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Russel Brands "The Trews"


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This story came out a couple of years before he tried his hand at being a revolutionary. That and the whole thing with Andrew Sach's granddaughter to be fair.

Yeah I know, I looked it up. Once again, I too think he's a bit of a dick. But rather than let personal opinion of the man get in the way of the overall message I would rather see the positive. There appears to be a groundswell of some kind, it's a start.

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Which will never happen. My personal hope is that it brings about a sway towards left wing politics becoming a viable option again and perhaps that we the proletariat begin to question the media a bit more than we do.

I'm not expecting actual revolution.

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I just don't buy into his cult or whatever he's trying to start, it sounds too much like "give communism a chance".

I don't think it is, but I think there's a growing support for something that isn't a system that puts profit over lives in it's insistence on putting military before anything, that puts profit before quality of life in concentrating the worlds resources into the hands of a few hundred people, and doesn't put profit before freedom in using the influence of media to create a system where any debate on a subject that those few hundred people don't want to discuss is hidden away.


It's a shame that Brand is currently one of few places for people who've had enough to rally, and I'm very much hoping for a better alternative.


It's a really interesting time at the moment in British (and world) politics, people have had enough of the arrogance and lies that the current system provides and there's a growing feeling that we want to be involved in influencing policy and actually having a voice - the right have grabbed hold of that immediately through the likes of Farage and his friends in the British press - the left have a more difficult journey as they're unable to get that support, and most worryingly, the already right wing mainstream parties appear to be moving further to the right in order to try to pick up those UKIP voters.


There's actually some life in politics at the moment, if Brand acts as a way around the media barrier, then good - but it'd be nice to have a voice that didn't make me want to punch it in the face to lead the charge.

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Look Brand is whatever he is and most of us agree he's a bit of a twunt but what he is despite all that is a catalyst. He gets people talking about stuff, I don't think many if any buy the whole thing, you'd be daft to but the fact that even this topic exists means he getting people talking about issues, which is more than most people have managed for a while.

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Brand is a bit of a dick, but, he's showing something about the urge for those who aren't happy with the status quo and don't want to go even further to the right to find some sort of flag to rally around.

With the media being quite so biased as they are, it's really difficult for a true alternative to find a way to put itself out there, Brand's profile allows him to become a point around which people with similar ideas can gather. It's just a shame he's a bit of a dick.

This, pretty much. He's undeniably "a bit of a dick", but people are allowing their opinion of how much of a dick he is to be swayed be the very same media that he is attempting to rally against. That was my point.

The media has portrayed him in a certain way. The more he talks against them (though he seems more politically motivated lately he will open his mouth and piss off the wrong people soon enough) the more they will ramp it up. If there's one thing I agree with him on it is that we must resist the might of the media and it's will to spoon feed us our opinion.

It's time we opened our eyes. This cannot be ignored any longer.


It's actually all part of the same game. The media are only interested in him because he's a celebrity. It makes sense for them to portray him in a 'certain way' because portraying him in that way means channels that interview him will get more views/clicks. I'm sure he's perfectly happy with this since his Revolution Booky Wooky thingy is currently on the shelves. 

Edited by Dr_Pangloss
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Look Brand is whatever he is and most of us agree he's a bit of a twunt but what he is despite all that is a catalyst. He gets people talking about stuff, I don't think many if any buy the whole thing, you'd be daft to but the fact that even this topic exists means he getting people talking about issues, which is more than most people have managed for a while.


In fairness the only place I've seen or heard about this thing is on VT. No one talks about it, not even the guys at work who actually discuss politics. Perhaps it's just another internet craze that will die a death in time.

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Look Brand is whatever he is and most of us agree he's a bit of a twunt but what he is despite all that is a catalyst. He gets people talking about stuff, I don't think many if any buy the whole thing, you'd be daft to but the fact that even this topic exists means he getting people talking about issues, which is more than most people have managed for a while.


In fairness the only place I've seen or heard about this thing is on VT. No one talks about it, not even the guys at work who actually discuss politics. Perhaps it's just another internet craze that will die a death in time.


Well it may have more teenage girls and Nathan Barley Shoreditch clearing in the woods types talking about it...

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I think the main basis of political opinion in the UK is that we don't want things crippled by the unions and we don't want religious nutters in charge. Anything in between is alright, hence why both parties have generally gone towards the centre over the years. There will always be loud people on the left, Brand is like it or not one of the biggest celebrities around and so gets extra limelight, especially as he seems to have turned out to be a bit shit at everything and so has little else to do in order to get on telly. Most people just get their head down and get on with their lives because we've actually got it alright over here on the whole, as Robert Webb said.

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Look Brand is whatever he is and most of us agree he's a bit of a twunt but what he is despite all that is a catalyst. He gets people talking about stuff, I don't think many if any buy the whole thing, you'd be daft to but the fact that even this topic exists means he getting people talking about issues, which is more than most people have managed for a while.


In fairness the only place I've seen or heard about this thing is on VT. No one talks about it, not even the guys at work who actually discuss politics. Perhaps it's just another internet craze that will die a death in time.


Well it may have more teenage girls and Nathan Barley Shoreditch clearing in the woods types talking about it...



Who have just as much right to a voice as either of you, like it or not. 

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Look Brand is whatever he is and most of us agree he's a bit of a twunt but what he is despite all that is a catalyst. He gets people talking about stuff, I don't think many if any buy the whole thing, you'd be daft to but the fact that even this topic exists means he getting people talking about issues, which is more than most people have managed for a while.


In fairness the only place I've seen or heard about this thing is on VT. No one talks about it, not even the guys at work who actually discuss politics. Perhaps it's just another internet craze that will die a death in time.


Well it may have more teenage girls and Nathan Barley Shoreditch clearing in the woods types talking about it...



Who have just as much right to a voice as either of you, like it or not. 



And so do all of those capitalist pigs :ph34r:

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He's allowed to go to the football, surely? I'd sure as hell take advantage of going down the Villa, in the boxes for free, if I could! 


Of course he is allowed to go. Nothing is stopping him being a hypocrite.

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