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Paul Lambert


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The season has been mostly like the first 20 minutes. What followed was very nice up to HT. 


Second half, I don't think the players knew whether to stick or twist, seeing the game out neatly at 4-1 up is fine, the non-event of a second half was welcomed by me.


Let's see if this is dealt with and it's made clear to the players that the first 20 mins of booting it 70 yards isn't acceptable.


Well in Lamberts defence, he was out twice in the second half shouting at Westy as he called him, to push forward.  Westy didnt.

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Lambert should have till the summer obviously and even then he may walk it depends on the owner.

This summer will indicate what our place is in the premier league. Paying 50p for players again and its another season like this, whoever is managing us. You can piss and moan about Lambert but nobody else would do any better with the current restrictions, at least its his team which he is trying to build.

There are more negatives than positives that for sure, the home form being the biggest gripe for me; but then again we’ve been shit at home for god knows how long. It runs hand in hand with usually being shit on tv, losing to Utd and ending shit teams / players long runs.

You could argue in that in black and white, last season we were good at attacking but shit at defending. This season its the reverse, so next season..... a bit of both would be nice. However, this won’t happen without at least a couple of decent players. Perhaps just 2 or 3 and not a load of cheap ones doesn’t help, now we need decent experience.

So i still think Lambert is the one to take us forward as he’s shown almost all sides of football, exciting, dull, frustrating all types. If it was just shit shit shit then he should be off but its not. I sometimes wonder if people expected the rebuilding just to be rosy overnight, it was always going to be hard for along time.

This all boils down to what Lerner wants, another summer of not a lot then next season will just be the same, whoever is in charge.

I worry a little with the likes of Bent, Given and Hutton still around that they will be used as a reason for not getting a few more decent players in.

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Twice I've sensed the crowd were ready to properly turn at villa park.

2-0 down to west brom and today.

I think Lambert's come very close to losing the home support but he's got the results when its right on the brink.



I thought he lost the crowd at home to Palace to be fair. Parts of the Holte (my ST is in the lower) were signing 'Getting sacked in the morning' at full time on Boxing Day. I'm guilty of booing at the end of that game as that is exactly how I felt best to express my horror and disgust, but I didn't sing that...


Great win yesterday and I am happy for Paul and the team. One swallow doesn't make a summer however and crikey we have had to endure at home. This will be a big summer for Villa. I think we will all know a bit more about the future of AVFC and Paul.



Whilst I, personally, would never boo a manager or the team - I "get it" at the end of a game.


What I don't understand is the booing immediately starting after conceeding a goal.  Against Norwich, 3 minutes in - TIME TO BOO.  Against West Brom, 5 minutes in - TIME TO BOO.  It's infuriating.  Let your frustrations known at the end of a game if the game has been terrible but how about getting behind the team when we conceed rather than jumping on their backs?


(As an aside, I also don't like that we sing "SOTC" after scoring goals... with Blues neither involved in the game nor the league.)

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It's very clear that quite a lot of people simply don't understand the patience and time that goes into rebuilding a football club in the manner Villa are doing it.   Maybe these people are young and lack the life-experience to appreciate how this type of thing works?  Maybe these people are older fans who are simply frustrated because they aren't getting any younger and they are desperate to see Villa win trophies again in the here and now?  I understand the frustrations but I'm pretty certain we are going about things the right way with the right manager.  I see year on year improvement with Lambert, I see stability and I see progress on and off the pitch - I feel we're heading in the right direction.  Let's see where we are in twelve months' time. 

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Our fans are no worse than any others and given the crap we have been through this last few years both in terms of results and performances especially at home then it is understandable that patience is wearing very thin with some.

I have a guy and his son that sit behind me every game. As soon as the first misplaced pass they are moaning. For every supporter like that though there are 50 others like me though who will give their total backing whilst the game is going on. Also as much as the moaners do my head in I know deep down they are desperate to see us win otherwise they wouldn't be there.

It happens at all grounds. First half at Newcastle last week their fans were on the players backs and boo'd them off at 1-1 at half time. I watched the Arsenal Man Utd game a few weeks ago. It ended 0-0 and Arsenal were boo'd off. They were top of the league.

I have said it before that there are a lot of things wrong at this great club but the supporters aren't one of them.

Edited by markavfc40
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Yeah other teams fans are the same tbf.  Spurs fans are particularly bad.  They were whinging about yesterday (they won), and they have been moaning all season.


I think it's just English football fans, we are very poor compared to fans on the continent in general.

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I think people should appreciate that no group of fans in the history of the club have experienced a 3 year period at home as bad as us.

First of all I'm not sure if that's true, but even if it is I'm doubtful that anyone consciously thinks about that particular "stat" whilst they're launching into the next tirade.

Secondly, and mainly, who are these "people" who don't "appreciate" that statistic? Find me one Villa fan who is happy with the last three seasons on the whole, home and away combined. The point regarding what support entails to many seems to be lost on you.

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You have to ask whether winning regularly in the old third divison is preferable to winning every now and then in the top flight.

Not really. Because if you win regularly in those leagues it's all in aid of getting yourself promoted. What you're arguing for there is becoming a yoyo club, like The Baggies.

I'm ok thanks. I'll take our chances in the big one.

Currently the 11th best side in all of English football. So no matter how shabby things are right now, and they are that, it could be a whole lot "worse".

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Aren't we a nation of moaners? We moan about the weather, the cost of living, our Government, our immigration laws, etc etc..... We like moaning and very rarely can be bothered to do anything about it....What would we have to moan about then? There's nothing wrong with moaning it's our heritage, our tradition and it's in our blood!


