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Paul Lambert


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I believe I have already given my reply to these questions (twice) but just in case you missed it I'll summarise below:


1. Win more than half our home games.

2. Finish at least 12th.

3. Play more entertaining football.



So if 1 and 2 happen but 3 doesn't, he goes?


1 and 2 won't happen if 3 doesn't happen and you have witnessed that yourself already this season.



I'd consider 3 not to be happening... but 2 is and 1 could do.


I'd say it's not too farfetched to assume 1 and 2 may occur without playing "entertaining" football. (Although, to be honest, winning more than half our home games is going to be a stretch).

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Not trying to insult anyone, the way the poll is worded, especially seeing as there's another option to stay judgement til Jan, suggests getting rid of him now. Canning him after 5 unbeaten games with us showing signs of progress is a bit suicidal in my view. Waiting until Jan might be a more sensible reflection of your position?

My faith in him as a manager is such, that it'll take him doing it over a season for me to even consider giving him another chance. My problem with him is that I have no belief that he possesses the capabilities to achieve anything in the long-term. I don't rate him as a coach, tactician or youth developer. Rather, I find him to be terribly retrograde and no more progressive than his predecessor or his spiritual mentor. So yeah, there is quite a lot that he'd need to improve on (over a long period) for me to hold any other position than wanting him gone with immediate effect.



Really though? Immediate effect? What happens then?

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Now who's getting carried away?! 25/26 points for 1 Jan, is after we've played everyone once, halfway. So I really doubt we'd go 19 games without getting a point.

Make your mind up. Firstly you say 'in' January now you are going on about 1st January.


I also really doubt we would go 19 games without picking up a point but my point is that I have witnessed over 100 games under Lambert so why would I change my mind about him based on just the last 5 games and the 4 games to come (if we are working on your 1st January theory)?

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I believe I have already given my reply to these questions (twice) but just in case you missed it I'll summarise below:


1. Win more than half our home games.

2. Finish at least 12th.

3. Play more entertaining football.



So if 1 and 2 happen but 3 doesn't, he goes?


1 and 2 won't happen if 3 doesn't happen and you have witnessed that yourself already this season.



I'd consider 3 not to be happening... but 2 is and 1 could do.


I'd say it's not too farfetched to assume 1 and 2 may occur without playing "entertaining" football. (Although, to be honest, winning more than half our home games is going to be a stretch).


2 isn't happening because the season hasn't finished yet and if you really consider winning 10 out of 19 home games 'a stretch' when I consider it to be more than a realistic target for a manager then can we assume your expectations are based on Lambert's abilities as are mine?

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No loss in 5 lost, lost once to teams outside the top 6 last year on a shoe string budget.

Lambert out

Sorry, I cannot wait for us to play someone half decent, Swansea ,maybe and see Lambert again out of ideas. I wanna be postive but the 5 no losses include a draw against Burnley and win against Leicester 2 of the shittest teams in the league, so if its not to far fetched I will put my hopes on the burner still for now!!

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I believe I have already given my reply to these questions (twice) but just in case you missed it I'll summarise below:


1. Win more than half our home games.

2. Finish at least 12th.

3. Play more entertaining football.



So if 1 and 2 happen but 3 doesn't, he goes?


1 and 2 won't happen if 3 doesn't happen and you have witnessed that yourself already this season.


We're 11th and I'd say we've only played entertaining football once.


No loss in 5 lost, lost once to teams outside the top 6 last year on a shoe string budget.

Lambert out

Sorry, I cannot wait for us to play someone half decent, Swansea ,maybe and see Lambert again out of ideas.


It really shows.

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I wonder how West Ham fans feel about Allardyce now.


Last season he was the sole reason for all their troubles. Now they're third.


The worst anyone could possibly say about Paul Lambert is that he's a mediocre manager whose tactics produce unentertaining football. But even then you have to acknowledge that he has a record of keeping us in the league.


Do we REALLY want to take our chances with the next poor fool prepared to take the job with no funding? When we're eleventh??? I sure as **** don't.

