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Better not talk about this in the tv thread, but as Martin has said the ‘rape’ scene in the book is not rape and makes sense as Jamie has only just turned up and Cersi thinks he’s dead and wants a bit of bro action.

In the TV he’s been there for weeks to a little odd, but the writers of the tv know how it all ends (unpublished books and all) so must know that Jamie turns ‘bad’ again so they are just setting that up by making him rape his own sis.

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I don't think it's that Jamie turns bad but the circumstances are much different in the TV show than it is in the book.

More likely, they needed to find a way to create that division between Jamie and Cersei when he wouldn't come back as her champion. In the book, most of that reasoning is done via inner monolog up after he discovers she's been sleeping with Lancel, the Kettlebacks, etc. It's also close enough where he hasn't turned into his full white cloak status yet

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Oh yeah forgot that.  I think people are assuming (hoping) he's not because his actual death isn't confirmed.  There's also a lot of rumours that he's a Targaryen and still has a massive part to play but time will tell.



Also, whilst we're discussing the books.  Ramsey Snow, what a bastard!  Makes Joffrey seem like a Mormon. 

He's a Targaryen, no doubt about it.


Buuuuuut still a bastard so won't be king. Everyone likes Jon Snuh too much so he'll be dead sadly.



Defo a Targ, Rhaegar and Lyanna = Jon Snow 


JS will be revived by Melisandre, I'm sure of it, I'm just not sure what the rammifications of said resurrection will bring 

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I don't think it's that Jamie turns bad but the circumstances are much different in the TV show than it is in the book.

More likely, they needed to find a way to create that division between Jamie and Cersei when he wouldn't come back as her champion. In the book, most of that reasoning is done via inner monolog up after he discovers she's been sleeping with Lancel, the Kettlebacks, etc. It's also close enough where he hasn't turned into his full white cloak status yet



Tyrion will allude to Cersei's misadventures when he speaks to Jamie in the dungeon won't he?

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Yeah but will that have the same effect as Jamie robbing Cersei of her one strength (sex as a political weapon)?

Much will depend on the fallout of their romp but it wouldn't be the first time the show messed up a sex scene (Dany's first time) but still arrived at the same ending

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Hmmm, in a universe where the red god has resurrected both Beric Dondarrion and Cat Stark is Jon Snow dead?  Is there a red priestess nearby? 


The_Rev's theories: 


Jon Snow dies, gets resurrected.  This frees him from his oath to the Night's Watch. 


Ned Stark is actually Jon's uncle.  Ned's sister is Jon's mum. Jon's dad is Aegon Targaryen.  Jon is one of the three dragons. 


Varys will probably turn out to be a Targaryen too. Just a gut feeling, I don't have much to support my theory other than how deliberately vague he is about his past and how he only seems loyal to 'the realm'


Almost certain that Ned was Jon's uncle but I think it's Rhaegar Targaryen that's the father, not Aegon - I may be wrong, anyway it's just detail, the principle is exactly the same that he is essentially at least part Targ


Not sure on Varys, he defo has a massive part to play no doubt but I'm not convinced he's a Targ.


I just hope Littlefinger gets his comeuppance soon, the little git's orchestrated pretty much everything that's happened

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I don't think Varys is a Targ. They make too much out of the blue eyes and the hair. Even if Varys makes himself bald all the time to avoid suspicion, I still think it's doubtful. I also forget the color of his eyes.


Much more likely that Tyrion would be a Targ (especially in Winds of Winter as a white dragon cyvasse piece falls to his feet). Don't know about the how though.

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Hasn't it been alluded to that a Targ raped Tyrion's mother? Would explain that if I remember it right...

Tyrion's eye description suggests he has a purple eye and a blue eye (I think) - would imply he has Targ blood if so.

As for Jon - melisandre reviving him would presumably a) free him from the Nights Watch meaning he can travel south and b.) make melisandre realise he is Azhor Azai and not Stannis

edit; Littlefinger should never get any form of come-uppance - the guy is awesome

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Wasn't it well known that Aerys wanted Joanna? Tyrion could be born out of a rape from them. Might have also explained the enmity Tywin has for Tyrion if he knew that Aerys raped her and didn't say anything. Besides the whole chidlbirth death thing of course.

