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As much as I want Lambert out aswell an issue here is this



I'm sure there are still some people who are using the "I don't think anyone could do better in the circumstances" excuse, which is frankly defeatist drivel. I'd take anyone as manger over Lambert now. Just to win a game or score a couple of goals would be classed as a significant step forward from the dire football we are currently witnessing. The fans have been wonderfully forgiving towards Lambert and his failings but surely time is now running out. We need to act so someone can come in, steady the ship and move us forward.


We were saying this at the end of McLeish season "there's no one else who could do a worse job than this." Well we signed a bloke who on the face of it did a brilliant job at Norwich and after two years of relegation battles we're now scoring even less than a McLeish team which is frankly incredible.


If their is a worse manager out there, this board will probably appoint him.

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we've been here before though and nothing happens, it feels like even relegation wouldn't get Lambert sacked!

The one hope is that he is still yet to really get the 'McLeish treatment' from the home fans. If that starts happening, then it might even make his position untenable in the eyes of the board.



I'd imagine that is not too far away. I said last night that the Liverpool game is the worst possible game Lambert could have at home. This isn't a geat Liverpool side by any stretch of the imagination but one that given our current run of poor form and clueless approach then it is a game we are very unlikely to get anything from. Being Liverpool and a 3pm Saturday kick off it will be a big crowd in VP and I fear come full time or even during the final embers of the game then Lambert will be getting dogs abuse and feel the full wrath of a Villa Park crowd just as McLeish did agaisnt Bolton. Whether that will be enough to put the final nail in his coffin is up for debate but for what it is worth then I believe it could well be.



I hope your right Mark. I feel is very much make or break now. Unlike the last 2 years the lack of goals or creativity this season is a real cause for concern. IMO we will be lucky to get 30 goals after 38 games(19 in 17 games) which for any team is poor, no matter what the circumstances.


I believe we have got to the stage now where the time for discussing Lamberts failings as our manager has passed. It's all about quick decisive action now in order to steady what is becoming a very rocky situation. Flirting with relegation year after year will lead to only one outcome imo.

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I love how in a recent interview lambert comes out and says 'we must start winning' and then in the very next game we lose to the team that are bottom of the league.

He really should stop taking part in press conferences/interviews because it's realllly embarrassing!

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I'd imagine that is not too far away. I said last night that the Liverpool game is the worst possible game Lambert could have at home. This isn't a geat Liverpool side by any stretch of the imagination but one that given our current run of poor form and clueless approach then it is a game we are very unlikely to get anything from. Being Liverpool and a 3pm Saturday kick off it will be a big crowd in VP and I fear come full time or even during the final embers of the game then Lambert will be getting dogs abuse and feel the full wrath of a Villa Park crowd just as McLeish did agaisnt Bolton. Whether that will be enough to put the final nail in his coffin is up for debate but for what it is worth then I believe it could well be.

I hope that happens, to be honest. It's pretty unsavoury but desperate times and all that.

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Ha I can understand people being Pissed off and wanting Lambert gone but I think all the hate and protests would be better directed towards Randy Lerner, he really does get away with murder from the majority of fans. So let's say he sacks Lambert and gets in a replacement who is given the same budget and we are struggling still. Does the new manager have to take all the hate and protests then or does Lerner finally get what he deserves from the fans?

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We get all this talk of a new manager after every bad result (or even good result in the case of Blackpool) but nothing changes whether we want it to or not. But really think we need some good news this week, would be nice to get a new Assistant in and maybe a signing or two to change the mood for the Liverpool game.

Edited by useless
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Lambert himself has stated that the negative chanting against him during and after games does have a negative effect on the team. Now he and those above him will know only two things can change that. One is a big upturn in results and performances and another is a change in manager.

Those that think that he is teflon and won't be sacked regardless of what happens are wrong in my opinion. Season after season of poor results is more often than not enough but in this case perhaps not, big drops in home attendances due to dire football being served up is often enough to see a manger booted out or a poisonous atmosphere at games and anti manager chanting will also contribute to a manager being shown the door. We are now seeing all three of the above and sooner rather than later even Lerner will acknowledge enough is enough and he will be sacked or perhaps even Lambert will throw the towel in himself. One thing is for certain is that this cannot be allowed to continue. The owner is going no where soon so in the short to medium term we will not see a return to us competing in the top 8. A change in manager will though in the short term at least offer the chance of a positive boost it desperately needs.

