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Game of Thrones (Spoilers)


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14 hours ago, Davkaus said:

Also, WTF was that scene with Tyrion, Grey Worm, and what's her name? We already had the cringeworthy small talk episode a couple of weeks ago, now they're exchanging painful jokes? Jesus.


Yeah that was a strange scene, I was hoping that the only hope of saving that scene was that Missandei was going to get pissed and take her kit off. Even that didn't happen, disappointing.

Tyrion has been a major let down this season in my opinion. He hasn't really done anything bar keep the chair warm for Dany whilst she was away, and make a few quips. I guess they are just filling that story arc whilst the other story arcs catch up.

Overall, the pacing of this series is a lot different to the previous seasons, I guess the story is ramping up ready for it's conclusion. I have read online that there will be two more shorter seasons of seven episodes after this one. I just hope they don't do what they did with Boardwalk Empire and just gloss over the end of the end in a short season. Don't get me wrong, I am still enjoying the series at the moment. I just hope that they don't rush the end.

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Wouldn't be surprised it George is giving them the plot lines and endings that he'd decided not to run with and save the good stuff for the books he'll never finish. 

Bit of a weird season but not to dissimilar to others, I think hindsight looks back at some of the seasons a bit better than they were received at the time. Good start slow middle block buster ending. 



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What do people make of Tommen's decisions? Is he really brainwashed, or is this some part of his wife's plans? Trial by combat seemed to be Loras' best hope of being freed, I can't imagine what Marjaery has planned.

I suspect that Tommen is mainly siding with the high sparrow because he's as desperate for Marjaery to do a walk of repentance as we are. ;) 

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41 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

What do people make of Tommen's decisions? Is he really brainwashed, or is this some part of his wife's plans? Trial by combat seemed to be Loras' best hope of being freed, I can't imagine what Marjaery has planned.

I suspect that Tommen is mainly siding with the high sparrow because he's as desperate for Marjaery to do a walk of repentance as we are. ;) 

I just put that down to Lancel and his buddies running back to the High Sparrow after their friends meeting with the Mountain, having sussed what Cersei's plans of getting away with her trial was to use The Mountain in a trial by combat. I think Margaery is probably using this to her advantage by convincing Tommen to make the new rule to get rid of Cersei as a threat and strengthen her position as queen before the Tyrell army ride back into Kings Landing to attempt a coup on the High Sparrow etc.

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As weak as he is, it still seems ridiculous how quickly he went from "I love you mummy, please make me a strong king, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you" in to being a religious puppet.

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The whole High Sparrow story line is just dull. The Lannisters seem like they have little purpose anymore (even though one of them is the King), and the Sparrows are just boring. It all just needs to move on a bit. 

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2 hours ago, Davkaus said:

As weak as he is, it still seems ridiculous how quickly he went from "I love you mummy, please make me a strong king, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you" in to being a religious puppet.

He  thinks he's going to get his hole if he goes down this road.  The High Sparrow even put a word in for him.   I'd think about betraying my mother if it meant I got to sleep with Margaery Tyrell.

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just want something clarified. Was the girl all in aryas head like the fan theories suggested or not? Because why JH say "you are now no-one" when she saw him after she killed the waif? But then why is the waif face on the pillars if it was in her head?

i just dont understand that line? Why did she become no1 when she killed his top Assassin?

or did i just hear that line wrong?

Edited by gharperr
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She was certainly real and her face is on the wall. I saw it as simply her proving herself by being capable of surviving being named by taking on one of their assassins.

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1 hour ago, gharperr said:

just want something clarified. Was the girl all in aryas head like the fan theories suggested or not? Because why JH say "you are now no-one" when she saw him after she killed the waif? But then why is the waif face on the pillars if it was in her head?

i just dont understand that line? Why did she become no1 when she killed his top Assassin?

or did i just hear that line wrong?

The story has lost a lot of it's book impact because of the nature of television, Jaqen H'ghar is always seen as the faceless man but of course he is actually everybody and nobody, he could be any member of the organisation wearing Jaqen's face. They have to have Jaquen do everything in the show or the audience wouldn't be able to relate. 

The Waif stuff was just weird. If she's supposed to be a faceless man then why did she clearly have a desire to murder Arya when everything the organisation say they stand for is that their members have no memories, no desires and that no assassination is ever personal?  The escalation between Arya and The Waif only happened in the show, iirc the books left the story just as Arya had been blinded, from that point onwards the show just seemed to build to a place where they could have a chase scene through the market and docks of Braavos. 

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Focusing on the motivations of the God's;

Jaqen's smile and willingness to let Arya leave, her training having been completed is, I believe, an indication that this is what the Faceless God has wanted all along. Arya's training had to be completed in this fashion to tool her for the fight against the white walkers to come. It was Jaqen's coin that led her to Braavos in the first place, after all. 

To tie in with this, the Lord of Light is pulling strings to keep Berric alive so he can accompany The Hound for the same reason I assume. Likewise LoL is acting through The Red Woman to keep John alive to protect the north. 

The Old God's have acted through The Children of the Forest and Three Eyed Raven to power up Bran. The Drowned God has worked it's way to have an Ironborn fleet on it's way to Dany to get her to Westeros so she can kick Other butt too. 

The Seven are dead and the faith in Kingslanding are working completely independently. I don't believe we've ever seen any evidence of them at work. Dead might be the wrong word - they're an invention of man to further their own desires, unlike the other God's who actually exist and have power to effect the world. Hence, Kingslanding will burn with no intervention, and abominations like The Mountain have been allowed to be created.

The God's themselves, and literally the whole world, are at risk due to the White Walkers, so they're doing everything they can to protect themselves and their people. 

I wanted to get some of this down for my own sake really. It's an aspect of the show that hasn't had an awful lot of attention, but having initially seemed to be 'just' different organised religions of men, they're clearly more than that. 

I'm not really sure how they'd incorporate this in to the show - and I'm not sure it'd be very well received. 'Yeah basically everything can be explained away by MAGIC done by one or more GOD/S, the end', but it is undeniably what is working behind the scenes to bring everyone together, in my opinion. 

I'm aware there are other religions in other parts of the world - but the one's I've mentioned are most concerned with Westeros itself - possibly apart from LoL, but the Others seem to be the very antithesis of LoL, perhaps. 

I'm aware I'm getting in to deep fan theory territory here, but one more - the Doom was the 'death' of the Valyrian God, signalling to the other God's their 'mortality', hence their urgency to act now, before the White Walkers wipe out Westeros, take them with them, and cause a second Doom... 


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I'm enjoying this season.

I feel the show really dipped in Seasons 4 and 5 (4 especially) but this season has got back on track. The coming together of certain storylines has helped as it was way too fragmented previously.

it needs a strong finish to the season though. The last 2 episodes have very much felt like they're building up to something so if that doesn't come to fruition then it'll be an anticlimax.

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13 minutes ago, Brumerican said:

What's the under/over minute for Ramsay going topless ?

Can't wait to see his face when Varys rocks up with 20 good little birds and tips the scales in favour of gormless .

I understand the actor playing Ramsey actually was 2nd choice to play Jon Snow losing out to Kit, oh and he actually finds it very difficult to play Ramsey. 

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