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Russel Brands "The Trews"


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Think he makes some good points now and again.  Although Jon Stewart is much better at berating Fox News.  I agree democracy does not exist and is a failed system.  Although I would like to know what the alternative is.

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I think we can all acknowledge the guys a clown but what putting that to the side what about his comments. he does state quite a few good points backed up with facts


Russell Brand is a clearing in the woods. That is a good point and it's a fact.

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I agree with some of what he says, but he says it in such a pretentious, overbearing way that i just don't want to listen.

It matters not whether you nor I think that about him. The truth of the matter is that there are an increasing number of people who do listen to him, they may not agree with everything he says but they do think he has a point here or there worth listening to and certainly more of a point that any of the mainstream political parties. He is becoming a voice of those disaffected with the whole political system and those disaffected are a rapidly growing demographic. The more exposure his political ranting gets the more of a voice those disaffected people feel they have. He's not the answer but he does give other disaffected people the confidence to have their own voice too.

Its easy to dismiss him as a pretentious twunt, because he is just that but he has a point too and its a point that an increasing number of people share. He's important right now for that reason.

Well said that man.

I've spent many years flip flopping back and forth with my opinion on Brand. But during these dark times he's one of far too few making a real concerted effort to get people to think about the system that stifles us. And I don't believe he does it for exposure either, I listen to him and I believe that he believes in what he's saying. It's refreshing, no matter what my opinion of him as a whole.

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I'm of the opinion that Brand really gets pissed off with himself at times. You can see he has that will and desire to do something really meaningful in the world, he is an intelligent and clever individual behind all the nonsense but he is fighting that other half of his personality, that nonsense that is so desperate for attention and fame. Jekyll and Hyde.

I'm sure I've heard him say as much about himself too.

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I agree with some of what he says, but he says it in such a pretentious, overbearing way that i just don't want to listen.

It matters not whether you nor I think that about him. The truth of the matter is that there are an increasing number of people who do listen to him, they may not agree with everything he says but they do think he has a point here or there worth listening to and certainly more of a point that any of the mainstream political parties. He is becoming a voice of those disaffected with the whole political system and those disaffected are a rapidly growing demographic. The more exposure his political ranting gets the more of a voice those disaffected people feel they have. He's not the answer but he does give other disaffected people the confidence to have their own voice too.

Its easy to dismiss him as a pretentious twunt, because he is just that but he has a point too and its a point that an increasing number of people share. He's important right now for that reason.

Well said that man.

I've spent many years flip flopping back and forth with my opinion on Brand. But during these dark times he's one of far too few making a real concerted effort to get people to think about the system that stifles us. And I don't believe he does it for exposure either, I listen to him and I believe that he believes in what he's saying. It's refreshing, no matter what my opinion of him as a whole.

Next you'll be saying bankers don't do it for the money
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I agree with that assessment Bicks. He has a platform and he's using it to rabble rouse, which I like. Most celebrities are vacuous bores more concerned with maintaining their comfortable lifestyle than engaging in meaningful discourse, be it politics, or anything else. If he makes people think instead of mindlessly consume, then good. I think if I was 23 and not 43, I'd find his technique less annoying.

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any guy that comes to work the day after 9/11 dressed as Osama Bin Laden is DEFINITELY looking for attention...


To be fair he did have a massive heroin and crack habit at the time.

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From a review of he's editing of new statesman

Infrequently funny Russell Brand was asked by the Newstatesman to edit an issue. So far so nothing.

Obviously lost for something to say he thought he would try his hand at importance and became a self-annointed champion of yoof disaffection. That could be a Bo-Selecta revolution as far as I'm concerned. But what is truly troublesome is the amount of sensitive think pieces on the left that have gone along with this carnivale tripe. "Don't blame Russell for wanting the unattainable" cried Suzanne Moore in the Guardian. **** that!

And I do fully endorse Robert Webb's Open letter in riposte. "Go and read some **** Orwell."

I like Brand's putatitive anti-neo-liberal stance, I doubt if he knows a lot about it or if he indeed means it. There's a Russell Brand Credit Card Hotline, for the extra dates in his sell-out British tour. I'm sure this is all intentioned as a loss-making exercise (I stole that gag from the letters page of last week's NS).

Anyway, I think Russell Brand is a fair-weather, inconsequential puke mouth-piece whose contribution is a bit like that of Kenny Everett's appearance at the Tory party conference.


Edited by Jimzk5
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This one he posted today I quite enjoyed. It's more representative of what the trews is than his Hannity tirades or the Fox doorstepping. Bickster is on the money in his assessment.



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I was tempted to switch off the second he pronounced Ottawa the way he did but I gave him the benefit of the doubt and carried on

He's basically ripping off an Eddie Izzard sketch just not as well

Gave up before the end ... Too annoying

For what it's worth I do agree with his pov that it was linked to IS far too quickly with zero evidence , however if it's true the Canadian police had been watching him for somewhile it's all so possible that they already have some background info on him and know exactly who he is

It's all leading up to minority report style policing isn't it

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I agree with some of what he says, but he says it in such a pretentious, overbearing way that i just don't want to listen.

It matters not whether you nor I think that about him. The truth of the matter is that there are an increasing number of people who do listen to him, they may not agree with everything he says but they do think he has a point here or there worth listening to and certainly more of a point that any of the mainstream political parties. He is becoming a voice of those disaffected with the whole political system and those disaffected are a rapidly growing demographic. The more exposure his political ranting gets the more of a voice those disaffected people feel they have. He's not the answer but he does give other disaffected people the confidence to have their own voice too.

Its easy to dismiss him as a pretentious twunt, because he is just that but he has a point too and its a point that an increasing number of people share. He's important right now for that reason.



Lots of people listen to that twunt Farage as well.

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I agree with some of what he says, but he says it in such a pretentious, overbearing way that i just don't want to listen.

It matters not whether you nor I think that about him. The truth of the matter is that there are an increasing number of people who do listen to him, they may not agree with everything he says but they do think he has a point here or there worth listening to and certainly more of a point that any of the mainstream political parties. He is becoming a voice of those disaffected with the whole political system and those disaffected are a rapidly growing demographic. The more exposure his political ranting gets the more of a voice those disaffected people feel they have. He's not the answer but he does give other disaffected people the confidence to have their own voice too.

Its easy to dismiss him as a pretentious twunt, because he is just that but he has a point too and its a point that an increasing number of people share. He's important right now for that reason.


Lots of people listen to that twunt Farage as well.

Well no, quite the opposite, they don't listen to him and then vote for his party. If they listened to him they probably wouldn't be voting for his party.

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They do listen to Farage, it's just that the sort of people who listen tend to be the sort of people who are just looking for someone to tell them who to scapegoat for everything that is wrong with the world. If it's someone who is beneath them on the social ladder like Johnny Foreigner or an ethnic minority then all the better. 

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No, they do listen to him, and they like what he says, unfortunately.

yep all those traditional Labour voters he's getting by saying that Margaret Thatcher was wonderful and that he wants to privatise the NHS must have listened real hard

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