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Paul Lambert


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Still don't understand the personal abuse. Makes me cringe.

You're grown men.

Abuse? I've never seen any abuse in here. People wanting him out yes, but no abuse.


You're not looking very hard.

Edited by Stevo985
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The football prior to the advent of the 'new style' certainly needed to be expanded upon but low-block, counter-attacking football was at least effective against superior footballing sides...kind of like Arsenal. Now we don't even do it for these games. This manager really doesn't have any clue what he is doing.

It's a foolish idea to alter the playing style mid-season, especially in the Premiership. I think this upcoming summer would've been a much better time to adopt a new style of play. However, I am clinging onto a faint hope that we'll click and start winning again this season.


I also get the impression that this change in style is chiefly Tom Fox's idea, not Lambert's. Maybe Lambert isn't fully comfortable with this possession based football?


Genuine question, not a dig: what gives you that impression?

Why would I consider that to be a dig?  :wacko:

Tempers were frayed around here yesterday and I just wanted to make sure nobody thought I was trying to wind you up.

Firstly, my impression has no factual basis - it's only a hunch or a feeling, I'm probably totally wrong. But it seems strange that Lambert would insist on changing our style half way through the season. Personally I see this as an idea put forward by Fox, possibly trying to change the perception of the club (nothing wrong with that IMO) - helping to move us forward.


BTW, I do think Lambert would've had the final say on any such change.

I admit that such a sudden shift in play-style took me by surprise. At the time it was put down to his visit to Guardiola, but I suppose that visit might have been prompted by an order to change style from on high rather than a personal desire to change style. But like you said, there's no way to confirm our deny this, and if it was an attempt to make us more marketable then I don't think it's working.
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I know he can't be totally honest in his interviews as he needs maintain a positive outlook but his interviews are becoming more fairytale by the game. How he thinks we were in it for 60 minutes is bizarre, yes I know the scoreline gave us a chance at that point but the game certainly didn't. I know nothing will change in terms of his job status so where do we go from here?!?!

Isn't that pretty much what he said though?

He said we weren't good enough, but while it was 1-0 we were "in the game"

I took that to mean we could still sneak something from it, not that we were as good as Arsenal.

Interesting to hear a different perspective on what he said, I took it as we were competitive with Arsenal and I struggle hear him in the fashion you have interpreted but I will take back my objection if he meant it that way.
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I know he can't be totally honest in his interviews as he needs maintain a positive outlook but his interviews are becoming more fairytale by the game. How he thinks we were in it for 60 minutes is bizarre, yes I know the scoreline gave us a chance at that point but the game certainly didn't. I know nothing will change in terms of his job status so where do we go from here?!?!

Isn't that pretty much what he said though?

He said we weren't good enough, but while it was 1-0 we were "in the game"

I took that to mean we could still sneak something from it, not that we were as good as Arsenal.

Interesting to hear a different perspective on what he said, I took it as we were competitive with Arsenal and I struggle hear him in the fashion you have interpreted but I will take back my objection if he meant it that way.


I only listened to it once.


But like I said, the entire interview was very negative from lambert, so it seems strange that people are picking up on something they can interpret as positive just to have a go at him.

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It was 30 years Mikey!


Look I know my stance is not a popular one and I appreciate that I may be in a shrinking minority ,  perhaps even a minority of one but to be honest if you believe in something and have some principles about it it is difficult to abandon it isnt it?  I believe in Lambert.  i like the bloke and I really think given the right circumstances he would be a great manager for us. In addition as a club we are a bit of a shambles and yes the playing side has a bit to do with that but the playing side is greatly influenced by the non playing side it pervades everything we do and are as a club.  We also need some stability in terms off the managing of the club,  and again I appreciate we have had 2 and a half years of the same manager and things have not seemingly improved but I do not believe that changing him now will improve or mak much difference and I truly believe that there is no one out there to the standard that will appease the fan base and work under the shit that Paul has had to deal with,  or be prepared to work under that shit.  People turned this club down before Paul took the job those people will not have changed their minds.  So I think a removal now will lead to either a stop gap short term appointment or a young up and coming risk which is basically what Paul was.  


Paul Lambert has managed to avoid relegation here in each of his years with us and I truly believe we will do so again this year.  And yes some people will say "only because there are three worse teams" well that's a "false narrative" for me because there is nothing to say we couldn't have been worse than them is there?  We were better than them


I also accept that these expectations are alien to us as a club and to a lot of the fan base.  We are Aston Villa we should be competing at the top end of the table.  That';s not me saying that that's jamie Carragher yesterday.  Unfortunately though this is where we are as a club right now under this owner.  We are that club fighting for scraps ensuring first and foremost we stay in the league and that club will get inconsistent results,  will get more defeats than wins.  Steve Bruce the other day said ten wins is what they look for,  ten wins and you stay in the league.  That's us.  


Sure the lack of goals is a big big problem for us and somewhat embarrassing ,  but you know what as long as we get ten wins and stay in the league I couldnt give a shit.  Thats the club we are and thats what Lambert has been working under.  I sometimes feel that all the angst on here and all the bad feeling is not down to the manager or the results but a little bit driven by the fact that people do not accept what stage we are as a club right now and I know people will disagree with that and this may be highlighted in reply so let me say this is my opinion right or wrong.  


So I guess in summary I do not believe changing the manager right now will make on iota of difference,  positive difference.  I believe it will be a retrograde step.  I believe right now Lambert is the right manager for us and results and performances do not back that up admittedly,  if we were looking at a club aiming for top 8 that is. 


But you know what supporting a football club is more than just looking at statistics,  yes it is a results driven business but there was a time when I was growing up it was also a little bit about faith and hope and to be honest I'm still clinging to them


Richard you are entitled to your opinion and you set out why you hold it very eloquently, I like you and the other posters who are still behind him, want Lambert to be a success at our club, Sadly I cannot see it turning out that way.


