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The Careers/Jobs thread


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I'm still in training at the minute, its really starting to get to me now, trying to take everything in and remember it all is really **** tough, MOJ, Case Law, Liability, CNF's, Counter fraud, Negotiations, Disputes, Large losses, Child claims, and thats not even half of it.


Its frazzling my brain at the moment, come about 2pm today I was nearly falling asleep, I was listening to everything that was being said but my mind just wouldn't comprehend any of it, I'll be fine when I actually start doing the job I know I'll have it sussed within a few weeks but listening to all this new stuff in training is tough.

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First day of actually (kind of)(sorry donnie) doing something something in my new job today, I've been sitting there phoning solicitors for updates constantly for the last 4 hours, boring as ****, they are basically giving me all the **** rubbish that no one else wants to do.

But pisses off with it, I'll be getting some proper work on Monday though, just gotta grin and bare it until the end of tomorra.

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but is a significant increase in wage (good, as 3 people outside the business in the market were shocked at my wage as it stands in the last week), 



This wasn't people at companies you applied to, was it? You don't tell them your real wage!

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I've got an interview on Monday for a different role where I work. Took a risk not applying for a role that I was more likely to get because I knew this one was going to be available in the near future, so fingers crossed I made the right decision.

I'm not particular great at interviews anyway but will have to do a 10min presentation as well plus another exercise. Getting hammered with work at the moment so will only really have Sunday & maybe some of Saturday to prepare for it all so not ideal.

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This morning discovered that this place doesn't even do an exit interview, you get an exit questionnaire. Which includes 3 questions that straight up ask 'how much is the new place paying you'and 40 questions on why you're pissed off enough to leave.

The interview would have been awkward, and a waste of time, but at least it shows some effort, as opposed to the auto generated outside email you get instead.

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Got offered a new job pretty much out of the blue yesterday. Really happy about it. I've been working in a pub for 5 years and was starting to feel that I was wasting my life. But now I've got the chance to start a career in a good industry, more pay and more time to spend with my family!

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Was on here a few weeks back had a really good interview with a good firm, but would see me take a slight pay cut. They said they were really interested in me and they would definitely be meeting me again, that was around a month ago, they've since said that they are still very interested for a second interview with a different partner but I can't seem to get a date off them, it's been about a month since my first one. They said one of the people in the interview was in hospital and that had been holding things up, am I just super impatient or what you think? I've an interview with another place Tuesday but feel like long term the money would be better in the first place but they'll probably offer me more money now, if I do get it? What ye guys reckon?

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Recruitment consultants really are the scum of the earth. Lower than estate agents or african warlords, as far as I can tell.


Two interviews recently, one for a scouse football club and one for a company I really wanted to work for in London. Despite being told I was ideal at 1st-round interview, they don't even have the decency to call you back to tell you you're out of the running. I'm long enough in the tooth to understand how the game works but surely they must make the connection that I'm also someone who hires people too so if they look after me, I'll send business their way when I'm looking.

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I always pester agents if they don't call me back.


I'll call them and ask for feedback all the time. 


My tactic is that I want them to put me in a job so I want them to think of me all the time.  Even if it's a case of "get this guy a job because he's an annoying knobhead".


Works for me :)

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Yeah I echo this. In my eyes I place Recruitment Consultants alongside Politicians, Traffic Wardens, and Debt Collectors as the scummiest jobs in the UK. Not even like it's a skillful job picking up a phone all day but they all walk around like there shit don't stink. Takes a certain kind of person (clearing in the woods) to be one that's why the turn over in that role is so high. Sure there are decent ones. Out of the 50 or so I've spoken to. Only 1 was nice.

My girlfriend graduated from Uni but had no office experience. She Called one agency. 'Hello Recruitment Agency Word Removes' ' Hi, I would like to register with your agency' 'Do you have office experience ' 'No'... They then slammed the phone down cause she had none. No explanation. Nothing. Heartless pigs.

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With my interview on Monday, anyone got any tips about questions to ask the interview panel. Occasionally I have genuine things I want to know but usually struggle and end up asking some generic questions which I just think are pretty weak. With my interview being at where I work although a quite a lot different to what I currently do, it narrows what I need to/can ask.

Any tips? whether it's from interviewers or interviewees.

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Interview at The_Rev's place tomorrow. Haven't had one since I got my current job 7 years ago but feeling confident enough. Already having a job kind of takes the pressure off a bit.

Here's hoping!

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Recruitment consultants really are the scum of the earth. Lower than estate agents or african warlords, as far as I can tell.


Two interviews recently, one for a scouse football club and one for a company I really wanted to work for in London. Despite being told I was ideal at 1st-round interview, they don't even have the decency to call you back to tell you you're out of the running. I'm long enough in the tooth to understand how the game works but surely they must make the connection that I'm also someone who hires people too so if they look after me, I'll send business their way when I'm looking.


Glorified double glazing sales men  ;)


Just gotta play them at their own game, Right Tayls  :D

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I've been mulling over the idea of applying for a new job. I currently work in complaints, have a decent enough wage and am left to get on with my job without being monitored or pestered for figures. I've seen some jobs come available which are doing the same job as I currently do, but for literally DOUBLE the pay.

It's double the pay because it's only a contract position. I've seen these highly paid contract jobs pop up over the last few months, but they've always been based miles and miles away. This one that's now appeared, is in Birmingham City Centre.

I'd love to take a gamble and go for it, but my concern is the longevity of it. I'm currently in a permanent position that's (probably) going to last for years and years, and if they do get rid of me, I'll get a redundancy package which I've been building up for the 8 years I've worked there.

This new job could be a contract for 6 months, it could be a contract for 2 years. There's an element of uncertainty that massively puts me off. If the contract job did finish sooner than expected, I could go for another contract job, but is it worth taking this gamble, when I could stick with what I've got?


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I worked a contract job that was initially for 6 months and I stayed there for 18 months, before quitting. But they do pay well, I think it was an absurd salary relative to the work / qualifications required, though it was the financial sector so who knows. Sounds like its similar to the one I had with a bank doing PPI complaints. It's worth it for the take home pay, but I'd weigh up what your long term plans are too. I only worked there as I was considering a short term option whilst I was planning for another career - and once that didn't pan out I quit the job in order to pursue an actual career with progression instead.


You can do well on the contract jobs though, I think starting salaries can be from £150/day to £350 depending on the role which is insane. I - might be mad - have gone from what worked out as roughly £32-35k a year to £12k in my current role which obviously at times I sometimes regret, but for me I wanted the longer term stability in terms of looking at potential future home ownership / family plans. If you've got some form of secure base there, I'd consider it.

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