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Game of Thrones (Spoilers)


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So I believe I saw the member.  Sort of reminder me of Chopper's cock flopping around.  Anyway I do prefer chicken.  Still a good solid episode.  Varys and Tyron's goodbye seemed a bit permanent. Arya's scenes were good if Internet speculation was correct.  Otherwise a medical mystery.  Seemed to be leaving a good trail of blood.  Blackfish really dead?

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Not the best episode of the series.


Arya stuff was stretching credibility and her whole arc with the faceless men seems to be a helluva damp squib. It's basically an extended overwrought training montage.

Blackfish plot pointless. Only worthwhile scene being the conversation between Edmure and Jaime and Bron's brief appearance.

The brief scenes in Kingslanding were fine but put paid to a hopeful trial by combat scene later on and hung a lampshade on other developments to come to a silly degree - if you can't guess what Cersei has planned you're not paying attention.

The Hounds plot was the saving grace of the entire thing with the added bonus of some welcome returning faces, and even then I could see some people really disliking some of that (the dialogue skips merrily between darkly comic and dreadful, YMMV...).

Not the best episode and had the feeling of being a reset button in some ways...

I suspect the next episode will make up for this week by burning all the money they saved this week...

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2 hours ago, omariqy said:

Granted I was half asleep when I watched it but how was she standing tall at the end after the blood lost? 

Because a high speed foot chase through a crowded marketplace is exciting to look at, even if everybody knows how it's going to end.  The show is taking a lot of shortcuts this season, it's still enjoyable but it's making me really want the next book where the story actually has time to breathe. 


Also I think this episode confirms that 


we aren't seeing Lady Stoneheart in the TV show. 


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Worst episode of the season for me.  



- The whole Arya storyline screams of poor writing.  It now appears she hasn't learnt anything and last weeks closing scenes were completely out of character.  But, at least she is going back to Westeros now, which given Jaqen's smile, appears to be what he wanted..

- Meeren - meh.  The drinking scenes added nothing and Danerys' entrance was badly done.

- Cleganebowl hype killed.

- Why bother bringing a character as awesome as the Blackfish back only to have the siege end up as a bit of a damb squib.

- Jaime's speech to Edmure just killed any potential for Character progression.  Book Jaime is a much more well developed character than show Jaime.  Although the scenes with Brienne showed some potential.


The Hound was the best part of this week..


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The demise seems to coincide with them running out of source material.

The show used to be all about shocks and twists that the audience would never predict. Now it seems that all the fan theories out there are being used as the basis for the show making it seem rather mundane.

We'll never get another Red Wedding will we? I mean that episode had me depressed for days after. Not because I had much affiliation with Robb Stark or that I think Oona Chaplin is stunning but more so the way they went out. So shocking and callous. 

The current episodes almost seem like a different programme!


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i disagree about the fan theories, i think they're almost deliberately dangling the hook, especially with the preview stuff

"ooooooh jaime's white horse at the foot of the steps, its going to kick off..."

"ooooooh the mountain vs 7 blokes, its going to kick off..."

pretty much all of the ayra story arc, the siege of riverrun 

they're using the fans to keep the hype going and then so far they arent delivering, they're poorly writing their way out of anything actually happening but at least the week between episodes is crammed full of the internet talking about what might happen

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So what was the point in Arya's storyline over the past what, 2 or so seasons?

I'm kinda glad she isn't becoming no one, but it's taken way way too much time. What has she really learnt? Apart from a bit of sword fighting when she was blind, she's learnt **** all. 

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Basically it was an extended training montage. Yep. The character development is entirely they're now a capable killer, and they're moralistic.

It's a side story and always has been, but as other plots have developed that one has become less and less relevant but they continued to devote time to it.

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1 minute ago, StefanAVFC said:

She didn't learn anything though because she should be dead from those wounds.

It's OK, she has bandages and 'milk of the poppy'. She totally wasn't suffering from perforated bowels that are slowly killing her after being savagely stabbed from acting completely out of character.

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Pretty much thought the same as most of you, very meh and a little disappointed.

Lots of things happening off camera which is weak but probably saving the budget for episode 9.

Arya and the Waif's rivalry that's been built up for ages now ends in a foot chase and no footage of the fight culminating in the Waif's demise.

The attack on Meereen has a pretty five second shot of CGI ships attacking a CGI pyramid but no actual fighting. As others said the whole Tyrion getting Missandei and Grey Worm to loosen up is just pointless filler and has already been used as such in earlier episodes. It's boring.

