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Jeremy Clarkson upsets some people again.....


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but you only have to look at modern day and the bandwagons the masses jump on to know that lots of the population aren't capable of thinking for themselves

All (well bar a very few) are capable of thinking for themselves - if some choose not to then they shouldn't think that they can easily hide behind the 'crowd' defence.

Not all bandwagons are bad, though. ;)

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You've not heard the stuff he said about the periodic table? Shocking, he should have been burnt at the stake


Did you hear what he said about Sodium? ............. Na



was it salty?

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You could argue the ‘older’ generation don’t realise what is racist and what isn’t.

I had to inform my parents (I’m 34) recently that calling black people ‘coloureds’ was a little racist, they are black and we are white we’re both coloured. They are in no way racist though, they just didn’t realise it may offend people.

I personally don’t think it makes your racist if you call someone the n word, especially not in the context Clarkson did.

Someone could call me a word removed and i would be offended but nobody would shout from the rooftops. But if i called someone a n word i would be labelled a racist.

Edited by VillaForever1970
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You could argue the ‘older’ generation don’t realise what is racist and what isn’t.

Then Why did he mumble it? And have you heard his apology/defence? He knew it was wrong, which is why he mumbled it. It was clearly audible on one of those takes though
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Someone could call me a word removed and i would be offended but nobody would shout from the rooftops. But if i called someone a n word i would be labelled a racist.

You don't think there is a difference between calling someone a word removed and calling a black person a n****?

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I am ambivalent about Clarkson who, as a popular individual, in the public eye, and who generally appears to disagree with switched on leftie correctness, is a threat to the left, which is why there is a constant witch hunt against him.

If he had called or referred to a black person as a N, then I would have a problem with him. Mumbling a nursery rhyme that people of his age knew as kids is of no significance whatsoever. It gives no indicator of his views of black people at all, yet it suits some people to spin it in the way - he's outspoken and generally against left wing thinking, he MUST be a racist.

Left wing faux outrage at its ugliest.

Sorry but that is rubbish.


So being outraged at racism is left wing faux outrage?

So being outraged at threatening young kids is left wing faux outrage?

So being mocking physical disability is a left wing faux outrage?


Maybe you are saying / admitting that the right wing elements, and yes Clarkson certainly is one of those, has different morals and acceptable social awareness?


This is not a left wing witch hunt at all and you know it mate, it's one about common decency and the fact that Clarkson who has shown over many many instances to be quite an obnoxious person has been caught out again. Trying to make it a left vs right thing is wrong on your part and frankly disappointing

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I am ambivalent about Clarkson who, as a popular individual, in the public eye, and who generally appears to disagree with switched on leftie correctness, is a threat to the left, which is why there is a constant witch hunt against him.

If he had called or referred to a black person as a N, then I would have a problem with him. Mumbling a nursery rhyme that people of his age knew as kids is of no significance whatsoever. It gives no indicator of his views of black people at all, yet it suits some people to spin it in the way - he's outspoken and generally against left wing thinking, he MUST be a racist.

Left wing faux outrage at its ugliest.

That's a quality performance - way to shoehorn in a rant showing your own political prejudice.


It's not quite top drawer, though: you omitted 'liberal elite'. :)

Edited by snowychap
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That bastion of Left wing faux outrage lists some of his more subtle things of late



April 2014: Named his black terrier Didier Dogba after the Ivory Coast footballer.

March 2014: Joked a bridge with an Asian man walking across it had a ‘slope on it’.  His Top Gear producer Andy Wilman claimed Clarkson did not realise it is  an offensive term.

January 2012: Made a series of derogatory remarks about India and ridiculed the  sanitation for its poor by driving around slums in a Jaguar fitted with a toilet.

January 2012: Compared synchronised swimming with the deaths of 23 Chinese cockle pickers in Morecambe Bay in 2004.

July 2011: Said his new TV’s energy-saving setting made it seem as if programmes were being ‘presented by Lenny Henry in a cave’.

February 2011: Joked about Mexicans, prompting complaint by ambassador.

August 2010: Attacked by disability  charities after he said the F430 Speciale  car should be called ‘Speciale needs’.

October 2009: Accused TV producers of being fixated with having ‘black Muslim  lesbians’ on programmes.

Feburary 2009: Described Gordon Brown as a ‘one-eyed Scottish idiot’.

April 2007: Deriding a car made in Malaysia he suggested it was built by ‘jungle people who wear leaves as shoes’.

December 2005: Gave a Nazi salute while presenting a piece about German firm BMW. Said its satnav ‘only goes to Poland’

When the Mail and other right wing outlets start bringing him to task you have realise that your stance about it being a left wing witch hunt is very wide of the mark

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I'm sorry, but he doesn't have a leg to stand on in this circumstance. He has chosen his "joke" poorly, and no amount of deflection can get him out it. This is not about left or right, it's about a grown man, who works for a publicly funded organisation has used a word / phrase (and it doesn’t matter about context either, due to the nature of the show) that he should not have. It's not quite been done in the same way say, Ron Atkinson did, but it's still an appalling lapse of judgment, and he needs to be held accountable for it.

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Really do not understand what goes through these rich celebrities head's


He's getting to the age now where you would think hey i'm loaded and i'm getting on a bit think i'll retire step out the limelight gracefully and piss off to a warmer climate


But no instead i'll come out with a racist remark and tarnish my entire career


He isn't the first and i doubt he will be the last


Just another example of another dinosaur stuck in the wrong era

Edited by AshVilla
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Is their a hierarchy of what is acceptable and what's not. And who sets the rules?


I'm not defending anyone here, but it does seem as though its open house on some abuse and not on others. Racism is just vile, but on VT and in life you will find jokes about women, disabled people, most nationalities, bald people and ginger haired people. There will be stuff about different religions and most people won't bat an eyelid. 


There are crude remarks about different football teams and their fans, even what job people do. 


So what are we meant to think of a Villa fan who works for an investment bank or property speculator , compared to a SHA teacher or nurse.


I think loads of people  have some form of bigotry one way or another. 


Their just doesn't seem to be any rules

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