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The Most Alcohol You've Consumed in One Session


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Yeah think you always calm down and you have that one friend who won't. My one mate still goes in the pub everyday for a few then is battered every weekend. Thing is though he still can't handle his beer so on a sesh sat (that he does every week) he is hammered by 8. If some of us go out for a few in the evening and he is there, it is getting to point we don't want to hang around him when he is drunk.

I don't really drink during the week and it's about 6 pints on a Friday. Have a bit of a headache the next day. When I do go big I suffer all the next day.

Thinking after 6 months travelling I'll be getting drunk a fair bit, do interesting if my busy adapts again like when I was younger.

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there are a few lads i know who are still doing the same shit they were doing in their late teens by going out all weekend, i was up until the age of 27 then i knd of settled down a bit. i was one of those mates that your on about who used to spend all saturday in the pub then come the night time id bump into mates that had settled down a bit and they sometimes got fed up of me because i was to wasted, infact they used to admit that they would sometimes avoid me. just cant do all day and night drinking and get away with the consequences anymore and more to the point i dont want to do it anymore.

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I have the same dilemma every week.


To session or not to session, on one hand i love a quiet weekend, bit of gymming and some good sleep and a nice takeaway on sat night, you definitely feel better for it the next week at work but on the other hand come Friday evening with the whole weekend ahead of you its hard not to get on it and enjoy yourself, i'm definitely coming to the point where i can't do consecutive nights anymore and i'm already out of the "club" scene pretty much, i don't really feel too old at 28 but being surrounded by 17 year olds trying to take on the world is not my cup of tea anymore, there's a nice run to be had around new street, jewellery quarter etc.. without doing the club scene.

Edited by AVFCDAN
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I've never been into clubbing or going out for the point of getting "wasted". 


It's happened organically, where I've gone out with a small circle of friends and it's turned into 8 pints, then whisky or port etc..  Those are always my favourite nights out, when you don't plan something, but you're having such a good time, they times just keep rolling.


I've only got a small circle of friends of about 10 or so and two best friends.  I have absolutely no idea how some people have about 20-odd friends and go away on holidays or anything, that just seems like too much hard work for me! :lol:


I'm lucky that I don't get hang overs (27), I just sleep. 


I got pretty drunk last weekend though, went on a sea fishing trip in Bournemouth, drank all day on the boat and had a considerable portion of gin and tonic from a 2l coke bottle.  I was that stupid, I was using it to quench my thirst, then I just talked shit for the rest of the night, with a particular penchant for asking if anyone had been really punched in the face.  Now I've never hit anyone or been punched, but I was keen to know what peoples opinions on how painful it was :lol:


Sorry Rob182 and Paddywhack! :D

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I've never been into going out for the point of getting "wasted". 


im the opposite, i dont go clubbing, but other than a couple of pints at the villa i only ever drink if im getting drunk, and when i get drunk i get blind drunk, never drink at home and unless there is left over beer from a party theres never booze in my house, wont drink if im out for a meal, if i go out and im driving I'll have coke rather than limit myself to 1/2 pints


i dont see the point in watching tv tonight while drinking 4 cans of something

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I've never been into clubbing or going out for the point of getting "wasted".

It's happened organically, where I've gone out with a small circle of friends and it's turned into 8 pints, then whisky or port etc.. Those are always my favourite nights out, when you don't plan something, but you're having such a good time, they times just keep rolling.

I've only got a small circle of friends of about 10 or so and two best friends. I have absolutely no idea how some people have about 20-odd friends and go away on holidays or anything, that just seems like too much hard work for me! :lol:

I'm lucky that I don't get hang overs (27), I just sleep.

I got pretty drunk last weekend though, went on a sea fishing trip in Bournemouth, drank all day on the boat and had a considerable portion of gin and tonic from a 2l coke bottle. I was that stupid, I was using it to quench my thirst, then I just talked shit for the rest of the night, with a particular penchant for asking if anyone had been really punched in the face. Now I've never hit anyone or been punched, but I was keen to know what peoples opinions on how painful it was :lol:

Sorry Rob182 and Paddywhack! :D

It's not that bad, being punched in the face I mean. Adrenaline usually takes care of most of the pain.