Good result yesterday against a frankly very poor team but we can only beat what's in front of us. It was almost like Benteke thought 'fook this, I'm gonna win this on my own'. He totally transformed and looked far more like his usual self from last season and for once we played it into his chest rather than at his head and hey presto. Let's hope this is a wake call for Lambert and he realises that if we don't hoof every ball at Benteke and actually play balls into his feet and chest then we may get more positive results at home?


Lambert you have got the rest of the season to prove yourself.

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You have to ask whether winning regularly in the old third divison is preferable to winning every now and then in the top flight.

Not really. Because if you win regularly in those leagues it's all in aid of getting yourself promoted. What you're arguing for there is becoming a yoyo club, like The Baggies.

I'm ok thanks. I'll take our chances in the big one.

Currently the 11th best side in all of English football. So no matter how shabby things are right now, and they are that, it could be a whole lot "worse".

I agree with you mate. I was putting BJ10's stat into perspective. You can't say these are the three worst home seasons in our history when we've spent some of our history languishing in the lower leagues.

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Our fans are no worse than any others and given the crap we have been through this last few years both in terms of results and performances especially at home then it is understandable that patience is wearing very thin with some.

It happens at all grounds. First half at Newcastle last week their fans were on the players backs and boo'd them off at 1-1 at half time. I watched the Arsenal Man Utd game a few weeks ago. It ended 0-0 and Arsenal were boo'd off. They were top of the league.

I have said it before that there are a lot of things wrong at this great club but the supporters aren't one of them.


There's a difference between booing at full time (or even half time) and getting on the players backs after 3 **** minutes.


We can only help ourselves, though.  If our fans want to boo, they'll boo.

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You have to ask whether winning regularly in the old third divison is preferable to winning every now and then in the top flight.

Not really. Because if you win regularly in those leagues it's all in aid of getting yourself promoted. What you're arguing for there is becoming a yoyo club, like The Baggies.

I'm ok thanks. I'll take our chances in the big one.

Currently the 11th best side in all of English football. So no matter how shabby things are right now, and they are that, it could be a whole lot "worse".

I agree with you mate. I was putting BJ10's stat into perspective. You can't say these are the three worst home seasons in our history when we've spent some of our history languishing in the lower leagues.



Was going to say exactly that, any 3 years spell we've had outside of the top flight was a worse 3 year period than the last 3 years.


On the support front, whilst it's true if you pay your money to go you have the right to boo or get on players backs etc. All the best support I've ever seen in stadia in the UK and here in Italy are loud and supportive even when on the wrong end of a pasting, not booing. 


If the Lambert anecdote is true about him offering out a fan after the 3rd goal, then I can fully understand it. People go way over the line into personal abuse all too easily, after hearing god knows what off said "fan" for the first 20 minutes of the game any proud man putting his bollocks on the line every week and working hours and hours and hours trying to get good results for our club has the right to be upset IMHO.

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consciously thinks about that particular "stat" whilst they're launching into the next tirade.

You don't think the last few years are in peoples minds when they vent there frustration? While I'm not sure people are aware that's its historically the worst they can't help but know how poor its been.

Secondly, and mainly, who are these "people" who don't "appreciate" that statistic? Find me one Villa fan who is happy with the last three seasons on the whole, home and away combined. The point regarding what support entails to many seems to be lost on you.

Don't think you've got my point. I see the fans getting some grief on here again and I think those moaning at other fans should appreciate how shit its been before judging them. While I didn't join in with the negative vibes yesterday when 1-0 down I can't say I blame anyone for venting their frustrations.

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consciously thinks about that particular "stat" whilst they're launching into the next tirade.

You don't think the last few years are in peoples minds when they vent there frustration? While I'm not sure people are aware that's its historically the worst they can't help but know how poor its been.

Secondly, and mainly, who are these "people" who don't "appreciate" that statistic? Find me one Villa fan who is happy with the last three seasons on the whole, home and away combined. The point regarding what support entails to many seems to be lost on you.

Don't think you've got my point. I see the fans getting some grief on here again and I think those moaning at other fans should appreciate how shit its been before judging them. While I didn't join in with the negative vibes yesterday when 1-0 down I can't say I blame anyone for venting their frustrations.

Of course they appreciate it, they've all lived through it too. How does that make the opinion that our "support" is shite any less valid?

Edited by dont_do_it_doug.
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Despite everything I decided to back Lambert a few months ago and it has been very, very difficult. So as I could say little that was positive I decided to keep my comments to myself.

However on Sunday I did for the first time in a long time wonder following the Bacuna goal if he might be onto something. I know Benteke's goal got all the headlines, but Bacuna's goal was a fantastic team goal and great finish.

Our midfield is still generally poor but IF Lambert can persuade Lerner to spend on a bit of CM quality in the summer the tide may start to turn.

I am still of the opinion that Lambert took on a poisoned chalice in agreeing to manage the club on a shoestring and that few others would have made much difference. In for a penny etc - I would give him another season.

The fans have had to suffer some absolute **** for the last four seasons and it would be great if Lambert's "project" could start to click next season.

Edited by MikeMcKenna
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Don't think you've got my point. I see the fans getting some grief on here again and I think those moaning at other fans should appreciate how shit its been before judging them. While I didn't join in with the negative vibes yesterday when 1-0 down I can't say I blame anyone for venting their frustrations.



3 minutes in.  3 minutes!  You might as well have just been venting frustrations before the **** whistle had been blown.

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