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Paul Lambert


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Sacking managers who clearly were not up to the task. Managers like Lambert for instance.


Not sure how the second point has any relevance to this discussion. If Lerner had any balls Lambert would have been given the silver bullet after the Crystal Palace game.


That's just going to extremes. Ellis was too trigger happy, not to mention he seemed to fall out with almost every manager we had. Hardly a good quality.


It is. People moan about Lerner now because of how poor we've been doing (fair enough) but we've had even worse under Ellis, yet for some reason people always rush to praise him whenever things go wrong. As I said before, things being bad now under Lerner doesn't suddenly erase all the bad Ellis did.



I'm not praising anyone, I'm just telling it like it is! Ellis would have sacked Lambert a long time ago. Lerner's ineptitude and the fact he has his bag carrier as our CEO is the only thing that keeps McFuckbert in a job.

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This relegation battle has crept up on the club by stealth . The others we were stating down the barrel. This one has been clouded over by the false league position (12th now 13th). Oxygen is running thin now though and we are potentially about to go into free fall.


League position has always been papering over the cracks for many of us. The shit football we have been producing even when picking up results was setting alarm bells ringing a long time ago. I can understand some supporters burying their heads in the sand but rather worryingly the manager has even been acting totally oblivious to the fact we have been heading towards the relegation mire for a while now. He still seems to be in fact.

We fail to get three points against Norwich and Lambert will rightly feel the wrath of the supporters and be left without any doubts that the tripe results and performances are unacceptable.

Edited by markavfc40
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Sacking managers who clearly were not up to the task. Managers like Lambert for instance.


Not sure how the second point has any relevance to this discussion. If Lerner had any balls Lambert would have been given the silver bullet after the Crystal Palace game.


That's just going to extremes. Ellis was too trigger happy, not to mention he seemed to fall out with almost every manager we had. Hardly a good quality.


It is. People moan about Lerner now because of how poor we've been doing (fair enough) but we've had even worse under Ellis, yet for some reason people always rush to praise him whenever things go wrong. As I said before, things being bad now under Lerner doesn't suddenly erase all the bad Ellis did.


No-one is praising Ellis, they are simply stating that Ellis would not have put up with this for so long, which he wouldn't have.

What happens after the 'Must Win' game against Norwich and we lose? People just come up with excuse after excuse.


Yes they are praising him, and it always happens whenever things go badly. I have no idea. Lerner making some poor decisions doesn't undo any of the bad Ellis done. I also think this "Ellis wouldn't have put up with it" nonsense that gets spouted all the time is way off the mark. We were relegated under him, and things got really bad under O'Leary.


Well firstly there's no guarantee we will lose it. If we do though I doubt anyone will be rushing to defend Lambert.





Sacking managers who clearly were not up to the task. Managers like Lambert for instance.


Not sure how the second point has any relevance to this discussion. If Lerner had any balls Lambert would have been given the silver bullet after the Crystal Palace game.


That's just going to extremes. Ellis was too trigger happy, not to mention he seemed to fall out with almost every manager we had. Hardly a good quality.


It is. People moan about Lerner now because of how poor we've been doing (fair enough) but we've had even worse under Ellis, yet for some reason people always rush to praise him whenever things go wrong. As I said before, things being bad now under Lerner doesn't suddenly erase all the bad Ellis did.



I'm not praising anyone, I'm just telling it like it is! Ellis would have sacked Lambert a long time ago. Lerner's ineptitude and the fact he has his bag carrier as our CEO is the only thing that keeps McFuckbert in a job.


I don't think you're telling it like it is at all, at least with regards to Ellis. It's the owner equivalent of a shit player getting loads of praise when he's been out injured for a long time.

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Lerner isn't putting up with anything if Lambert is achieving what has been asked of him, is he?

Exactly mate.


Lerner :  "Keep us in the league again Paul if you can"


Lambert :  " I will do my best Randy"


End of the season


Lerner :  "Great work Paul, same again next year, not really bothere where we finish, aslong as we get the TV money"


Lambert :  "No problem boss, any chance of some extra funds?"


Lerner :  "No Paul"


Lambet :  "Ok, bye"

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Nothing less than a win against Norwich should hold back the calls for Lambert's head at the end of the game. A draw or defeat at home against such a crap team is totally and utterly unacceptable.


They just beat Tottenham though. Some will now consider them a team in form so another defeat can be excused.

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Nothing less than a win against Norwich should hold back the calls for Lambert's head at the end of the game. A draw or defeat at home against such a crap team is totally and utterly unacceptable.


They just beat Tottenham though. Some will now consider them a team in form so another defeat can be excused.


No one will be defending another defeat like today.

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Nothing less than a win against Norwich should hold back the calls for Lambert's head at the end of the game. A draw or defeat at home against such a crap team is totally and utterly unacceptable.


They just beat Tottenham though. Some will now consider them a team in form so another defeat can be excused.


Yes there are bound to be some pillocks that will consider them to be a team in form and excuse another defeat.

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Weren't fans saying Cardiff, Palace and West Ham were 'Must Win' games? Now Norwich is the 'Must Win' game. Can no-one see a pattern here?

Yes, as I have stated before on this forum today, the Lambertophiles always say the next game is a 'must win game' and when we don't win it they move on to the next game. It saves them having to admit that they were wrong.

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From the OS:


Gaffer's verdict: Lambert - We didn't deserve to lose that

Lambert, you poor deluded fool. 


OF COURSE we deserved to lose it because our midfield and forwards were useless all day and you put a player at left back who isn't good enough for League 1 and he gifted Remy a clear scoring chance which Vlaar and Bacuna, doing their Chuckle Brothers act, left him to finish off.

I don't believe we deserved to lose it either. Am I a "poor deluded fool" as well? Both teams were very poor IMO.


Well, I gave my reasoning in the post that you have quoted but, just in case you failed to read it, I'll say it again. Our forwards were poor all match and failed to capitalise on what few chances they created. We then gifted Newcastle a simple goal at the death. If that's not "deserving to lose" you would probably need to explain what you mean by the word "deserve".


The fact that both teams were poor is neither here nor there. We gifted them a goal. There is no ill-luck or ill-fortune involved there. If anything, Newcastle were the unlucky ones being denied a penalty when Bacuna clearly controlled the ball with his hand and hitting the post with Remy's 88th minute shot.

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How sweet would it be for Norwich next week to turn the screw! Football has a funny way of getting even

Revenge for getting them two promotions and consolidating their premier league position?
Yeah but he did walk out on them and sue them. Hardly a clean exit.

I'd say he is to them what MON is to us.

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