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Paul Lambert


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Or when they are served up with garbage week after week and season after season they realise that the price of football is not worth it and that there are many other things to spend money on that does not result in an awful feeling on a regular basis.


As for fans ******* off when the going gets tough, it doesn't get much tougher for Villa fans than playing in division 3 but even then the football was worth watching.

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Proud of Lambert's pre-match comments, such a class act. 

what's he said




Some comments from the PC interview on Sky Sports today... 


We will put our strongest team on the pitch and we'll go at them  :clap:


Aye, the team have hit a wee sticky patch  :crylaugh:


You can't fault the guys for the effort they put in  :bang:


I think he's a weekend with Walter White!

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Or when they are served up with garbage week after week and season after season they realise that the price of football is not worth it and that there are many other things to spend money on that does not result in an awful feeling on a regular basis.


As for fans ******* off when the going gets tough, it doesn't get much tougher for Villa fans than playing in division 3 but even then the football was worth watching.


Just to clarify, my comment was about all fans - not just us Villa ones.


Something should really be done about the cost of football, though.  I'd love Villa to pioneer something in this country but just can't see it happening :(

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There was something on the BBC site a little while ago saying that 1,000 Brits travel to each Borussia Dortmund home game.  The trip, ticket and accommodation costs roughly £70 - compared to paying £53 just for a ticket at Arsenal.



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I'm eyeing up a Dortmund fixture this season, not sure how easy it is to get tickets though.


with their current form I can imagine be many tickets free when the gloryhunters stop attending when they get relegated ;)

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Proud of Lambert's pre-match comments, such a class act.

what's he said

It's a great thing being manager of this club I don't think anyone should underestimate it.

"It's a magical football club."

Thing is, I can believe that he means that. I can believe that he's not being duplicitous or trying to butter us fans up. I can believe that he wants to win and that every loss genuinely hurts him. All of those things ring true.

Which means that what we're getting from him now is him genuinely trying his best, and that worries me greatly, because I think he's doing what he thinks will work and I don't think he knows why it isn't.

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Or when they are served up with garbage week after week and season after season they realise that the price of football is not worth it and that there are many other things to spend money on that does not result in an awful feeling on a regular basis.


As for fans ******* off when the going gets tough, it doesn't get much tougher for Villa fans than playing in division 3 but even then the football was worth watching.


Just to clarify, my comment was about all fans - not just us Villa ones.


Something should really be done about the cost of football, though.  I'd love Villa to pioneer something in this country but just can't see it happening :(

I think a lot of fans have had enough. Going to VP is a chore not a pleasure as it should be. We are looking at a 25k crowd tonight and that is solely to do with the crap we are watching and the apathy is growing. Cost is a factor but only a small one most would willing pay more to be entertained. Weak leadership from Lerner is letting the club drift. This is the longest period of decline I can remember it may not be the worst as we haven't been relegated but that'll happen eventually if it's not addressed. No one can convince me now that no one could do a better job than Lambert on the same resources.

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Or when they are served up with garbage week after week and season after season they realise that the price of football is not worth it and that there are many other things to spend money on that does not result in an awful feeling on a regular basis.


As for fans ******* off when the going gets tough, it doesn't get much tougher for Villa fans than playing in division 3 but even then the football was worth watching.


Just to clarify, my comment was about all fans - not just us Villa ones.


Something should really be done about the cost of football, though.  I'd love Villa to pioneer something in this country but just can't see it happening :(

I think a lot of fans have had enough. Going to VP is a chore not a pleasure as it should be. We are looking at a 25k crowd tonight and that is solely to do with the crap we are watching and the apathy is growing. Cost is a factor but only a small one most would willing pay more to be entertained. Weak leadership from Lerner is letting the club drift. This is the longest period of decline I can remember it may not be the worst as we haven't been relegated but that'll happen eventually if it's not addressed. No one can convince me now that no one could do a better job than Lambert on the same resources.


Can't imagine it being a very good attendance this evening. Villa ticket office have phoned me twice since last Wednesday (I rejected the calls obviously). They must be desperately trying to drum up support.

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Proud of Lambert's pre-match comments, such a class act. 


"mumble mumble cannae fault the effort mumble mumble we go again mumble mumble just gotta have a wee bit of luck mumble mumble pick ourselves up and go again mumble mumble"


I would have rather seen him inject a bit of passion....he's got nothing to lose. Perhaps this:


"We shall pick ourselves up and go again to the end.

We shall pick ourselves up and go again in France,

we shall pick ourselves up and go again on the seas and oceans,

we shall pick ourselves up and go again with growing confidence and growing strength in the air,

we shall defend our penalty box, whatever the cost to Chris Herd's hipster hairstyle and beard may be.


We shall pick ourselves up and go again on the beaches,

we shall pick ourselves up and go again on the landing grounds,

we shall pick ourselves up and go again in the fields and in the streets,

we shall pick ourselves up and go again in the hills;

we shall never surrender! (actually, we will surrender when we concede the first goal)"

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Proud of Lambert's pre-match comments, such a class act.

what's he said

It's a great thing being manager of this club I don't think anyone should underestimate it.

"It's a magical football club."

Your easily pleased?? Explains why he still has some support, I mean what is he supposed to say when the club is in such a poor state???

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Couldn't give a singular f**k regarding whatever clichés Lambert has rolled out about the club. He is hardly going to say anything else.


He could say nothing about the club.  I think he genuinely cares - although, obviously, that counts for sod all if we don't get any wins.

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Proud of Lambert's pre-match comments, such a class act.

what's he said
It's a great thing being manager of this club I don't think anyone should underestimate it.

"It's a magical football club."

Thing is, I can believe that he means that. I can believe that he's not being duplicitous or trying to butter us fans up. I can believe that he wants to win and that every loss genuinely hurts him. All of those things ring true.

Which means that what we're getting from him now is him genuinely trying his best, and that worries me greatly, because I think he's doing what he thinks will work and I don't think he knows why it isn't.



Believe you me, Billy McNeill meant well too, so did Graham Turner.

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Couldn't give a singular f**k regarding whatever clichés Lambert has rolled out about the club. He is hardly going to say anything else.


He could say nothing about the club.  I think he genuinely cares - although, obviously, that counts for sod all if we don't get any wins.


 There isn't a man in the stands that could do worse....never mind a football manager.

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