He has the best players he has ever had in his time here, however they do not appear to have a clue how to win a game of football. They are static, No movement, no runs off the ball, no leadership.


While I agree that the pundits are looking for an easy story you cannot argue with some of the things they say about us. I personally cannot see us scoring 20 goals this season which will probably give Lambert the full set of records that hopefully will never be beaten. Unless he does something to change the way we play we will be relegated - if you dont score you dont win and unless our defence improve dramatically on yesterdays performance we will struggle to get another 10 points. 


Both you and I are old enough to remember Billy McNeil's days and sadly it all looks to familiar.

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With or against Lambert, sacking him now would be foolish and finding a replacement would be like playing dice with our future.



If your going to talk in dice terms then given our results and performances under Lambert over the last 19 games ( half a season) then you'd have to say he'd equate to a one.


Now of course we could throw the dice and throw another one or we could throw the dice and throw a two, three, four ,five or six. Even with Lerner throwing the dice I'll take my chances on another manager doing better.

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A new man is a big gamble... but we might not go down.


Lambert is taking us down with certainty for me.


I wouldn't say for certain as there are some piss poor teams below us, and we could find our goal scoring form.


However, I think our squad is better than a good 8 teams in the league and another manager should be able to get them playing much better than Lambert is.

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Mark Bosnich believes the time is fast approaching for Paul Lambert to 'do the right thing' and call it quits, link


I totally agree with Bosnich.


Koeman has achieved far more at Southampton and they are not exactly littered with top class internationals. Lambert is totally out of his depth and is a very poor excuse for a football manager.

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With or against Lambert, sacking him now would be foolish and finding a replacement would be like playing dice with our future.

But surely sticking with him is just as big a gamble? For the last two seasons we've done just enough to avoid relegation and this season we're worse off than were at the same point last season. Every decision it's a dice roll but the odds of a replacement getting more out of this team than Lambert is seem pretty good.

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Even if by some miracle he turn's it round at the club, I can't forgive the man for his hand in what has happened to our club, yeah sure he's been dealt a sh#te hand at times but frankly he's sucked the life out of my enjoyment in supporting and made me feel despondent about our club. I cannot and will not forgive or attend a game while this man takes charge of our club, I'd say a lot of fans feel the same and even if we get a replacement at least in the short term if will give us fans a fresh start and frankly we need it, for me he's toxic and I just can't stand him.

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To quote Mark


In the last 19 league games, what constitutes half a season, we have taken 13 points, scored 7 goals and conceded 29

How unlucky would we have to be to find someone who couldnt at least do better than this?

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Even if by some miracle he turn's it round at the club, I can't forgive the man for his hand in what has happened to our club, yeah sure he's been dealt a sh#te hand at times but frankly he's sucked the life out of my enjoyment in supporting and made me feel despondent about our club. I cannot and will not forgive or attend a game while this man takes charge of our club, I'd say a lot of fans feel the same and even if we get a replacement at least in the short term if will give us fans a fresh start and frankly we need it, for me he's toxic and I just can't stand him.

I agree, Lambert has done more to take the enjoyment out of supporting Villa than McLeish and O'Leary combined. He truly is up among the worst managers ever to be employed at AVFC.

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I am old enough to remember the Turner/McNeill years, and these are just as bad in my opinion. The lack of goals is a disgrace, and I think the guy has no clue how to change it. He is just out of his depth as the job is too big for him and he looks like a broken man. I think it is best for all parties that he leaves, for us as a club and for him so he can possibly resurect his career at a lower club before it is too late.


Unfortunately I think as a club we should have removed him about a month ago, and given a new manager the window to bring some players in. I think we have left it too late to do anything now, so we are probably going to struggle to find a manager who is willing to come in and try to save us with no option to buy a player in. So for now, I think we are stuck with him until the end of the season. We need to pray for a miracle and that the team can find a way to grind out the odd victory here and there to get us over the line. I am sick of this every year! Lerner and Lambert Out!

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The questions I would genuinely love answered by those that back him are these. Do you think he has assembled a decent squad of players? if you do then do you believe that he is getting anything like the best out of them?

You see I don't think you can answer yes to both the above. I believe he has assembled a good squad of players and deserves praise for that. I can't though on the one hand say that without then seeing that he isn't getting anything out of them. Our results over the last 19 games haven't just been poor they have been absolutely diabolical.



Mark I have no problems with you or the opinion you hold mate you back it up each and every time fairly and do not post on poster at all.


Sorry for quoting this bit of your post only but it has the question that I have seen a lot on here recently and it is one that I guess does need answering.  But you see for me it isnt that black and white.  Yes I believe he has assembled a really good squad given the money made available to him.  BUT when did he assemble it? 3 years ago? two years ago or just recently?


Only in the last few weeks has he been able to recruit or afford to recruit some creativity in areas we have been crying out for but which he has had to overlook for a while while he sorted out other parts of the team.


He came into this season with key players injured or in contractual dispute and even now injuries still exist and ,  arguably,  his best player is out of form having had a stop start season.  He does not have the luxury of being able to drop that player (hopefully that changes today) and Benteke is expected to play through it when the lad himself could probably want the break.


I know this looks like a cop out and yes in football nothing is perfect,  all squads have to contend with injuries etc.  I would just say for us it is worse given the lack of resources we have to strengthen and the fact that our players have to be at their best all the time. 


So yes he has built a really good squad but I dont think he has had the chance to use that yet in the way it should and I would just like to see the rest of the season with his best squad.  Assembled it yes but results for me dont just then suddenly happen.  


Some will see that as a cop out or not a valid reason,  fine but it's my reason!

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