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Paul Lambert


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People, people, people, please quit with this "he's lost the fans nonsense."


No he hasn't.


I bought my season ticket yesterday & so have many other Villa fans too to date.


One good win & things change. Believe me!


The whole Club just need to survive this season & then we can look to seriously assess where we are currently & where we really intend to be longer term & what needs to be done to seriously help Lambo to arrest the decline & achieve his & our ambitions. You can tell by his recent comments that he is pig sick of where our massive Club is currently languishing right now & he knows that this is totally unacceptable. ( Though through no fault of his own IMO I hasten to add.)


Serious lessons have surely been learn't by all those associated with the Club this season & most provocatively of all, it is the fan's, more than anyone, who are currently destabilising Lambert's sincere efforts to arrest the Clubs decline, because of their atrocious & negative attitudes, failure to grasp the true reality of how challenging the Villa Manager's job really is & their failure to recognise that he has been seriously handicapped, especially by injuries to key personnel, but most annoyingly of all it is their puerile action of spitting their dummies out at the worst possible time when the Club desperately need the 12th man to stand up & be counted & show what they are worth.


FFS! Stop moaning! Get behind the team, get behind the Manager & get behind the club 100% & prove that you too are also worthy to be recognised by the Club as being worthy of wearing the claret & blue scarf instead of constantly motivating the opposition by constantly dragging the Club down by creating a totally negative & detrimental atmosphere & slagging off the Manager & the team who are trying their very best to secure our future in the division.


To sum up:


Directors direct. Managers Manage, Players play & Supporters Support.( allegedly)


So, hopefully now my message is clear?


Support, support, support, support.


Don't moan about it - Just do it.

Fans buying season tickets does not mean that they support Lambert, his tactics (or lack of them), his poor purchases or the owner and his gross incompetence. Fans buying season tickets means that they support Aston Villa (the entity).


Fans bought season tickets when we were in the 3rd division. Don't be fooled by such an historic pastime. 

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I wonder how we would feel if he got sacked, went somewhere like swansea, got a few million more than he did at Villa and created a new Everton... :(


Or I wonder how we would feel if he got sacked went to Swansea, got a few million more and got them relegated? On his record so far that is a far more likely scenario!


Let's face it we hoped he would be good for us. Unfortunately the guy isn't up to managing us and has performed poorly. We will all support the team on the pitch but it is blatantly obvious Lambert is just not good enough.


How people can even talk about him in the same breath as Pulis is disrespectful to Tony who is a million times better manager than Lambert. Shame on people!

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He's almost certainly gone at the end of season - whatever lerner decides to do with the club.  I don't see the point harranging him now, with 3 games to go whilst our premier League status is in the balance...

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He's almost certainly gone at the end of season - whatever lerner decides to do with the club.  I don't see the point harranging him now, with 3 games to go whilst our premier League status is in the balance...


Exactly Lambert's incompetence is that bad even Lerner can see it from his hidy Hole in the States.


Lambert is a dead man walking, that much is obvious from his silly mumblings to the press!


You have to be really shite for Kendrick to slate you in the local rag!

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People, people, people, please quit with this "he's lost the fans nonsense."


No he hasn't.


I bought my season ticket yesterday & so have many other Villa fans too to date.


One good win & things change. Believe me!


The whole Club just need to survive this season & then we can look to seriously assess where we are currently & where we really intend to be longer term & what needs to be done to seriously help Lambo to arrest the decline & achieve his & our ambitions. You can tell by his recent comments that he is pig sick of where our massive Club is currently languishing right now & he knows that this is totally unacceptable. ( Though through no fault of his own IMO I hasten to add.)


Serious lessons have surely been learn't by all those associated with the Club this season & most provocatively of all, it is the fan's, more than anyone, who are currently destabilising Lambert's sincere efforts to arrest the Clubs decline, because of their atrocious & negative attitudes, failure to grasp the true reality of how challenging the Villa Manager's job really is & their failure to recognise that he has been seriously handicapped, especially by injuries to key personnel, but most annoyingly of all it is their puerile action of spitting their dummies out at the worst possible time when the Club desperately need the 12th man to stand up & be counted & show what they are worth.


FFS! Stop moaning! Get behind the team, get behind the Manager & get behind the club 100% & prove that you too are also worthy to be recognised by the Club as being worthy of wearing the claret & blue scarf instead of constantly motivating the opposition by constantly dragging the Club down by creating a totally negative & detrimental atmosphere & slagging off the Manager & the team who are trying their very best to secure our future in the division.


To sum up:


Directors direct. Managers Manage, Players play & Supporters Support.( allegedly)


So, hopefully now my message is clear?


Support, support, support, support.


Don't moan about it - Just do it.


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The players shouldn't need motivating for Saturday. As a group, do they really want to be the players that relegate Aston Villa from the Premier League for the first time?

That should be enough to get their asses into gear.

Motivation isn't enough to win a football game. Sacking Lambert and giving someone else ago might freshen up the approach to the game and that could get us the points we need.

To the earlier question about Lambert succeeding elsewhere, I'd say fair play to him but it wouldn't make me think we were wrong to get rid. It hasn't worked for him here and its not going to.

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I was quite surprised by Kendrick advocating a new manager too, he's gone and i think everyone at or connected to the club knows it.



I reckon he's had the nod from someone about wholesale change as he has slagged off Lerner and PF as well. Let's hope so! 



The players shouldn't need motivating for Saturday. As a group, do they really want to be the players that relegate Aston Villa from the Premier League for the first time? 


