paul Lambert


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I'm sure every other manager in the league other than Lambert knows our strengths and weaknesses


Especially when we don't make any changes and play the same team and system week in week out


I bet they give their scouts the weekend off

Edited by AshVilla
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I'm sure every other manager in the league other than Lambert knows our strengths and weaknesses

Especially when we don't make any changes and play the same team and system week in week out

I bet they give their scouts the weekend off

Not a single one of your three suppositions there is true.

It amazes me how two people can reach the same conclusion but in completely different ways.

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I'm sure every other manager in the league other than Lambert knows our strengths and weaknesses

Especially when we don't make any changes and play the same team and system week in week out

I bet they give their scouts the weekend off

Not a single one of your three suppositions there is true.

It amazes me how two people can reach the same conclusion but in completely different ways.



Agreed. Baffles the life out of me.

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A few pages ago it was suggested that one reason for sticking with Lambert, even now, is that he knows the players and therefore knows their strengths and weaknesses. But that knowledge isn't helping him to get the most out of them on the pitch, so what good is it doing us?

None whatsoever is the obvious and frankly only logical conclusion.

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A journalist in Ireland was on the radio last night and he said that he was talking to someone who worked under Lambert (Wes Hoolahan) and he said that Lambert doesn't do a lot of tactical work on the training ground. Not exactly something we didn't know but it doesn't inspire confidence that this guy can keep us up.

Yet he has done so far, strange

He has been fortunate that there have been some really shite teams in the premier league the last couple of years, he certainly hasnt kept us up by being a tactical genius has he?

I dont get this argument.  You see the flip side to it is that we were better than teams in the league and finished above them,  ie you can only beat what's in front of you


Yet he has done so far, strange


I disagree. I don't remember us being able to change tactics during games or being anything other than a one dimensional counter attacking team. The change to passing football was a panic move to try to stop having 35% (and less) possession in games. So far this change has been a spectacular disaster and Lambert seems unable to make adjustments or even get us to score a goal.


he certainly hasnt kept us up by being a tactical genius has he?


More luck than judgement IMO and I think his luck could run out this season.

You need to re read your post and my reply to it.  You said you had no confidence in him keeping us up,  I said he has managed to so far.  That is a factual statement to say you disagree suggests we have been relegated in the last two years,  we have not

I know of someone who was a successful burglar but in the end he got caught. Past history is just that and the fact that Paul has kept us up the last 2 seasons is no guarantee that he will again. The fact we are again in a relegation battle is a sad indictment on his tenure.

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A journalist in Ireland was on the radio last night and he said that he was talking to someone who worked under Lambert (Wes Hoolahan) and he said that Lambert doesn't do a lot of tactical work on the training ground. Not exactly something we didn't know but it doesn't inspire confidence that this guy can keep us up.

Yet he has done so far, strange
He has been fortunate that there have been some really shite teams in the premier league the last couple of years, he certainly hasnt kept us up by being a tactical genius has he?
I dont get this argument.  You see the flip side to it is that we were better than teams in the league and finished above them,  ie you can only beat what's in front of you



Yet he has done so far, strange


I disagree. I don't remember us being able to change tactics during games or being anything other than a one dimensional counter attacking team. The change to passing football was a panic move to try to stop having 35% (and less) possession in games. So far this change has been a spectacular disaster and Lambert seems unable to make adjustments or even get us to score a goal.


he certainly hasnt kept us up by being a tactical genius has he?


More luck than judgement IMO and I think his luck could run out this season.

You need to re read your post and my reply to it.  You said you had no confidence in him keeping us up,  I said he has managed to so far.  That is a factual statement to say you disagree suggests we have been relegated in the last two years,  we have not

I know of someone who was a successful burglar but in the end he got caught. Past history is just that and the fact that Paul has kept us up the last 2 seasons is no guarantee that he will again. The fact we are again in a relegation battle is a sad indictment on his tenure.


Yes dicing with relegation every season is a bit like playing 'chicken' on a busy motorway, eventually you will get hit.