Allardyce was told that just getting results through crap football wasnt good enough so he had to implement an attacking style then lo and behold they're results have been better!! This is the problem with Lambert for most fans is he is too negative and the footballs crap if he can get us attacking more he'll win more support. He's had a long time to get more creativity in the side and still hasn't addressed it.

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If you ignore the performances and look purely at our points return, I think 19 points from 15 games is pretty good, considering the next 6 games are all games where we could easily win, or get a draw at least.


The last 6 games (including Spurs) have shown we have something about us, a bit of grit and determination, and also a little bit of quality (not loads of quality mind, but a certainly a bit).


I genuinely think this season represents a decent opportunity for us to finish in the top ten, and maybe even finish above Spurs, Everton and Newcastle, who are all in transition. We have had a terrible run, and have turned the corner, and while I expect us to have another dip when we play the top teams again, I think with Benteke in the team and looking sharp, we may just be surprise a few people now. The defence looks solid and our teams looks settled, and everyone seems to know their jobs.


I full expect Swansea and Southampton to continue their dip and and West Ham will have one as well, although fair play to all 3 of these teams. Bear in mind that Swansea are only 3 points above us and we play them shortly.


Lets not get carried away, but lets also try to be optimistic and give the team a chance to grow and develop now. We are doing very well without Vlaar, Senderos and Delph, and if Westwood is badly injured, then hopefully Cleverly will be the player to step up!


I am genuinely quite happy with Lambert, and if we can put in a few more "entertaining" performances like against Leicester, then I suspect many others will feel the same.

Edited by GeordieVillan
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I wonder how West Ham fans feel about Allardyce now.

Last season he was the sole reason for all their troubles. Now they're third.

The worst anyone could possibly say about Paul Lambert is that he's a mediocre manager whose tactics produce unentertaining football. But even then you have to acknowledge that he has a record of keeping us in the league.

Do we REALLY want to take our chances with the next poor fool prepared to take the job with no funding? When we're eleventh??? I sure as **** don't.

And it's not even like they play particularly great football now. They play the same in-your-face, non stop crosses into the box (and dare I say, long ball) football they've always done under Allardyce. The difference is, they have much better players this time around, which they acquired with you guessed it, significant investment.

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If you ignore the performances and look purely at our points return, I think 19 points from 15 games is pretty good, considering the next 6 games are all games where we could easily win, or get a draw at least.


The last 6 games (including Spurs) have shown we have something about us, a bit of grit and determination, and also a little bit of quality (not loads of quality mind, but a certainly a bit).


I genuinely think this season represents a decent opportunity for us to finish in the top ten, and maybe even finish above Spurs, Everton and Newcastle, who are all in transition. We have had a terrible run, and have turned the corner, and while I expect us to have another dip when we play the top teams again, I think with Benteke in the team and looking sharp, we may just be surprise a few people now. The defence looks solid and our teams looks settled, and everyone seems to know their jobs.


I full expect Swansea and Southampton to continue their dip and and West Ham will have one as well, although fair play to all 3 of these teams. Bear in mind that Swansea are only 3 points above us and we play them shortly.


Lets not get carried away, but lets also try to be optimistic and give the team a chance to grow and develop now. We are doing very well without Vlaar, Senderos and Delph, and if Westwood is badly injured, then hopefully Cleverly will be the player to step up!


I am genuinely quite happy with Lambert, and if we can put in a few more "entertaining" performances like against Leicester, then I suspect many others will feel the same.

You think 19 points out of a possible 45 is pretty good! As for us having 'turned the corner' this is exactly what I meant in my earlier post. Wait to see if the usual s**t period happens as it invariably does under Lambert. If it doesn't and we go marching on then brilliant.

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If you ignore the performances and look purely at our points return, I think 19 points from 15 games is pretty good, considering the next 6 games are all games where we could easily win, or get a draw at least.


The last 6 games (including Spurs) have shown we have something about us, a bit of grit and determination, and also a little bit of quality (not loads of quality mind, but a certainly a bit).


I genuinely think this season represents a decent opportunity for us to finish in the top ten, and maybe even finish above Spurs, Everton and Newcastle, who are all in transition. We have had a terrible run, and have turned the corner, and while I expect us to have another dip when we play the top teams again, I think with Benteke in the team and looking sharp, we may just be surprise a few people now. The defence looks solid and our teams looks settled, and everyone seems to know their jobs.