Lerner will be relatively immune to the criticism and can stay holeed up in the USA hoping someone will come in and buy the club....eventually.

However Lambert may crack and walk if the fans massively turn against him at home games. He has lost the majority of away fans but despite the Palace and Sunderland results, the boos at the end of each game were relatively muted and there was little negative chanting during the games. It will interesting to see what happens v Liverpool if the game is going badly for us. If we carry on like this and drop into the relegation zone, you would expect the fans to turn but you never know nowadays. There is a lack of passion both on and off the pitch.

Edited by MikeMcKenna
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We get all this talk of a new manager after every bad result (or even good result in the case of Blackpool) but nothing changes whether we want it to or not. But really think we need some good news this week, would be nice to get a new Assistant in and maybe a signing or two to change the mood for the Liverpool game.

It's gone too far.  We could sign an assistant, sinclair and Gill and i'd still want him gone.  Nothing is going to change while he remains as manager.  3 years and nothing, time and money would just be continued to be wasted with him in charge of this club.

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Ha I can understand people being Pissed off and wanting Lambert gone but I think all the hate and protests would be better directed towards Randy Lerner, he really does get away with murder from the majority of fans. So let's say he sacks Lambert and gets in a replacement who is given the same budget and we are struggling still. Does the new manager have to take all the hate and protests then or does Lerner finally get what he deserves from the fans?


I think there are many of us who believe Lambert has assembled a decent squad with the funds he has had. A team that is capable of much more positive football than on display. Therefore for me Randy Lerner isn't to blame for the lack of decent football at VP, Lambert is. Lerner isn't faultless though but currently we have no sway with him staying or going, we do however have a big say over Lambert continuing in his role.

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Lambert himself has stated that the negative chanting against him during and after games does have a negative effect on the team. Now he and those above him will know only two things can change that. One is a big upturn in results and performances and another is a change in manager.

Those that think that he is teflon and won't be sacked regardless of what happens are wrong in my opinion. Season after season of poor results is more often than not enough but in this case perhaps not, big drops in home attendances due to dire football being served up is often enough to see a manger booted out or a poisonous atmosphere at games and anti manager chanting will also contribute to a manager being shown the door. We are now seeing all three of the above and sooner rather than later even Lerner will acknowledge enough is enough and he will be sacked or perhaps even Lambert will throw the towel in himself. One thing is for certain is that this cannot be allowed to continue. The owner is going no where soon so in the short to medium term we will not see a return to us competing in the top 8. A change in manager will though in the short term at least offer the chance of a positive boost it desperately needs.

There is no way he will leave voluntarily, that won't look good on him and will also affect any future employment. The only way he could go would be to the lower leagues again and he won't want that.

We all know Lerner won't sack him. He barely sacked McLeish and that was only once the season had finished and things started to get really really nasty. (Thinking Bolton at home).

We are just going to have to persevere. I think it may mean we are relegated, but, at least we will have some continuity :)

Edited by Tayls
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Ha I can understand people being Pissed off and wanting Lambert gone but I think all the hate and protests would be better directed towards Randy Lerner, he really does get away with murder from the majority of fans. So let's say he sacks Lambert and gets in a replacement who is given the same budget and we are struggling still. Does the new manager have to take all the hate and protests then or does Lerner finally get what he deserves from the fans?

I think there are many of us who believe Lambert has assembled a decent squad with the funds he has had. A team that is capable of much more positive football than on display. Therefore for me Randy Lerner isn't to blame for the lack of decent football at VP, Lambert is. Lerner isn't faultless though but currently we have no sway with him staying or going, we do however have a big say over Lambert continuing in his role.

Fair enough I just struggle to see any good way out under Lerner and would be more worried about who he would get to replace Lambert than sticking with Lambert.
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Ha I can understand people being Pissed off and wanting Lambert gone but I think all the hate and protests would be better directed towards Randy Lerner, he really does get away with murder from the majority of fans. So let's say he sacks Lambert and gets in a replacement who is given the same budget and we are struggling still. Does the new manager have to take all the hate and protests then or does Lerner finally get what he deserves from the fans?

I think there are many of us who believe Lambert has assembled a decent squad with the funds he has had. A team that is capable of much more positive football than on display. Therefore for me Randy Lerner isn't to blame for the lack of decent football at VP, Lambert is. Lerner isn't faultless though but currently we have no sway with him staying or going, we do however have a big say over Lambert continuing in his role.

Fair enough I just struggle to see any good way out under Lerner and would be more worried about who he would get to replace Lambert than sticking with Lambert.