Coventry City flirted quite frequently and eventually went down and look where they are now.


No decent manager would repeatedly have his team in a relegation fight. It shows a severe lack of competence.

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It will achieve not much to be honest.  He is here for the rest of the season at least.

I have to agree with you on both those points.


Personally I don't boo the team or any individual player at anytime as it's clearly counter productive to a team short on confidence. I think it is OK to boo at the end of the game and even protest (I make a personal choice and don't but thats just me) but we should support the team during the game. Taking the example of Cleverley and in previous seasons Bennett what is the point on jeering and being on the case of an individual player? Cleverley is struggling but I for one think there is a decent player there who is not playing to his capabilities. I seem to recall Petrov was very poor in his first season as was Downing and both came good.


As for Lambert I would dearly like to see us get a new manager just to bring in fresh ideas and build some confidence. Of course it's a huge risk but frankly so is retaining Lambert. The owner has to make that choice and why I agree with your second observation Richard is that I think (wrongly IMO) Lerner will stick with him.


I do disagree however with your final observation namely 'at least'. If we go down and I personally think we will his position is untenable but if by some miracle we stay up it will be only just and after three seasons of just surviving his position is equally untenable IMO.


For the record I would not insult your intelligence by suggesting that your position is somehow wrong nor would I try to persuade you to change it ( although I would concede I have been over zealous in my past responses to you - apologies for that!). I don't agree with you and have said so in other posts (and that comes from a former firm Lambert supporter). In some ways I hope you are right and I am wrong and we survive with Lambert this season.


Happy to eat a large piece of humble pie if that happens. :)

Edited by Harry
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It will achieve not much to be honest.  He is here for the rest of the season at least.


 I have to agree with you on both those points.


Personally I don't boo the team or any individual player at anytime as it's clearly counter productive to a team short on confidence. I think it is OK to boo at the end of the game and even protest (I make a personal choice and don't but thats just me) but we should support the team during the game. Taking the example of Cleverley and in previous seasons Bennett what is the point on jeering and being on the case of an individual player? Cleverley is struggling but I for one think there is a decent player there who is not playing to his capabilities. I seem to recall Petrov was very poor in his first season as was Downing and both came good.


As for Lambert I would dearly like to see us get a new manager just to bring in fresh ideas and build some confidence. Of course it's a huge risk but frankly so is retaining Lambert. The owner has to make that choice and why I agree with your second observation Richard is that I think (wrongly IMO) Lerner will stick with him.


I do disagree however with your final observation namely 'at least'. If we go down and I personally think we will his position is untenable but if by some miracle we stay up it will be only just and after three seasons of just surviving his position is equally untenable IMO.


For the record I would not insult your intelligence by trying to persuade you to change your view (although I would accept that I have been over zealous in some of my responses to your posts for which I apologise). I don't agree with you and have said so in other posts (and that comes from a former firm Lambert supporter).


In some ways I hope you are right and I am wrong and we survive with Lambert this season. Happy to eat a large piece of humble pie if that happens.  :)


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Leicester, QPR, Hull, Burnley, Albion etc. will all be looking at who are the 3 teams shitter than them and I bet every one of them has looked at the fact that we have managed only 11 goals so far this season and have the worst goal difference and concluded that we are one of the 3 shitter teams and most likely to go down.

It is an absolute disgrace and Paul Lambert is very much to blame for our situation and he should be told so by the fans that pay their money to watch rubbish and be depressed every week.

You do that then. I won't be, nor will I be protesting. I also reserve the right to feel embarrassed by you.




Why would you be embarrassed at those protesting?


You see what I don't get is the fact that so many fans are totally against protesting because of the idea it will have a detrimental affect on the team. Yet let's be honest here, most fans that go aren't neccessarily supporting the team either because most of the time the atmosphere is flat anyway, only a small minority sing or try to get the rest going. I think fans have a right to protest if needed without it being frowned upon or looked on as embarrassing. The bottom line is, those that do indeed eventually snap, will have after being unbelievably patient for a long time. After realising something drastically needs to change.