I full expect Swansea and Southampton to continue their dip and and West Ham will have one as well, although fair play to all 3 of these teams. Bear in mind that Swansea are only 3 points above us and we play them shortly.


Lets not get carried away, but lets also try to be optimistic and give the team a chance to grow and develop now. We are doing very well without Vlaar, Senderos and Delph, and if Westwood is badly injured, then hopefully Cleverly will be the player to step up!


I am genuinely quite happy with Lambert, and if we can put in a few more "entertaining" performances like against Leicester, then I suspect many others will feel the same.

You think 19 points out of a possible 45 is pretty good! As for us having 'turned the corner' this is exactly what I meant in my earlier post. Wait to see if the usual s**t period happens as it invariably does under Lambert. If it doesn't and we go marching on then brilliant.

It's almost as if you want us to do badly to vindicate your point. If 19 points isn't good enough for you, then what is? Fact of the matter iswe've already had a horrible run so far so even if you take that into account and project another one (almost wishful thinking there) we'd still be on course for 48 points which is comfortably mid table. Unless you're expecting us to compete for Europa league spots?

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If you ignore the performances and look purely at our points return, I think 19 points from 15 games is pretty good, considering the next 6 games are all games where we could easily win, or get a draw at least.


The last 6 games (including Spurs) have shown we have something about us, a bit of grit and determination, and also a little bit of quality (not loads of quality mind, but a certainly a bit).


I genuinely think this season represents a decent opportunity for us to finish in the top ten, and maybe even finish above Spurs, Everton and Newcastle, who are all in transition. We have had a terrible run, and have turned the corner, and while I expect us to have another dip when we play the top teams again, I think with Benteke in the team and looking sharp, we may just be surprise a few people now. The defence looks solid and our teams looks settled, and everyone seems to know their jobs.


I full expect Swansea and Southampton to continue their dip and and West Ham will have one as well, although fair play to all 3 of these teams. Bear in mind that Swansea are only 3 points above us and we play them shortly.


Lets not get carried away, but lets also try to be optimistic and give the team a chance to grow and develop now. We are doing very well without Vlaar, Senderos and Delph, and if Westwood is badly injured, then hopefully Cleverly will be the player to step up!


I am genuinely quite happy with Lambert, and if we can put in a few more "entertaining" performances like against Leicester, then I suspect many others will feel the same.

You think 19 points out of a possible 45 is pretty good! As for us having 'turned the corner' this is exactly what I meant in my earlier post. Wait to see if the usual s**t period happens as it invariably does under Lambert. If it doesn't and we go marching on then brilliant.

Depends on how you cut that cake. 19 from 15 would equate to 48 points over the season, a mid table finish and an improvement on previous years

What we all want? No

About right considering all factors? I'd say so

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Now who's getting carried away?! 25/26 points for 1 Jan, is after we've played everyone once, halfway. So I really doubt we'd go 19 games without getting a point.

Make your mind up. Firstly you say 'in' January now you are going on about 1st January.


I also really doubt we would go 19 games without picking up a point but my point is that I have witnessed over 100 games under Lambert so why would I change my mind about him based on just the last 5 games and the 4 games to come (if we are working on your 1st January theory)?



If you look at my original post, it wasn't "in" Jan it was talking about having them for 1st Jan. Second one was a reference to that. Aaaaanyway. It's not about judging him on the recent run. That is halfway point in the season and if sacked with someone lined up would le the new guy have a crack at the transfer window etc. 

My question is if 25/26 points is enough at the halfway stage for the yes votes above to change. You are saying it isn't fair enough. I think it's a great return if we do it, and if we finish teh season with more than 50 points Lambert will have done a very decent job this season in my eyes.

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If you ignore the performances and look purely at our points return, I think 19 points from 15 games is pretty good, considering the next 6 games are all games where we could easily win, or get a draw at least.


The last 6 games (including Spurs) have shown we have something about us, a bit of grit and determination, and also a little bit of quality (not loads of quality mind, but a certainly a bit).


