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SIFF World Cup


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I think it means six times stronger than the average human. The claim has been refuted by some who say it's more likely that a Chimpanzee has twice the strength of a human but then again they were talking about it in terms of lifting weights which makes me wonder that they mean a Chimpanzee is twice as strong as Human who does a lot of weight lifting. Whatever it is a Chimp is going to be a lot stronger than Human.


And don't forget the Chimpanzees in this tournament are professionals they've been training for this for a long time. Their legs are going to be stronger than average just the same as professional Human footballer's legs will be stronger than the average guy's legs on the street. 

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Whatever randomly chosen multiple a chimp is stronger than a human by, a chimp's movement mechanics don't lend themselves well to bipedal running at all. While they can just about walk on two legs, running at any significant speed would seem unattainable, and as has already been pointed out for all of the quadrupeds that have been eliminated, dribbling the ball on four legs is really hard to do well.


Another point to consider is the chimps inferior aerobic system. 90 minutes is a loooong time.

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Chimpanzees can move on two legs for short a period of time but can cover a lot of ground and they don't have to be fully upright they can run with the ball in a sort of crouching motion. I'd expect them to beat the Kangaroos not sure about Humans though it's a tough one to call.

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They'll be handballing it all over the show if they dribble how they run (or at least how they were depicted to run in POTA at least :lol:). AFAIK they can't run on two legs at all, they can just sort of walk briskly.


Their lack of hip ROM in the posterior half of the sagittal plane means they can't pull back their foot to kick the ball without their arms being in the way either.

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They'll have been practicing and will be skilled at moving their hands out of the way when running with ball and don't forget they have the advantage of virtually being able to pick up the ball with their feet so will have close control. And even after all, they can employ a passing and movement game, where the ball has to do most of the work.

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Stevo has blatantly been taking more bungs.

He's often been described as a "wheeler dealer"

I'm not a FACKIN' wheelah dealah!!

Anyway, the public (I.e. a handful of VTers) vote for this, so if anyone's taking bungs... It's you lot!!

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It doesn't matter how much they practice, if they run how they did when they were crossing the Golden Gate Bridge then they'll handball it repeatedly. Even Messi level dribbling wouldn't prevent it.

Also if they were to play a passing oriented game instead their attacks would be nullified by the (much faster) kangaroos playing a high defensive line and forcing them to either dribble (and likely handball) or to be offside.

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Up until this point, the media coverage of the SIFF world cup has been restricted by our own policies involving the press.

Today we have decided that these policies will be more relaxed for Sunday's final.

As a result, official SIFF match reporter Ben Stephenson (definitely not the same person as Stevo985) will be providing a minute by minute match report in real time during the game.

Kick off time is yet to be confirmed.

We can also announce that Stan Colliepaw has been appointed official SIFF post game interviewer for the final and will receive exclusive access to the players and coaches.

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Stevo has blatantly been taking more bungs.

He's often been described as a "wheeler dealer"
I'm not a FACKIN' wheelah dealah!!

Anyway, the public (I.e. a handful of VTers) vote for this, so if anyone's taking bungs... It's you lot!!

I want the names of everyone who voted against the panda's

They shall be getting a nasty surprise through their post


This was written by someone else as I'm still boycotting this thread

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They'll be handballing it all over the show if they dribble how they run (or at least how they were depicted to run in POTA at least :lol:). AFAIK they can't run on two legs at all, they can just sort of walk briskly.


Their lack of hip ROM in the posterior half of the sagittal plane means they can't pull back their foot to kick the ball without their arms being in the way either.


I don't know how you can bring up the point of how chimp's would struggle to dribble when you're championing the kangaroos. They can't dribble at all!

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They'll be handballing it all over the show if they dribble how they run (or at least how they were depicted to run in POTA at least :lol:). AFAIK they can't run on two legs at all, they can just sort of walk briskly.


Their lack of hip ROM in the posterior half of the sagittal plane means they can't pull back their foot to kick the ball without their arms being in the way either.


I don't know how you can bring up the point of how chimp's would struggle to dribble when you're championing the kangaroos. They can't dribble at all!

We've been over this. They can just spam the cuauhtemiña and their arms aren't in the way hand balling it the whole time.

As a side note this debate reminded me of it and I successfully used that trick three times in my six aside match tonight. It makes me wonder why it isn't more popular.

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Not as far as I'm aware. You see it every once in a while and I don't think I've ever seen a free kick given for it.

Edit - I got away with it at least and the ref had a black top and a whistle so he must have been kosher.

Double edit - AND you can do it on FIFA it would seem. Surely they wouldn't include it if it was illegal.

Edited by ArteSuave
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Feel bad for the Pandas, if the humans were to lose to any team then I'd have liked it to have been against those guys. They can hold their heads up high for getting this far and I can only see them getting better and better at football as a species. I hope to see them lift the SIFF World Cup one day.

And soon they'll be extinct.

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