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Paul Lambert


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Exactly my point from last week, how did fans know we couldn't do worse with lambert gone? How do we know Sid and given chose the team? At the moment we know nothing!


Nah, it's Jon Snow that knows nothing.

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My point is that I'm not a "fair weather fan". Our position in the league has absolutely nothing to do with my decision to buy a season ticket or not.

It's your assumptions I take umbrage with.

It's actually much harder for me to stay away than to blindly follow.

No. It's all purely semantics. You have decided to vote with your feet because you are not happy with Lerner. You believe the Club will fair better with him gone. I fully understand that & you make that perfectly clear. I am not questioning your integrity as a Villa fan.

However, your terms of support (neither rightly or wrongly) are not unconditional. To underline once more this is not a criticism but merely an observation. As you state, staying away for you is actually much harder so the reality here as I see it is that by staying away you are doing your self more harm than good which is entirely your prerogative.

You're clearly an intelligent and thoughtful man with the ability to reason and understand. So I guess what I was getting at is, try to extend that courtesy to everybody. Your enthusiasm is appreciated but occasionally comes across as condescending.

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My point is that I'm not a "fair weather fan". Our position in the league has absolutely nothing to do with my decision to buy a season ticket or not.

It's your assumptions I take umbrage with.

It's actually much harder for me to stay away than to blindly follow.

I find it hard to believe that you stay away due to one man and say league position doesn't matter. Its easy to say that now but if we were top you'd be there.

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My point is that I'm not a "fair weather fan". Our position in the league has absolutely nothing to do with my decision to buy a season ticket or not.

It's your assumptions I take umbrage with.

It's actually much harder for me to stay away than to blindly follow.

No. It's all purely semantics. You have decided to vote with your feet because you are not happy with Lerner. You believe the Club will fair better with him gone. I fully understand that & you make that perfectly clear. I am not questioning your integrity as a Villa fan.

However, your terms of support (neither rightly or wrongly) are not unconditional. To underline once more this is not a criticism but merely an observation. As you state, staying away for you is actually much harder so the reality here as I see it is that by staying away you are doing your self more harm than good which is entirely your prerogative.

You're clearly an intelligent and thoughtful man with the ability to reason and understand. So I guess what I was getting at is, try to extend that courtesy to everybody. Your enthusiasm is appreciated but occasionally comes across as condescending.



In the words of Joe Cocker. "Please don't let me be misunderstood."


Any way to any Villa fan on this site. If for whatever reason I have mistakenly given you the impression that I or any other Villa supporter for that matter is a better fan than you I apologise unreservedly & I thank don't- do- it- doug for his common sense & sagacious observations.


Take a bow ddid Take a bow! :)

Edited by villa-revolution
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My point is that I'm not a "fair weather fan". Our position in the league has absolutely nothing to do with my decision to buy a season ticket or not.

It's your assumptions I take umbrage with.

It's actually much harder for me to stay away than to blindly follow.

I find it hard to believe that you stay away due to one man and say league position doesn't matter. Its easy to say that now but if we were top you'd be there.

You can believe what you like, why should I have to explain my position? I've attempted to do so because I want to, not because I feel I should. If I didn't care I'd keep schtum.

I stay away because I don't feel it is right that we (baring in mind we ARE the club) should pay for his mistakes. On top of which, we were sold a lie, a "bright future", which has not and will not materialise whilst he is here. I don't hate him, I simply think his time is up and I refuse to line his pockets further.

My position regarding Lambert is irrelevant, particularly since I've backed him all the way up until the recent loss to Palace. My comments are available for consumption should you wish to take the time to look. If not, hold the assumption.

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My point is that I'm not a "fair weather fan". Our position in the league has absolutely nothing to do with my decision to buy a season ticket or not.

It's your assumptions I take umbrage with.

It's actually much harder for me to stay away than to blindly follow.

I find it hard to believe that you stay away due to one man and say league position doesn't matter. Its easy to say that now but if we were top you'd be there.
You can believe what you like, why should I have to explain my position? I've attempted to do so because I want to, not because I feel I should. If I didn't care I'd keep schtum.

I stay away because I don't feel it is right that we (baring in mind we ARE the club) should pay for his mistakes. On top of which, we were sold a lie, a "bright future", which has not and will not materialise whilst he is here. I don't hate him, I simply think his time is up and I refuse to line his pockets further.

My position regarding Lambert is irrelevant, particularly since I've backed him all the way up until the recent loss to Palace. My comments are available for consumption should you wish to take the time to look. If not, hold the assumption.

Man spends a quarter of a billion with nothing back and you say you're lining his pockets lol

Btw I don't care if you buy a season ticket

Edited by suttonpaul
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Since O'Neill, Lambert is the first manager I've actually liked and 'felt a connection' with (yes, LOL). I felt genuinely sorry for him during that interview yesterday; you could see it in his eyes and tone of voice that he knew he hadn't been god enough and was on his way out. It is a shame as I think without the financial constraints he'd be a top class manager, I really do. I kind of don't want to see him go. I'd love to see him given money by new owners and another season to prove himself.

Without financial constraints any manager could do a decent job with us. There is absolutely no excuse given the money/wages he's been allowed to spend for us to be in this position, again. I like the bloke and would like him to succeed with us for that reason as well as the obvious. But would I trust him with £50m? No chance.