 That'd be because Lerner has an appalling track record of appointing managers.

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The problem with saying that fan protests/discontent should be levelled at Lerner is that we cannot force him out so they are completely pointless. In fact, Lerner has put the club up for sale as we wanted. The fact that nobody is interested in purchasing the club from him is something that he has no control over.

In the meantime, he does have control over replacing this manager - a manager that most (for the time being anyway) accept isn't doing anywhere near an acceptable enough job.

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To those supporters that are criticising The protesters of the "Lambert out" brigade....don' t feel obliged to claim the moral high ground.

Whether he is a good manager or not....this scenario cannot continue without putting the future of the club in jeopardy.

They are no more certain than we are ,that change will be better.....but just remember, if you do the same things, you get the same results.

I believe,It is time for bold decisions to be made, before it's too late.

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Its gone far enough, lets not worry about who he is going to be replaced with, lets just get him out, I hate all the negative chanting and booing at VP, but he has had it easy and we have gave him long enough. The only way he is going to get sacked is if the fans turn, if we play shite against Liverplop the chants will begin and if I was there I would now join in.

Yes leaner shouldn't get away scot free, but we have no bearing on him leaving, but when it gets to this stage with Lambert the only way we can show we have had enough is to let ourselves be heard at VP and there after.

Its harsh, but its down to us now if we want him out. 

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Ha I can understand people being Pissed off and wanting Lambert gone but I think all the hate and protests would be better directed towards Randy Lerner, he really does get away with murder from the majority of fans. So let's say he sacks Lambert and gets in a replacement who is given the same budget and we are struggling still. Does the new manager have to take all the hate and protests then or does Lerner finally get what he deserves from the fans?

I think there are many of us who believe Lambert has assembled a decent squad with the funds he has had. A team that is capable of much more positive football than on display. Therefore for me Randy Lerner isn't to blame for the lack of decent football at VP, Lambert is. Lerner isn't faultless though but currently we have no sway with him staying or going, we do however have a big say over Lambert continuing in his role.

Fair enough I just struggle to see any good way out under Lerner and would be more worried about who he would get to replace Lambert than sticking with Lambert.



Hopefully the good way out under Lerner will be selling us to an ambitious owner in the future. The time for worrying about who will replace Lambert is gone imo, and the reason for that is because what are we really replacing? Lets be fair here, we aren't excactly lighting up the division with attacking football and just unlucky. We are boring the shit out of anyone who bothers to watch us, we are fast becoming the easy touch for teams, and we are whether people like it or not, sinking under Lambert.


We have nothing to lose anymore! And I honestly believe any fresh change of manager will improve us from our current position. With the 3 games we have coming up I would sacrifice the results and use the time to seek out alternative solutions if not done already. I would at this point rather go down fighting than watch on idle not reacting to the situation.


I think any decent manager out there would look at the club and the playing staff and believe they could do better than the current shambes and increase their own stock in the process. Even if only for the short to medium term.

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The moment we go a goal down against Liverpool on Saturday the atmosphere is going to be toxic at best. Really don't think there's any way back for Lambert now. He couldn't have wished for a better fixture list over the Xmas break to bring Benteke back into the side and get him scoring, yet he's failed miserably.  We go into 3 tough games now where it's unlikely we will score again. No one wants to be at Villa Park with an awful atmosphere, whether it's the fans or the players, the only way to get the fans backing the team now is to either win games or change the manager. Seeing as Lambert has struggled to win games in his 3 years as manager I think sacking him is the only answer now. 

Edited by PieFacE
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Ha I can understand people being Pissed off and wanting Lambert gone but I think all the hate and protests would be better directed towards Randy Lerner, he really does get away with murder from the majority of fans. So let's say he sacks Lambert and gets in a replacement who is given the same budget and we are struggling still. Does the new manager have to take all the hate and protests then or does Lerner finally get what he deserves from the fans?

Let's say Lerner gives him the money you suggest and it still stays the same.....Benteke is supposed to be one if our star players and he has been poor in the main since his return....Okore has been playing reasonable since his return only being thrown in as emergency before having thoughts about leaving, because of his omission.

Lerner's lack of financial support cannot be dismissed, but there are so many factors contributing to our concerns on the pitch that lend themselves to the manager.

There are many fans who believe the team individually are good enough already, so that alone would negate the owner.

I would suspect every fan/manager wants their club to spend more.....my argument is there are plenty of factors at fault in other area's

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