And what about those that go and suggest they are supporting mearly because they turn up, yet sit there thoughout the game hardly saying a word or singing a song, raising the noise level, are they embarrassing?


At the end of the day we live in a democracy whether arguements or protests are warranted is to be decided eventually by the majority and as been happenening for centuries for what ever reason. I guess eventually the majority in our case will snap and protest. Also most fans I would guess don't neccessarily look at themselves as a fan but more part of the club as the club is part of them. Some people care enough to voice their concerns for something they genuinely love. Personally I call it passion and find it amazing how others can look on it as embarrassing or anything other than a genuine care for the club.


This isn't a personal dig doug but I am genuinely curious as to why you and others would find a protest uncalled for, embarrassing, or whatever detrimental? Maybe actually a small but affective protest by all or the majority may pull the players together and not neccessarily make them fold - just a thought. 

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I've said it before and I'll say it again. You want Lerner to act? Then stop going to games. Next 2,3 games with less than 20k attendance and Lambert is sacked.

No chance.

Attendance will never be that low or he won't sack him? Or both?!



I don't think Lerner will act until the end of the season at the earliest, even with sub 20k attendances, which I also don't think will happen.

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How do you truly know a protest will be detrimental? How do you know that the pressure of the crowd won't eventually force the owner into making changes to the management and maybe giving us a chance to stay up should things get worse than what they are? Maybe Lerner will change his stance and expectancy level of the manager. And I think everyone understands the situation perfectly. If something doesn't change we will go down for the first time in nearly 30 years.


In my own opinion I don't see that after 3 years of absolute garbage football anyone will think toy's are being thrown from the pram. Most will think about time! 


I don't give a crap about the media either and like you care about what the players think however this isn't about the players it's about the manager/owner. I think that the players can differentiate between themselves and the manager.

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I tell you one thing, my F***** toys will be thrown out the pram if we go down this season. I will be Livid and even though Lerner may be the culprit in it all. I certainly wouldn't enjoy being in Lambert's shoes last day of the season. He will need armed guard off the pitch!!

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I tell you one thing, my F***** toys will be thrown out the pram if we go down this season. I will be Livid and even though Lerner may be the culprit in it all. I certainly wouldn't enjoy being in Lambert's shoes last day of the season. He will need armed guard off the pitch!!

He should be given hell even if we just manage to survive. The fact that he has dangled us over the edge of the cliff yet again is, in my belief, an absolute disgrace.

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I tell you one thing, my F***** toys will be thrown out the pram if we go down this season. I will be Livid and even though Lerner may be the culprit in it all. I certainly wouldn't enjoy being in Lambert's shoes last day of the season. He will need armed guard off the pitch!!

He should be given hell even if we just manage to survive. The fact that he has dangled us over the edge of the cliff yet again is, in my belief, an absolute disgrace.

After the final whistle on the final day, all bets are off. Or when we are mathematically safe even, if that happens. Totally fine with that.

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How do you truly know a protest will be detrimental? How do you know that the pressure of the crowd won't eventually force the owner into making changes to the management and maybe giving us a chance to stay up should things get worse than what they are? Maybe Lerner will change his stance and expectancy level of the manager. And I think everyone understands the situation perfectly. If something doesn't change we will go down for the first time in nearly 30 years.

In my own opinion I don't see that after 3 years of absolute garbage football anyone will think toy's are being thrown from the pram. Most will think about time!

I don't give a crap about the media either and like you care about what the players think however this isn't about the players it's about the manager/owner. I think that the players can differentiate between themselves and the manager.

He won't sack him. A protest can ONLY be detrimental.

Every. Single. Game. Counts. Every moment, every kick. We cannot take that kind of risk. Full support is the only option, which is why after almost two years of staying away (lots of reasons by the way) I don't intend to miss a game if I can help it from now until the end.

This is MY club and I don't want to see her put in any more jeopardy than she already is.

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