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Since O'Neill, Lambert is the first manager I've actually liked and 'felt a connection' with (yes, LOL). I felt genuinely sorry for him during that interview yesterday; you could see it in his eyes and tone of voice that he knew he hadn't been god enough and was on his way out. It is a shame as I think without the financial constraints he'd be a top class manager, I really do. I kind of don't want to see him go. I'd love to see him given money by new owners and another season to prove himself.

Without financial constraints any manager could do a decent job with us. There is absolutely no excuse given the money/wages he's been allowed to spend for us to be in this position, again. I like the bloke and would like him to succeed with us for that reason as well as the obvious. But would I trust him with £50m? No chance.



Just to make it clear, when I said with 'without the financial constraints', I meant simply not having the current ones imposed upon him, not total freedom to splash cash willy nilly. 

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My point is that I'm not a "fair weather fan". Our position in the league has absolutely nothing to do with my decision to buy a season ticket or not.

It's your assumptions I take umbrage with.

It's actually much harder for me to stay away than to blindly follow.

I find it hard to believe that you stay away due to one man and say league position doesn't matter. Its easy to say that now but if we were top you'd be there.
You can believe what you like, why should I have to explain my position? I've attempted to do so because I want to, not because I feel I should. If I didn't care I'd keep schtum.

I stay away because I don't feel it is right that we (baring in mind we ARE the club) should pay for his mistakes. On top of which, we were sold a lie, a "bright future", which has not and will not materialise whilst he is here. I don't hate him, I simply think his time is up and I refuse to line his pockets further.

My position regarding Lambert is irrelevant, particularly since I've backed him all the way up until the recent loss to Palace. My comments are available for consumption should you wish to take the time to look. If not, hold the assumption.

Man spends a quarter of a billion with nothing back and you say you're lining his pockets lol

Btw I don't care if you buy a season ticket

Why take it so personal?

As for the "money spent", that is largely irrelevant to my point. Though on that, I never asked him to spunk £50k a week on Habib Beye. We are now paying the price for his financial errors.

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Since O'Neill, Lambert is the first manager I've actually liked and 'felt a connection' with (yes, LOL). I felt genuinely sorry for him during that interview yesterday; you could see it in his eyes and tone of voice that he knew he hadn't been god enough and was on his way out. It is a shame as I think without the financial constraints he'd be a top class manager, I really do. I kind of don't want to see him go. I'd love to see him given money by new owners and another season to prove himself.

He's still made more money than me and you (I'm assuming) for kicking the ball around with the team during the week and then getting a front row seat to Villa matches. He understood the constraints going in, so I don't feel bad for him. I do wish him well for the future. He's still a young guy and should get plenty of opportunities to improve on his time with Villa.

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My point is that I'm not a "fair weather fan". Our position in the league has absolutely nothing to do with my decision to buy a season ticket or not.

It's your assumptions I take umbrage with.

It's actually much harder for me to stay away than to blindly follow.

I find it hard to believe that you stay away due to one man and say league position doesn't matter. Its easy to say that now but if we were top you'd be there.



And if we were top Lerner wouldn't be a shit owner and there would be no reason to boycott the club to get him to leave.


But were not top and Lerner has kind of screwed us over these past few years and if we want to ever progress again, we need him to leave, whether Lambert goes with him or not, I dunno.




I don't know what to think with Lambert, he's been dire recently, but I do like him, there have been glimpses over the last two years and I think with less restrictions in the transfer market, specifically wage wise, he could do well here, but whether it's deemed too late now or not we'll see in the summer. If Lerner was to stay though, I'd definitely keep Lambert as I don't think we'd get anyone better willing to work under the current conditions.

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Right, I can't believe all this Lambert out talk. Look at the managers around Villa, from place 9 to 20. Who would you guys have wanted instead?


9.   Pardew? hahahaha

10. Hughes? hahahaha

11. Pulis? hahahaha

12. Allardyce? hahahaha

13. Laudrup/Monk? First one was fired, the other is untried

14. Lambert! YES STAY!

15. Bruce? hahahaha

16. Clarke/Pepe Mel? First one was fired, the other is untried and struggling.

17. Di Canio/Poyet?  First one fired, the other actually inherited a really good squad...still meh..

18. Hughton/Adams? First one fired, second one is untried and struggling.

19. Jol/Meulensteen/Magath? First and last one is one/two season wonders. Meulensteen was also fired.

20. Mackay/Soskaer? First one fired, the second one struggling and relegated.


So, I can't see why someone else would do a better job. I can see the progress the team has made defensively, but the regress that has happened offensively is alarming. I also can see that we have a midfield problem, that has made the team a bit unbalanced, but most of all, the long term injuries has caused most damage and led to burn out and the tiredness we saw in the end. I remember West Ham suffering from injuries in the middle of the season. Lambert has done enough to be given a new season to address the weaknesses and show all of us what he is capable of. UTV!

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The Culverhouse/Karsa calamity makes Lambert look very bad, in addition to all the well documented on the pitch stuff. It suggests that he either knew and tacitly gave his approval, or somehow didn't know. Either way, he looks weak and needs to go.

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