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Star Wars: Disney Era


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13 hours ago, Chindie said:

She's absolutely terrible.

But everything you read about this would have you thinking this is a mess even without her. I think Disney know as well.

Plus you can't escape thinking that this is a tick box exercise. Loads of gags have been made online about it but it's true, you can just see the things that have to be in there - you'll get the Kessel run, etc etc, because that has to be there.

I must have missed that she's terrible, I think she's a fine actress........not of the truly elite i grant you but more than good enough for the parts she has played in the past

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I have a fairly low bar for enjoying sci-fi movies.  Even the recasting of previously loved characters I'm pretty comfortable with.  I enjoyed the Star Trek reboot (got the casting spot on IMO), I liked McGregor as Obi Wan even if I did not really get on with the movies he featured in.  This trailer really does not feel right though.  Han comes across as a bit of an entitled, whiny teen whilst looking like a man in his late twenties.  I know it is just a trailer and most of the Star Wars trailers have been of footage that never even make it into the finished movie or were shot specifically for the trailer, but the overall impression is a bit of a let down.  Maybe they are exploring how Han becomes the confident, swaggering, charmer that we know from the 70's so he has to start somewhere that isn't that, but it had a bit too much of a whiff of young Anikin for me.  The dialog just sounded a bit too American Pie to me with the casing looking a bit like Luke Perry playing a teen in 90210.  Nothing seems to quite fit right and if it feels wrong it's going to be hard to suspend disbelief and just get on with watching the movie. 

It may just be me, but the bits without Han and whoever Emilia Clark is playing seemed ok, it's the bits with them that smell a bit stage school.  Maybe over time we will see better trailers and I'll get a bit more excited, but at the moment this is 100% wait for the reviews before deciding if I'm going to bother with it at the cinema.

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Can anyone spot the very slight similarities?


The French artist who made the posters for Sony Music back in 2015 thinks they are a bit too similar.

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In news that probably wont surprise anyone the tv show is coming, john favreau signed up to produce and write it, no more details than that, no release date but it sounds like its going to be on disneys new "direct to consumer" product which sounds like a netflix rival (i think they may already have one for their films)

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I love Star Wars, but there really is too much of a good thing.  The Solo movie has not done enough yet to get me to watch it at the cinema and now a TV show?  It's the same with all the super hero movies, I just don't care anymore.  I've not even bothered with Agents of Shield or the Green Arrow or any of the other spin offs and I imagine I will do the same with Star Wars.  The excitement really has begun to drain out of me.  The only super hero TV show I ever watched regularly was Heroes and that was only for the first season and was some time before the saturation of all things Starry and super.  It's a shame it has come to this, but I'm sure Disney will make their money so it will all be worth it in the end.

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The only superhero tv stuff i watch is the netflix defenders stuff and thats mainly because the first 2 series (DD and JJ) were really high quality 

I do think the SW universe can support the main trilogy, spin offs and a tv series (as well as the cartoons) but they need to move away from the original characters and give it all a chance to breath, the old republic is the answer to me

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I don't think there is a saturation point with Star Wars, as long as the quality remains high.

Marvel have proven you can flood the market with content and so far, people have lapped it up. The bubble isn't going to burst anytime soon, if anything it hasn't peaked yet. 

The SWU is massive and there is so much content already out there that could form the basis of TV Shows/Movies/Animated stuff.  

I like Jon Favreau and I'm quite excited by the prospect of a TV show. It'll be interesting to see where/when they pitch it.

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I'm not a huge Star Wars fan but it's a franchise that can sustain a huge variety of stories, if the studio is brave enough to step away from the stuff that's already established. Or even just pay with the stuff that's completely tangential to the established stuff.

The problem is, the studio will bottle it, and assume Star Wars has to be about the Force and or the Empire and or the Jedi etc etc. And it'll feel cynical.

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Tried to re-watch The Last Jedi over the weekend.

Made it as far as the hamster/puffin-bird scene before I had enough. So about 15 minutes.

At that point Johnson had pretty much already destroyed the things I liked about Abram's TFA and from memory it continues that way all through the film. Even thou It's a pretty film to look at.

Am going to give it another go at some point, but I feel the same way about this one as I did with The Hobbit movies.

Massive disappointment.

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I don't think the Last Jedi is that bad. I don't think it's particularly good either, but most of the criticism I've seen has come from those invested in TFA that are disappointed the Last Jedi didn't match their expectations.

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