No big battle at Riverrun and we don't even get to see the Blackfish fight and die (unless there's a twist then this is very weak).

The Hound was the only good bit, I think we can all agree.

"You're shit at dying, you know that?" :D

Doesnt look like we're seeing Stoneheart after all. Part of me is relieved, I never liked Cat.

Edited by Ginko
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The show died with Tywin. There's no poetic dialogue anymore and all internal logic has collapsed. We now have a situation where Tommen has signed his own death warrant by removing Cersei's only chance of winning a trial. A guilty verdict will prove he has no claim to the throne. 

Oh and Roose Bolton died of a gut stabbing pretty much instantly, which makes Arya's story ridiculous.

The writer's are LOST without source material it seems and I've never even read the books. It's all dick jokes and shocks for the sake of shocks now. 

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I actually overall think this has been a pretty good series so far, largely because the plot has got a move on and even the minor things that are happening are at least setting the pieces for the series to kick on towards a conclusion.

Thats had some downsides though. Firstly some of the plots have become much more obviously side stories. The plot is really solely now about how Westeros deals with the white walkers, and there are some plots which ultimately tie into that (re-establishing the Starks in the North is ultimately to solidify the North against the walkers, the stuff in the capital is eventually likely to become a bit 'Nero fiddled whilst Rome burned' etc etc). What that then has meant is that Dany's entire plotline has been a holding pattern whilst she learnt to be a ruler until she ties into the walker plot, and Arya's storyline is wholeheartedly a side story. Arya's arc is ultimately going to be her getting her revenge, and everything to now has basically been putting her somewhere else to survive to get her revenge (or to rise above it). But ultimately the series story has progressed to such a point that her revenge doesn't matter. Who cares about your revenge when theres Armageddon on the horizon? Theres nothing bad about a side story in any great sprawling fiction, they can be great, the problem is that Arya has had a lot of focus on her, and time, and it doesn't pay off. We get todays episode where almost her entire arc for over a series has been... well, something a movie would cover in a montage. Thats irritating. Especially when it then rushes to complete it's story and has characters do things out of character and has things incongruous to the world that's established (as @Brumerican says, Roose died from less stabbing in short shrift, Arya manages to fight her opponent having been brutally stabbed repeatedly and decides to go on a journey afterwards with nothing but painkillers and a bandage - theres plot armour and theres taking the piss!).

Thats also ties into something else this series has lost. It's really not got any subtlety anymore. The previous series have spun their wheels whilst other things happened, many an episode has passed where very little really happened. But now everything, even the minor elements, are on fast forward and it's a little silly. The whole siege of Riverrun appears to be in their to close up a loose end, which is done terribly, and give Jaime a tiny amount of development. And then you get weird things like Dany's arc this series so far. Her time with the Dothraki is literally pointless. It's the plot holding pattern whilst other stuff happens. It's not even the kind of thing we've had before where we see Dany grow as a character over time (series 1 see her start as a dumb pawn in a game, series 5 ends with her having become a flawed but stern ruler with an army, despite the actual plot not achieving much else). This series? She's gone for a bit, and then she's not, and she has a few more men.

But I'll forgive it all that because things are coming towards a finale now and the show is taking everyone someone finally, and we're getting great moments and character come through.

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If you're the hound the first thing you do is tell Thoros to resurrect the mates you just lost surely ?

If you're Pod where the hell do you send a Raven to tell Sansa that Brienne failed ?

 To Sansa Stark Lannister Bolton , Ooop T'North. ..?

Why is capturing a castle for the Freys more important than avenging Myrcella ?

I accept that it is fantasy with magical elements but it should still adhere to its own internal logic and basic reason .

Arya has spent an age becoming Daredevil with sponge bath and mopping abilities, yet forgets pretty much everything at a time where she should be on the highest of  alerts.

She has just left an Assassins guild who demand a death for whatever reason, yet thinks she is free to bowl around Braavos without her sword.?


Oh and the North has bloody amnesia and Winterfell still looks like it's Autumn ? When the f@#$ is Winter coming? 

I'm rooting for the White Walkers at this point.




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14 hours ago, Withnail said:

Gotta say I enjoyed that.  Slightly implausible in spots but it is a fantasy show.  The hound and bron are positives.  The brief nudity not so much.

For all it's  flaws it's still a really fun show. I'll stick it out but it is beginning to give off a LOST vibe IMO . Nothing makes sense anymore. 

If you have time then binge watch it again and tell me there isn't a massive drop off in quality after season 4 .

It's like a completely different show. 


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