Being kicked in the bollocks is the one.

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I've never been into going out for the point of getting "wasted". 


im the opposite, i dont go clubbing, but other than a couple of pints at the villa i only ever drink if im getting drunk, and when i get drunk i get blind drunk, never drink at home and unless there is left over beer from a party theres never booze in my house, wont drink if im out for a meal, if i go out and im driving I'll have coke rather than limit myself to 1/2 pints


i dont see the point in watching tv tonight while drinking 4 cans of something



I know what you mean.  But I don't drink at home, if I do it's a glass of Whisky on a Friday night, very occasionally.


If people leave stuff at mine when they've come over, it'll still be there in the beer fridge in my utility room when they visit next time.


I have been to the pub and had a couple of shandy's though, particularly if it's a nice warm summers evening.


I enjoy drinking socially, but I just don't go out to get smashed.

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I wish I had that level of self control. If I could drink one whisky with one cigarette at the end of every day before bed, I'd do it. But once I start with both, I just don't stop.

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I wish I had that level of self control. If I could drink one whisky with one cigarette at the end of every day before bed, I'd do it. But once I start with both, I just don't stop.


Same here! I can go without a beer for ages but once i start i cant stop.

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I used to drink through boredom. Originally when I was single.

I worked for a contract cleaners at Jaguar, then for Jaguar itself. The whole place was full of alcoholics and I joined merrily in. Not a binge drinker, but a regularly imbibed drinker.

Example; Sunday night, 7 or 8 at the pub. Monday dinner, 3 pints in 40 minutes at the Jaguar bar (yes there used to be a bar on site!). 4.30pm straight into Jaguar Fishers club, drinking steadily til 10.30pm.

Next day, rinse and repeat. Until Friday when it was 12.30pm finish. Straight into Jag club followed by a pub crawl round the Vale.


Toned it down when I got married and only drank at home.


Got divorced, got very bored, spent all my time at home alone drinking vast amounts of cider and collapsing into bed. For 4 years.


Now I'm down to 2 cans or bottles per night, sometimes only one. See, women ARE good for something ;)

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I used to drink through boredom. Originally when I was single.

I worked for a contract cleaners at Jaguar, then for Jaguar itself. The whole place was full of alcoholics and I joined merrily in. Not a binge drinker, but a regularly imbibed drinker.

Example; Sunday night, 7 or 8 at the pub. Monday dinner, 3 pints in 40 minutes at the Jaguar bar (yes there used to be a bar on site!). 4.30pm straight into Jaguar Fishers club, drinking steadily til 10.30pm.

Next day, rinse and repeat. Until Friday when it was 12.30pm finish. Straight into Jag club followed by a pub crawl round the Vale.


Toned it down when I got married and only drank at home.


Got divorced, got very bored, spent all my time at home alone drinking vast amounts of cider and collapsing into bed. For 4 years.


Now I'm down to 2 cans or bottles per night, sometimes only one. See, women ARE good for something ;)


Crikey, I bet that was fun...

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I wish I had that level of self control. If I could drink one whisky with one cigarette at the end of every day before bed, I'd do it. But once I start with both, I just don't stop.


Same here! I can go without a beer for ages but once i start i cant stop.



It's not control, I'm just not that interested in drinking.  When I'm out with people, and having a drink, I'll happily drink.


But I can't think of anything more boring that drinking at home alone.


In a completely childish way, I'd rather play playstation, which requires a certain amount of hand eye co-ordination.  Alcohol and competitive gaming don't mix :lol:


I'm a nerd.  holy shit.

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I wish I had that level of self control. If I could drink one whisky with one cigarette at the end of every day before bed, I'd do it. But once I start with both, I just don't stop.


Same here! I can go without a beer for ages but once i start i cant stop.