That should be enough to get their asses into gear. 



You would hope so but sometimes motivation is not a substitute for quality?

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I was quite surprised by Kendrick advocating a new manager too, he's gone and i think everyone at or connected to the club knows it.



I reckon he's had the nod from someone about wholesale change as he has slagged off Lerner and PF as well. Let's hope so! 



The players shouldn't need motivating for Saturday. As a group, do they really want to be the players that relegate Aston Villa from the Premier League for the first time? 


That should be enough to get their asses into gear. 



You would hope so but sometimes motivation is not a substitute for quality?


Completely agree. Which is exactly why we're in the situation we are. Just have to hope that a bit of motivation and one moment of quality is enough to see us through. 

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VillaR you are completely out of order and I am getting a bit sick as many others are of your delusional support of our failing manager. NO!! Its not the fans they have been fantastic in the support of shit turgid football this season. Fans are renewing there season ticket for the love of VILLA not Lambert.

We could win against Hull 5-0 and it wont change a thing. The fans are getting to the end of there teather with Lambert not showing the fans even the basics of football on the pitch.

You yourself VillaR are gonna lose many fans if you continue to blame us instead of our inept manager. Im unsure now of what you are clinging onto. Fact is at the end of the season he is out of here, sacked, gone ***** off!!! Give it a rest!

That last bit isn't a fact is it? There's nothing to suggest he won't be here next season.

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My thoughts..


Unless we are going to get someone better Id still like Lambert to stay!


(Note - This counts for double if Learner is still in charge)



Well that really narrow's the field down to anyone except Lambert, McLeish and Little Jimmi Crankie?

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My thoughts..


Unless we are going to get someone better Id still like Lambert to stay!


(Note - This counts for double if Learner is still in charge)



Well that really narrow's the field down to anyone except Lambert, McLeish and Little Jimmi Crankie?


I know that you are half saying that in jest but this is exactly what Im on about.


Since Lambert has become the villain of the piece we forget that he is actually a decent manager. 


I dont want someone here just because they have a different name.

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My thoughts..


Unless we are going to get someone better Id still like Lambert to stay!


(Note - This counts for double if Learner is still in charge)



Well that really narrow's the field down to anyone except Lambert, McLeish and Little Jimmi Crankie?


I know that you are half saying that in jest but this is exactly what Im on about.


Since Lambert has become the villain of the piece we forget that he is actually a decent manager. 


I dont want someone here just because they have a different name.


What has he done at Villa to show he is a decent manager? 

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My thoughts..


Unless we are going to get someone better Id still like Lambert to stay!


(Note - This counts for double if Learner is still in charge)



Well that really narrow's the field down to anyone except Lambert, McLeish and Little Jimmi Crankie?


I know that you are half saying that in jest but this is exactly what Im on about.


Since Lambert has become the villain of the piece we forget that he is actually a decent manager. 


I dont want someone here just because they have a different name.


What has he done at Villa to show he is a decent manager? 


Good question to be fair.

There really isn't much is there?

I suppose he did buy Benteke.

Edited by Delphinho123
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My thoughts..


Unless we are going to get someone better Id still like Lambert to stay!


(Note - This counts for double if Learner is still in charge)



Well that really narrow's the field down to anyone except Lambert, McLeish and Little Jimmi Crankie?


I know that you are half saying that in jest but this is exactly what Im on about.


Since Lambert has become the villain of the piece we forget that he is actually a decent manager. 


I dont want someone here just because they have a different name.




At the moment I honestly believe that Zippy, George and Bungle could do a better job than Lambert Culverhouse and Karsa. I know 2 have gone but all that has shown is how little Lambert was actually doing. I think he used to go to BMH and fall asleep at his desk! He has been shocking!

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People, people, people, please quit with this "he's lost the fans nonsense."


No he hasn't.


I bought my season ticket yesterday & so have many other Villa fans too to date.


One good win & things change. Believe me!


The whole Club just need to survive this season & then we can look to seriously assess where we are currently & where we really intend to be longer term & what needs to be done to seriously help Lambo to arrest the decline & achieve his & our ambitions. You can tell by his recent comments that he is pig sick of where our massive Club is currently languishing right now & he knows that this is totally unacceptable. ( Though through no fault of his own IMO I hasten to add.)


Serious lessons have surely been learn't by all those associated with the Club this season & most provocatively of all, it is the fan's, more than anyone, who are currently destabilising Lambert's sincere efforts to arrest the Clubs decline, because of their atrocious & negative attitudes, failure to grasp the true reality of how challenging the Villa Manager's job really is & their failure to recognise that he has been seriously handicapped, especially by injuries to key personnel, but most annoyingly of all it is their puerile action of spitting their dummies out at the worst possible time when the Club desperately need the 12th man to stand up & be counted & show what they are worth.


FFS! Stop moaning! Get behind the team, get behind the Manager & get behind the club 100% & prove that you too are also worthy to be recognised by the Club as being worthy of wearing the claret & blue scarf instead of constantly motivating the opposition by constantly dragging the Club down by creating a totally negative & detrimental atmosphere & slagging off the Manager & the team who are trying their very best to secure our future in the division.


To sum up:


Directors direct. Managers Manage, Players play & Supporters Support.( allegedly)


So, hopefully now my message is clear?


Support, support, support, support.


Don't moan about it - Just do it.



Why? VR makes some brilliant points. Is it wrong to say supporters can affect games by the quality of support they give? If "Troll" is all you can add to a discussion then I pity you sir. Credit to VR for having the courage to post his message.

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