I genuinely think this season represents a decent opportunity for us to finish in the top ten, and maybe even finish above Spurs, Everton and Newcastle, who are all in transition. We have had a terrible run, and have turned the corner, and while I expect us to have another dip when we play the top teams again, I think with Benteke in the team and looking sharp, we may just be surprise a few people now. The defence looks solid and our teams looks settled, and everyone seems to know their jobs.


I full expect Swansea and Southampton to continue their dip and and West Ham will have one as well, although fair play to all 3 of these teams. Bear in mind that Swansea are only 3 points above us and we play them shortly.


Lets not get carried away, but lets also try to be optimistic and give the team a chance to grow and develop now. We are doing very well without Vlaar, Senderos and Delph, and if Westwood is badly injured, then hopefully Cleverly will be the player to step up!


I am genuinely quite happy with Lambert, and if we can put in a few more "entertaining" performances like against Leicester, then I suspect many others will feel the same.

You think 19 points out of a possible 45 is pretty good! As for us having 'turned the corner' this is exactly what I meant in my earlier post. Wait to see if the usual s**t period happens as it invariably does under Lambert. If it doesn't and we go marching on then brilliant.

It's almost as if you want us to do badly to vindicate your point. If 19 points isn't good enough for you, then what is? Fact of the matter iswe've already had a horrible run so far so even if you take that into account and project another one (almost wishful thinking there) we'd still be on course for 48 points which is comfortably mid table. Unless you're expecting us to compete for Europa league spots?


It's almost as if you want me to change my mind after 5 mediocre results and ignore the 100 or so that have gone before.

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If you ignore the performances and look purely at our points return, I think 19 points from 15 games is pretty good, considering the next 6 games are all games where we could easily win, or get a draw at least.


The last 6 games (including Spurs) have shown we have something about us, a bit of grit and determination, and also a little bit of quality (not loads of quality mind, but a certainly a bit).


I genuinely think this season represents a decent opportunity for us to finish in the top ten, and maybe even finish above Spurs, Everton and Newcastle, who are all in transition. We have had a terrible run, and have turned the corner, and while I expect us to have another dip when we play the top teams again, I think with Benteke in the team and looking sharp, we may just be surprise a few people now. The defence looks solid and our teams looks settled, and everyone seems to know their jobs.


I full expect Swansea and Southampton to continue their dip and and West Ham will have one as well, although fair play to all 3 of these teams. Bear in mind that Swansea are only 3 points above us and we play them shortly.


Lets not get carried away, but lets also try to be optimistic and give the team a chance to grow and develop now. We are doing very well without Vlaar, Senderos and Delph, and if Westwood is badly injured, then hopefully Cleverly will be the player to step up!


I am genuinely quite happy with Lambert, and if we can put in a few more "entertaining" performances like against Leicester, then I suspect many others will feel the same.

You think 19 points out of a possible 45 is pretty good! As for us having 'turned the corner' this is exactly what I meant in my earlier post. Wait to see if the usual s**t period happens as it invariably does under Lambert. If it doesn't and we go marching on then brilliant.


Yeah I think 19 from 15 is pretty good. Its not great, but given where we have been in the last couple of years, I don't see how anyone can't be happy with our points return and also with the results we've had against the so called lesser teams (other than QPR). Like I said, ignore the performances and look at the points. We all want better performances, and hopefully that will come.


I hate using stats for stuff like this, but based on 19 points from 15 games, we would finish the season with 48 points. That is 10 points more than last year, and would be enough to see us comfortably safe and last year we would have finished 11th, the season before 9th, and the season before that 10th. We all know that the stats don't mean anything to future games, but it gives you an idea.


This is the very essence of what we now are i.e. mid-table. I would happily accept a solid mid-table finish and consider that progress and a pretty good season. 


And I agree with you, we will probably will have another slump, but as long as that is then balanced by another decent run then so be it. If we lost 19 games in a row and then won 19 games in a row we would have 57 points at the end of the season, which would be more than "pretty good"!

Edited by GeordieVillan
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Now who's getting carried away?! 25/26 points for 1 Jan, is after we've played everyone once, halfway. So I really doubt we'd go 19 games without getting a point.

Make your mind up. Firstly you say 'in' January now you are going on about 1st January.


