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Jeremy Clarkson upsets some people again.....


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If you read the bible you know that book that God where commands the Israelites to exterminate another people, not for any crime but merely because they are a different ethnic group with a different religion


does that make you a racist ?


and if you recant an old nursery rhyme that you may have grown up with from a bygone era as you learnt it , are you then also a racist   ... it was 2 years ago so not sure why the Mirror have dug it out now  , shit I'm fairly sure in 1977 I recited Baa Baa Black sheep at school    , I must be a racist as well


Clarkson may have accidentally / inadvertently used the N word as a slip of the tongue whilst recanting an old nursery rhyme but that's a huge difference from being a racist  ....


I grew up in the 80's we went to the Paki shops , we listened to wog boxes  , we laughed at Jim Davidson's mate Chalky on prime time tv  etc  ... BUT those phrases are no longer acceptable in society and don't get used any longer  , you can argue they should never have been used , but back then they were pretty much every day phrases ...  maybe we were all racists back then or maybe we were just ignorant or even sheltered from multi cultural society ...  my school had 1 Asian kid in it out of maybe 300 people  .. In effect  didn't know anyone that wasn't white , my parents social circle would have been 100% white and so on  ..where as now I have friends from all manor of ethnicity and even religion  and my children don't even bat an eyelid at where somebody comes from , what religion or the colour of their skin  ...


50 years from now at least my children aren't going to recant an old childhood nursery rhyme and "outrage" the usual suspects .... though it will probably transpire that Harry Potter was a closest racist or something and he'll be on the banned list

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Apparently all this means its ok for Collymore to be racist towards white people now. I've always supported Stan but if Clarkson gets sacked then I'll shout for Stan to be sacked too. I don't even like Clarkson but this is all so agonisingly stupid.

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If you read the bible you know that book that God where commands the Israelites to exterminate another people, not for any crime but merely because they are a different ethnic group with a different religion


does that make you a racist ?


and if you recant an old nursery rhyme that you may have grown up with from a bygone era as you learnt it , are you then also a racist   ... it was 2 years ago so not sure why the Mirror have dug it out now  , shit I'm fairly sure in 1977 I recited Baa Baa Black sheep at school    , I must be a racist as well


Clarkson may have accidentally / inadvertently used the N word as a slip of the tongue whilst recanting an old nursery rhyme but that's a huge difference from being a racist  ....


I grew up in the 80's we went to the Paki shops , we listened to wog boxes  , we laughed at Jim Davidson's mate Chalky on prime time tv  etc  ... BUT those phrases are no longer acceptable in society and don't get used any longer  , you can argue they should never have been used , but back then they were pretty much every day phrases ...  maybe we were all racists back then or maybe we were just ignorant or even sheltered from multi cultural society ...  my school had 1 Asian kid in it out of maybe 300 people  .. In effect  didn't know anyone that wasn't white , my parents social circle would have been 100% white and so on  ..where as now I have friends from all manor of ethnicity and even religion  and my children don't even bat an eyelid at where somebody comes from , what religion or the colour of their skin  ...


50 years from now at least my children aren't going to recant an old childhood nursery rhyme and "outrage" the usual suspects .... though it will probably transpire that Harry Potter was a closest racist or something and he'll be on the banned list


With all due respect, you and your children aren't paid millions of licence payers money, to host a prime time BBC TV show in 2014 though. For me the issues isn't whether Clarkson is racist or not, it's why did he think he could use that particular rhyme (self censored or not) on a TV show in this day and age? Forget about what was acceptable years ago, is it acceptable now? The answer is no.   

Edited by dAVe80
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I grew up in the 80's we went to the Paki shops , we listened to wog boxes  , we laughed at Jim Davidson's mate Chalky on prime time tv  etc  ... BUT those phrases are no longer acceptable in society and don't get used any longer  , you can argue they should never have been used , but back then they were pretty much every day phrases ...