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  • 1 month later...

Character roles being casting for season 5 of the show.

Relates to both threads but I thought I'd chuck it up here to avoid spoilers for those just watching the show.


From WinterIsComing.net


Prince Doran Martell – Doran is described as the major new player this year, appearing in multiple episodes. The fiftysomething prince uses a wheelchair, is reclusive and rules wisely. It appears the show is looking to continue the trend it started with Pedro Pascal, and cast Latino actors for the Martell clan.


Prince Trystane Martell – Trystane, the handsome fiance of Princess Myrcella, is being aged up to 18.


Areo Hotah - Doran’s personal bodyguard will appear throughout the season, assisting the prince with his duties. The show is particularly looking for a black actor to fill the role.

The Sand Snakes, Oberyn Martell’s bastard daughters (with ages ranging 18-25):


Obara Sand – The eldest and most athletic Sand Snake will be having a major fight scene with a series regular character- not one who crosses her path in the books. This is an interesting change.


Nymeria Sand – Nymeria is described as “mixed race,” with her father being the fairer Oberyn and her mother being darker skinned. The second oldest of these Sand Snakes, she’s beautiful, emotional and very strong.


Tyene Sand - The youngest of the Sand Snakes that we meet uses her wits and seductive powers, and is less of a physical fighter than the other Sand Snakes. She is just as deadly as her sisters, however, but her weapon is poison.


High Sparrow - The books’ pious head of a religious movement will be appearing in several episodes in season 5.


Septa Unella – The show is looking for a character actress to play the imposing and unrelenting septa who spends a lot of time with a major series character next year.


Maggy the Frog- A fortune teller in A Feast for Crows, she’ll be in one episode next year.


Lollys Stokeworth – Just last week in “Mockingbird,” Bronn announced his intention to marry Lollys, whom Tyrion considers “dimwitted.” It looks like the sellsword will still be around next year.


Yezzan - A sleazy Meereenese slave owner.


The Waif – The strange child from the books that Arya encounters will likely be played by an older actress, one in her later teens, and we understand the show is specifically looking for a woman of East Asian descent for the part.


Really looking forward to seeing who they cast as the characters of Dorne.

Also, no Arianne casting news? Perhaps already cast. Hmmm...

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I was going to say as much myself. They must have already cast her. She's a pretty major character so there's no way the show would drop her, surely?

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  • 8 months later...

I've not read anything else in this thread, as I presume the assumption is you've read them all so no spoiler tags. But, I'm ahead of the TV series, but not finished all the books yet - about to finish book one of storm of swords...I think? Book 5, anyway.


Brienne getting her face eaten off, ugh. Gross man. I think I may have to avert my eyes when/if that's on TV.

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I've not read anything else in this thread, as I presume the assumption is you've read them all so no spoiler tags. But, I'm ahead of the TV series, but not finished all the books yet - about to finish book one of storm of swords...I think? Book 5, anyway.


Brienne getting her face eaten off, ugh. Gross man. I think I may have to avert my eyes when/if that's on TV.



Storm of Swords is the third book and part one of that correlated with season 3 of the show.  Do you mean Dance with Dragons?

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Assuming we are allowed spoilery conjecture here given the posts above here are my takes.


3 surviving Stark children have warging abilities. (Jon Snow, Arya and Bran) + 3 Dragons = Jon and Danny get it on and rule as King and Queen (also fits the family tradition if Jon is 1/2 a Targ) The 3 wargs decimate Kings Landing to sieze the Iron Throne before hading North to fight the Others who are as far south as the Twins having overrun the North killing all before their parth.


In the final denoument everyone dies but the Others are also defeated leaving Tyrion as King of the ruins of Westeros.

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On Feast for Crows at the moment, but one character I quite liked, however minor, is Kevan Lannister, mainly for the way he puts Cersi in her place.


Seems from the trailers that Jaime has gone to Dorne, so I am not sure how that will jive with the Dornish Consipracy storyline. They might get him to smash a Sand Snake I suppose.

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