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Jeremy Clarkson upsets some people again.....


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The public... requesting that the state funded TV channel stop broadcasting him isn't that Orwellian.

The existence of a state-funded TV channel, though...



hey hey hey


hey you


we'll give up the (admittedly right wing) BBC when you give up the right to shoot schoolkids



The winner by knock-out... chrisp65!

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No one (besides police, apparently) has the right to shoot schoolkids.

(it would seem likely that if Clarkson worked for an American private broadcaster, he'd have been sacked long ago... the example of Craig James' example might be particularly relevant)

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A minor tremor on Clarkson's personal richter scale of repulsiveness.


Nigger is a funny one. I like the music of Black America and it's littered with it. So much so, it's difficult not to be desensitized.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7Rdr22dBPE. It's aspirational but has the word 'spade' in the shouty bit of the chorus. Personally I think that's worse than nigger, but that's maybe because it's heard less.


Don't use either word in conversation, though I've made exceptions.


We had a security guard at work that thought he'd have a bit of sport with the guy in the Classical department. Rob is big, black and though I didn't know it then, seriously into Taikwondo. Suspecting he was toying with me, he got it back with both barrels. From then on when he was doing the cash run (no customers about) we'd exchange appalling racial slurs. It became sport for the pair of us, and we're very candid friends when not deliberately out to shock each other.

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If you read the bible you know that book that God where commands the Israelites to exterminate another people, not for any crime but merely because they are a different ethnic group with a different religion

does that make you a racist ?

and if you recant an old nursery rhyme that you may have grown up with from a bygone era as you learnt it , are you then also a racist ... it was 2 years ago so not sure why the Mirror have dug it out now , shit I'm fairly sure in 1977 I recited Baa Baa Black sheep at school , I must be a racist as well

Clarkson may have accidentally / inadvertently used the N word as a slip of the tongue whilst recanting an old nursery rhyme but that's a huge difference from being a racist ....

I grew up in the 80's we went to the Paki shops , we listened to wog boxes , we laughed at Jim Davidson's mate Chalky on prime time tv etc ... BUT those phrases are no longer acceptable in society and don't get used any longer , you can argue they should never have been used , but back then they were pretty much every day phrases ... maybe we were all racists back then or maybe we were just ignorant or even sheltered from multi cultural society ... my school had 1 Asian kid in it out of maybe 300 people .. In effect didn't know anyone that wasn't white , my parents social circle would have been 100% white and so on ..where as now I have friends from all manor of ethnicity and even religion and my children don't even bat an eyelid at where somebody comes from , what religion or the colour of their skin ...

50 years from now at least my children aren't going to recant an old childhood nursery rhyme and "outrage" the usual suspects .... though it will probably transpire that Harry Potter was a closest racist or something and he'll be on the banned list

Ahhh the daily fail, always the voice of reason.

Using religion to defend anything as your opening gambit is always going to lead you down a path towards epic failure. I'm surprised at your ignorance Tony.

I think Clarkson should have known better. But it was a slip of the tongue, forgivable if it weren't for all the other right wing shite he spouts. Basically, he's set himself up as his own judge, jury and executioner.

Hang him.

Using the daily mail as your opening retort is far worse :)

Not even sure why you needed to let yourself down like that , but my posts have been truthful and hopefully gave a reasoned contribution to the debate .. That I got a few likes and a few people entering the discussion , suggests my attempt was a reasonable effort

Even if you didn't like it :)

Edited by tonyh29
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To say that people who self-identify with the label because of their race can use the word to describe themselves, but people outside of their self-identified race can't is itself racist. So being upset about Clarkson saying the n word makes the upset person racist and doesn't say anything about Clarkson either way.


I don't expect the Daily Mail's readership to be able to comprehend that though.

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I'm sorry but the pathetic reporting from the mirror and the frankly pathetic response from some of the posters on here trivialises real issues of racism.

Throwing a banana at Dani Alves is racist and disgusting behaviour. "Not saying" a racist word and making ironic jokes about racism isn't. I watch the likes of Jon Stewart/Bill Meyer most days and they make similar jokes yet I wouldn't think either as being racist.

I just wonder what the response on here would be like if exactly the same situation involved say Ben Elton for example....

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I just wonder what the response on here would be like if exactly the same situation involved say Ben Elton for example....

We'd probably just end up debating which one of Clarkson or Elton was the biggest cock, tbh. Edited by snowychap
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I just wonder what the response on here would be like if exactly the same situation involved say Ben Elton for example....

We'd probably just end up debating which one of Clarkson or Elton was the biggest cock, tbh.

Haha, very very true.

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Saying the N-word does not make you a racist.


Though it's been pretty clear for a very long time that Clarkson is a racist, a xenophobe, and generally a pretty nasty piece of work.

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To celebrate and commemorate a lightening of my mood in the last few hours, I have cancelled the fatwa previously issued by myself on Clarkson. 

He can thank Hull for that.

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From the BBC website:

'....the Daily Mirror, which said it had hired "audio forensic experts" to analyse the clip that it had obtained.'

So, in the light of the fact that absolutely no one was offended on any way whatsoever, the DM hired experts to make sure that at least someone, somewhere, was offended, and presumably outraged.

You really couldn't make it up.

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I presume Marr was talking about the BBC sacking a DJ on Radio Devon for playing a song that contained the N word. The song in question was a 1932 recording of The Sun Has Got His Hat On.

Utterly bonkers decision. I very much doubt the DJ even realised the word was in there and as the BBC is all shiny and digital why the hell was the song on their music servers if it was so offensive?

Are they going to stop playing Oliver's Army? What about that Jay-Z and Kanye West collaboration?

Context is everything, banning a word is utterly ludicrous especially as Limpid points out Black people use the word to identify themselves.

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