I also grew up in the 80s and these may well have been everyday phrases then but they shouldn't have been and needn't have been and I don't think they were acceptable even when they were being used 'every day' at school or at home or in the street or on TV.
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If you read the bible you know that book that God where commands the Israelites to exterminate another people, not for any crime but merely because they are a different ethnic group with a different religion


does that make you a racist ?


and if you recant an old nursery rhyme that you may have grown up with from a bygone era as you learnt it , are you then also a racist   ... it was 2 years ago so not sure why the Mirror have dug it out now  , shit I'm fairly sure in 1977 I recited Baa Baa Black sheep at school    , I must be a racist as well


Clarkson may have accidentally / inadvertently used the N word as a slip of the tongue whilst recanting an old nursery rhyme but that's a huge difference from being a racist  ....


I grew up in the 80's we went to the Paki shops , we listened to wog boxes  , we laughed at Jim Davidson's mate Chalky on prime time tv  etc  ... BUT those phrases are no longer acceptable in society and don't get used any longer  , you can argue they should never have been used , but back then they were pretty much every day phrases ...  maybe we were all racists back then or maybe we were just ignorant or even sheltered from multi cultural society ...  my school had 1 Asian kid in it out of maybe 300 people  .. In effect  didn't know anyone that wasn't white , my parents social circle would have been 100% white and so on  ..where as now I have friends from all manor of ethnicity and even religion  and my children don't even bat an eyelid at where somebody comes from , what religion or the colour of their skin  ...


50 years from now at least my children aren't going to recant an old childhood nursery rhyme and "outrage" the usual suspects .... though it will probably transpire that Harry Potter was a closest racist or something and he'll be on the banned list


With all due respect, you and your children aren't paid millions of licence payers money, to host a prime time BBC TV show in 2014 though. For me the issues isn't whether Clarkson is racist or not, it why did he think he could use that particular rhyme (self censored or not) on a TV show in this day and age? Forget about what was acceptable years ago, is it acceptable now? The answer is no.   


totally agree and already said as much but I don't think Eeny, meeny, miny, moe  needs to be outlawed  it doesn't have racist connotations as the lawsuit against Southwest airlines proved 

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I grew up in the 80's we went to the Paki shops , we listened to wog boxes  , we laughed at Jim Davidson's mate Chalky on prime time tv  etc  ... BUT those phrases are no longer acceptable in society and don't get used any longer  , you can argue they should never have been used , but back then they were pretty much every day phrases ...

I also grew up in the 80s and these may well have been everyday phrases then but they shouldn't have been and needn't have been and I don't think they were acceptable even when they were being used 'every day' at school or at home or in the street or on TV.


are you saying you never used any of those phrases ? I was 10 in 1980 I didn't have any real understanding that wog box was wrong , it's what people called it and so invariably that's what it was known as ...  only really when it suddenly changed to being called Ghetto blaster did it become apparent that there was something not right with the original phrase !!  the irony that the bloke running the paki shop was Indian was lost on yer average 12 year old etc


I've not said any of these examples were right  , but I did outline why they could have not been seen as quite so offensive in those days   



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If you read the bible you know that book that God where commands the Israelites to exterminate another people, not for any crime but merely because they are a different ethnic group with a different religion


does that make you a racist ?


and if you recant an old nursery rhyme that you may have grown up with from a bygone era as you learnt it , are you then also a racist   ... it was 2 years ago so not sure why the Mirror have dug it out now  , shit I'm fairly sure in 1977 I recited Baa Baa Black sheep at school    , I must be a racist as well


Clarkson may have accidentally / inadvertently used the N word as a slip of the tongue whilst recanting an old nursery rhyme but that's a huge difference from being a racist  ....