I also really doubt we would go 19 games without picking up a point but my point is that I have witnessed over 100 games under Lambert so why would I change my mind about him based on just the last 5 games and the 4 games to come (if we are working on your 1st January theory)?



If you look at my original post, it wasn't "in" Jan it was talking about having them for 1st Jan. Second one was a reference to that. Aaaaanyway. It's not about judging him on the recent run. That is halfway point in the season and if sacked with someone lined up would le the new guy have a crack at the transfer window etc. 

My question is if 25/26 points is enough at the halfway stage for the yes votes above to change. You are saying it isn't fair enough. I think it's a great return if we do it, and if we finish teh season with more than 50 points Lambert will have done a very decent job this season in my eyes.


So, if everyone that voted 'Yes - We've Had Enough' changed their vote on 31st December because we had accumulated 25/26 points following a reasonable return of points from a run of 9 games would you not brand them as 'fickle' when they voted initially based on around 100 games?


I will not change my mind on 1st January 2015. I have watched enough crap from Lambert's teams since his appointment so it will take a lot more than a handful of games for me to go 'goo goo eyed' over him.

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If you ignore the performances and look purely at our points return, I think 19 points from 15 games is pretty good, considering the next 6 games are all games where we could easily win, or get a draw at least.


The last 6 games (including Spurs) have shown we have something about us, a bit of grit and determination, and also a little bit of quality (not loads of quality mind, but a certainly a bit).


I genuinely think this season represents a decent opportunity for us to finish in the top ten, and maybe even finish above Spurs, Everton and Newcastle, who are all in transition. We have had a terrible run, and have turned the corner, and while I expect us to have another dip when we play the top teams again, I think with Benteke in the team and looking sharp, we may just be surprise a few people now. The defence looks solid and our teams looks settled, and everyone seems to know their jobs.


I full expect Swansea and Southampton to continue their dip and and West Ham will have one as well, although fair play to all 3 of these teams. Bear in mind that Swansea are only 3 points above us and we play them shortly.


Lets not get carried away, but lets also try to be optimistic and give the team a chance to grow and develop now. We are doing very well without Vlaar, Senderos and Delph, and if Westwood is badly injured, then hopefully Cleverly will be the player to step up!


I am genuinely quite happy with Lambert, and if we can put in a few more "entertaining" performances like against Leicester, then I suspect many others will feel the same.

You think 19 points out of a possible 45 is pretty good! As for us having 'turned the corner' this is exactly what I meant in my earlier post. Wait to see if the usual s**t period happens as it invariably does under Lambert. If it doesn't and we go marching on then brilliant.
It's almost as if you want us to do badly to vindicate your point. If 19 points isn't good enough for you, then what is? Fact of the matter iswe've already had a horrible run so far so even if you take that into account and project another one (almost wishful thinking there) we'd still be on course for 48 points which is comfortably mid table. Unless you're expecting us to compete for Europa league spots?

It's almost as if you want me to change my mind after 5 mediocre results and ignore the 100 or so that have gone before.

Change your mind that what, we're doing okay so far this season? Frankly I'm not sure how his previous seasons' results have any bearing on this one's. In the same way Pardew's 5tb place finish of seasons gone past had no place in discussions about Newcastle's horrible start to the season (though fortunes have changed for them). Besides, I don't think anybody's trying to change people's opinions on Lambert's tenure on the whole, as they seem fairly entrenched anyway.

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I wonder how West Ham fans feel about Allardyce now.


Last season he was the sole reason for all their troubles. Now they're third.


The worst anyone could possibly say about Paul Lambert is that he's a mediocre manager whose tactics produce unentertaining football. But even then you have to acknowledge that he has a record of keeping us in the league.


Do we REALLY want to take our chances with the next poor fool prepared to take the job with no funding? When we're eleventh??? I sure as **** don't.

Allardyce was told that just getting results through crap football wasnt good enough so he had to implement an attacking style then lo and behold they're results have been better!! This is the problem with Lambert for most fans is he is too negative and the footballs crap if he can get us attacking more he'll win more support. He's had a long time to get more creativity in the side and still hasn't addressed it.



Let's not forget the money provided to Allardyce either.

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