It's not control, I'm just not that interested in drinking.  When I'm out with people, and having a drink, I'll happily drink.


But I can't think of anything more boring that drinking at home alone.


In a completely childish way, I'd rather play playstation, which requires a certain amount of hand eye co-ordination.  Alcohol and competitive gaming don't mix :lol:


I'm a nerd.  holy shit.



I concur with these messages.

When I am out I will drink to excess, I have never drunk at home and probably never will.

I would rather stuff my face with pringles, biscuits and fizzy pop than sit there having a beer.


I am not a fatty btw don't judge me ;)

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I used to drink through boredom. Originally when I was single.

I worked for a contract cleaners at Jaguar, then for Jaguar itself. The whole place was full of alcoholics and I joined merrily in. Not a binge drinker, but a regularly imbibed drinker.

Example; Sunday night, 7 or 8 at the pub. Monday dinner, 3 pints in 40 minutes at the Jaguar bar (yes there used to be a bar on site!). 4.30pm straight into Jaguar Fishers club, drinking steadily til 10.30pm.

Next day, rinse and repeat. Until Friday when it was 12.30pm finish. Straight into Jag club followed by a pub crawl round the Vale.


Toned it down when I got married and only drank at home.


Got divorced, got very bored, spent all my time at home alone drinking vast amounts of cider and collapsing into bed. For 4 years.


Now I'm down to 2 cans or bottles per night, sometimes only one. See, women ARE good for something ;)


Crikey, I bet that was fun...


Oh indeed.


I was always amazed any of us could get into work, never mind do the job properly.


At least 20 people I worked with from 1985 - 1990 are now dead due to alcoholism.

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My longest drinking session lasted 23 hours. I finished work at 4am, and some people were leaving. We went the the market pub the Mercat straight after work and decided on a nice little session. We stayed there until midday where we left to eat at O'Neils at the Arcadian. There we continued drinking until about 4-5 numbers were dwindling. I think only 3 were left...2 had work that night, one decided to go in, the I was off so me and terry decided to go home get changed and go clubbing. But Terry needed she's, the only shoes he had were at work, I had to go and get them. So I rolled to to work smashed to pick up Terry's shoes.

I went home to get shoes I remember telling my dad I'm having a quick shower then heading off out...he said I bet you don't...I felt fine, I don't think I looked it.

9 o'clock I remember walking into the walkabout. I've had a break of almost an hour I'm thirsty. Terry arrived shortly after we start drinking heavily again. We ended up at Works night club (I think the only time I've ever been there) I remember little about that bit except the cheeky girls performed and they don't really want you to try and touch their bum, and they are bloody tiny. Also I have a vague memory of playing a friut machine and winning shit loads of money,so offering a curry to everyone who had joined us. So 3 am in a curry house someone who's neither me or Terry suggested to go somewhere they knew for a drink...so we could make it 24 hours, we both told him to fuckoff, I sort of regret it now.

I don't know whether any other supplements were involved, I can't remember, or how much we drank.

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I enjoy a good session but can have 1 or 2 with a curry. I do find myself leaving my mates pretty early now. If they want to drink until 6 am thats up to them, if I've had enough I just go home.

I rarely drink at home, if I do it 1 or 2 cans with a curry and MOTD after work. I'm 99% a social drinker, it would worry me to drink vast amounts on my own.

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I used to drink through boredom. Originally when I was single.

I worked for a contract cleaners at Jaguar, then for Jaguar itself. The whole place was full of alcoholics and I joined merrily in. Not a binge drinker, but a regularly imbibed drinker.

Example; Sunday night, 7 or 8 at the pub. Monday dinner, 3 pints in 40 minutes at the Jaguar bar (yes there used to be a bar on site!). 4.30pm straight into Jaguar Fishers club, drinking steadily til 10.30pm.

Next day, rinse and repeat. Until Friday when it was 12.30pm finish. Straight into Jag club followed by a pub crawl round the Vale.


And people wonder why British manufacturing is in such decline!

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