I grew up in the 80's we went to the Paki shops , we listened to wog boxes  , we laughed at Jim Davidson's mate Chalky on prime time tv  etc  ... BUT those phrases are no longer acceptable in society and don't get used any longer  , you can argue they should never have been used , but back then they were pretty much every day phrases ...  maybe we were all racists back then or maybe we were just ignorant or even sheltered from multi cultural society ...  my school had 1 Asian kid in it out of maybe 300 people  .. In effect  didn't know anyone that wasn't white , my parents social circle would have been 100% white and so on  ..where as now I have friends from all manor of ethnicity and even religion  and my children don't even bat an eyelid at where somebody comes from , what religion or the colour of their skin  ...


50 years from now at least my children aren't going to recant an old childhood nursery rhyme and "outrage" the usual suspects .... though it will probably transpire that Harry Potter was a closest racist or something and he'll be on the banned list


With all due respect, you and your children aren't paid millions of licence payers money, to host a prime time BBC TV show in 2014 though. For me the issues isn't whether Clarkson is racist or not, it why did he think he could use that particular rhyme (self censored or not) on a TV show in this day and age? Forget about what was acceptable years ago, is it acceptable now? The answer is no.   


totally agree and already said as much but I don't think Eeny, meeny, miny, moe  needs to be outlawed  it doesn't have racist connotations as the lawsuit against Southwest airlines proved 



I agree that there’s no need for it to be banned, or anything as drastic as that. There are versions of the rhyme that have been mentioned, that make no reference to that word though (without looking in to the origins of the rhyme, I can’t say which came first). The mistake was made, when Clarkson decided to use that version, and as Clarkson does, tried to play it off as some kind of naughty joke. He’s basically being like a child who know he’s not allowed to say a naughty word, so mumbles or censors it. Only problem is, he’s not a naughty child doing it as a joke, he’s a 50 plus year old grown man, working for the BBC.  

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Has anybody ever seen a single episode of Family Guy also running on the BBC?


I guess we're getting down to context, it's ok for Seth MacFarlane to say some fairly outrageous stuff because the words come out of the mouth of a cartoon fat middle aged idiot. In that Clarkson plays a very similar role to Peter Griffin we have to decide if we want to go looking for banning orders wherever we find something stupid. Or whether a flurry or internet rage is sufficient to let the majority be reminded or educated that the reason this was 'shocking' is because it is not an acceptable mainstream view. By all means repeat the words of the cartoon characters if you too want to be considered a bit of a dick. Oh, and don't complain if you use these phrases in public and somebody caves your head in with a frying pan, just like in the cartoons.

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are you saying you never used any of those phrases ?

I probably did (though I always knew them as ghetto blasters*) but not from the moment I thought about them.

Hearing people refer to others as 'wogs', 'coons', 'pakis', 'chinks' and so on caused me a great deal of consternation because it seemed quite clear that the use of these kinds of terms was rooted in something pretty unpleasant.

I've not said any of these examples were right  , but I did outline why they could have not been seen as quite so offensive in those days

What I am saying is that they were just as offensive in those days but that as they were in everyday use people thought them acceptable.

I'm sorry but I don't accept the standard usage of the day excuse. People need to think a bit more about the world around them whether it's the 80s, the 1880s or now.

Edit: *That may have been somewhat offensive, too.

Edited by snowychap
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child of the 70's and never used any of those terms, never not once, I would like to say its because my parents wouldnt have tolerated it, but they are pretty racist.

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Does JC get millions from the BBC?
I thought the millions he earns from Top Gear are from other sources like TV rights around the world which he owns, DVD's, live shows etc.
Not sure how much his actually salary is from the BBC.
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Has anybody ever seen a single episode of Family Guy also running on the BBC?


I guess we're getting down to context, it's ok for Seth MacFarlane to say some fairly outrageous stuff because the words come out of the mouth of a cartoon fat middle aged idiot. In that Clarkson plays a very similar role to Peter Griffin we have to decide if we want to go looking for banning orders wherever we find something stupid. Or whether a flurry or internet rage is sufficient to let the majority be reminded or educated that the reason this was 'shocking' is because it is not an acceptable mainstream view. By all means repeat the words of the cartoon characters if you too want to be considered a bit of a dick. Oh, and don't complain if you use these phrases in public and somebody caves your head in with a frying pan, just like in the cartoons.



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are you saying you never used any of those phrases ?

I probably did (though I always knew them as ghetto blasters) but not from the moment I thought about them.

Hearing people refer to others as 'wogs', 'coons', 'pakis', 'chinks' and so on caused me a great deal of consternation because it seemed quite clear that the use of these kinds of terms was rooted in something pretty unpleasant.

I've not said any of these examples were right  , but I did outline why they could have not been seen as quite so offensive in those days

What I am saying is that they were just as offensive in those days but that as they were in everyday use people thought them acceptable.

I'm sorry but I don't accept the standard usage of the day excuse. People need to think a bit more about the world around them whether it's the 80s, the 1880s or now.


it's not really an excuse that I'm trying to put forward  ... the point i was making was we were using those words because nobody told us it wasn't acceptable to use them but back in the day when ITV are showing a "comedian" who makes fun of a black man as part of their mainstream prime time viewing and you are an impressionable young child , with nobody telling you "it's wrong" then as a child you are going to copy it , it's what children do , it's why millions of them are addicted to  Minecraft even though it's shite  , nothing has changed in that regard


it's great with hindsight to look back 30 years and say It never sat easy with me but I'm just being honest (not saying you aren't btw) about how I grew up and the influences around me  ... My Dad wouldn't have told me off in all likelihood for doing a chalky impression after having seen it on TV  ... my kids would get a clip around the ear if i saw them doing it

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Does JC get millions from the BBC?
I thought the millions he earns from Top Gear are from other sources like TV rights around the world which he owns, DVD's, live shows etc.
Not sure how much his actually salary is from the BBC.


To answer my own question:


Jeremy Clarkson took home more than £14m for his Top Gear work last year, including his presenter's salary and payments relating to the hit show's global commercial success.

Clarkson received a £4.86m dividend payment from the company he set up as a joint venture with the BBC to exploit Top Gear's global commercial potential, in addition to his presenter's salary, understood to be just under £1m.

He received an additional £8.4m for his 30% stake in Bedder 6, after the BBC struck a deal in September to take full control of the company, bringing Clarkson's total earnings for the year to the end of March to more than £14m. Only his presenting fee is paid for out of the licence fee.

If the divident payment the BBC got was more than the £1m they pay him in 'wages' then he is making the BBC money, rather than "taking millions of pounds from license fee's".

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it's great with hindsight to look back 30 years and say It never sat easy with me

I'm not saying it 'with hindsight' and I'm not applying today's version of what may be generally viewed as 'socially acceptable' to some time in the past.

I am telling you what I thought at the time - at least, as I said earlier, from when I tried to consider what was being said and what it may have meant.


...nobody told us it wasn't acceptable...

That's the crux of it. Why don't people (at least when they have the capacity - so we can excuse the small children) decide for themselves what they think is acceptable and then take responsibility for that rather than waiting to be told what is or pointing at everyone else and saying, "Look they're doing it, too, so it must be okay." Edited by snowychap
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One of a very long list of things that this total waste of oxygen has said and done. From racial abuse through to threatening kids, from mocking physical disabilities to general crass behaviour. The bloke certainly does not deserve any place in mainstream society

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...nobody told us it wasn't acceptable...

That's the crux of it. Why don't people (at least when they have the capacity - so we can excuse the small children) decide for themselves what they think is acceptable and then take responsibility for that rather than waiting to be told what is or pointing at everyone else and saying, "Look they're doing it, too, so it must be okay."


well arguably people do otherwise we wouldn't have moved on from burning old hags at the stake as witches


but you only have to look at modern day and the bandwagons the masses jump on to know that lots of the population aren't capable of thinking for themselves

Edited by tonyh29
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