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Game of Thrones (Spoilers)


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44 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

Yeah it's weird. It would be like complaining if a US Marine killed Kim Jong Un in a 1 v 1 fight 

Although his Jan Zelezny throwing arm to bring down Viserion does suggest that he's not completely out of his depth when it comes to looking after himself.

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Is everyone definitely dead that looks like they're dead? Anyone going to pull a Dumpster Glen?

I always stick to the Band of Brother's line in regards to TV/movie deaths: "If there ain't no body, there ain't nobody ****' dead."


Euron? Might have sailed away on the boat...leaving Tyrion to think they successfully escaped.

Jamie and Cersei? Who knows..they certainly looked pretty hopeless. Not sure of they're place in the story if not dead already either. 


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23 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

I Need to revisit this episode as I don't remember it. I watched the first six seasons via blu Ray that my mate loaned me and the rest on TV. 

Wondering if I may have missed this bloody episode 

Here you go mate, this is from his Wiki:


After being poisoned in a duel with Oberyn Martell, Gregor nearly died but was kept technically alive through experimentation by Qyburn. With his mind dulled and his body necrotically invincible, Gregor served as a faithful Queensguard to Cersei Lannister. 


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2 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

It would be like being surprised Jon Snow could kill Cersei 1vs1


I wouldn't rule her out . Jon has been bailed out of the shit in nearly every fight he's had. He's a nice guy but he's an average fighter and a terrible strategist.

Cersei sticks a wine glass in his face during the pre fight handshake.

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I like where they went with Danny;  Almost breaking bad like that we have seen one of the main characters descend into madness in front of our eyes!

This isnt out of the blue for her character either!

The motivation has been laid out over the entirety of the series.

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So are we not going to see Bran again? No more flash backs? We just watch him wonder around the north for 7 season and then be a weird creep in the 8th and then nothing.

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4 hours ago, Chindie said:


Jon's either going to take the throne begrudgingly or outright reject it and go back beyond the Wall.

Or being Ned v2.0 and having his head chopped off in front of Arya

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3 minutes ago, Nicho said:

So are we not going to see Bran again? No more flash backs? We just watch him wonder around the north for 7 season and then be a weird creep in the 8th and then nothing.

If the show ends how I think it's going to end then Bran is going to be an important part of the finale.

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1 hour ago, jacketspuds said:

The odd thing is the Cersei prophecy stating that she would be killed (choked) by her younger brother.

Not in the show it isn't. The show version cut that bit out.

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I'm really not sure why they couldn't have saved the dragon getting killed for this episode. It was such a weak and boring death last episode.

Imagine if they had 2 dragons destroying the walls at the beginning, right up until the point where the Lannister army surrender, and then as they lay down their swords, the dragons land atop the walls. Cersei realising that her men have surrendered rages and orders Euron to kill the dragons, and he manages to ballista one of them to death. THEN Dany flips her lid and burns the whole city. It would have had so much more impact.

Don't get me wrong, i'm fully supportive of The Mad Queen and I think it's the best way to conclude the series, they just needed more time to flesh it out. It's become incredibly obvious that their story that they only had 6 episodes worth of story left was complete bullshit and that the series was cut due to budget constraints. The pacing has been so rushed compared to the previous 7 seasons.

Edited by ThunderPower_14
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New Statesman:


Okay, let’s get this straight. Whatever else this week’s Game of Thrones was about, it was not about a hero turning bad.

For one thing, if this show has taught us anything, it’s that there are no heroes, only protagonists: flawed people trying to do right thing, or to serve their own interests, and a lot of the time they can’t tell the difference between those motivations. The way the structure of the show has kept Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen on the sidelines until the final act may lead you to believe that they’re the heroes Westeros has been waiting for. But George R. R. Martin’s story has always delighted in overturning narrative conventions, and it’s not going to stop now.

So Jon Snow is pure hearted, the true heir to the throne, and, in every sense that matters, a complete **** idiot: he makes bad calls, has never actually won a battle, and has repeatedly had to be bailed out, mostly by his sisters. But the other characters, like a chunk of the audience, want to believe in him, because they desperately want a hero to make everything better.

Daenerys, meanwhile, is a woman who has spent the last eight years developing an increasingly strong sense of her own destiny. She has repeatedly survived and prospered against the odds, leading her to believe her own propaganda, that she was born to reconquer Westeros and sit the Iron Throne. Then, at the moment she is poised to do just that, she magnanimously diverts from her path to deal with the small matter of saving the world. Of course she thinks she’s the second coming.

But Westeros doesn’t agree, and Daenerys was never really the hero, because this story doesn’t have any. Her people do not welcome her with open arms. She sees her closest advisors die, and her more recent ones fail, or betray her. Two of her dragons are dead. 

And then she finds that the purpose to which she’s dedicated her life is a lie, because she’s not even the rightful heir: that title instead belonging to her lover, who also happens to be her nephew and who, even as he assures her he doesn’t want the throne, deals with this revelation by breaking up with her, leaving her feeling more isolated than ever.

Ever since she calmly watched her husband murder her brother halfway through the first season, we have always known that Dany is capable of cruelty and violence when she feels threatened, and the fact those impulses have often been aimed at bad people does not change the fact they were there. (They were also, as Samwell Tarly would tell you, not always aimed at bad people.) And by the point her armies attack King’s Landing, Daenerys is isolated, and frightened, and traumatised.

So when she doesn’t accept the city’s surrender, this is not because she’s turned bad, or evil, or whatever other adjective you want to use. All she does is lash out.

But she controls the fantasy equivalent of a nuclear weapon: when she lashes out, thousands of people die. The argument being made is not that Dany was a villain all along, because in this story, there are no villains. It’s that you shouldn’t put that much power in the hands of any one vulnerable human, because they may one day be guided by rage or fear or loneliness.

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that this episode showed us Cersei Lannister at her most vulnerable, even sympathetic, at the moment it showed Dany at her most brutal: we’re meant to realise that both have ended up as who and what they are because of the game they’ve been playing. Nor is it a coincidence that several other characters here are also motivated by revenge. The Hound is consumed by it, but warns Arya off, and she, having spent years nursing her kill list, finally grasps how destructive an impulse this is, and switches to trying to save lives rather than take them. The desire for vengeance, the story is saying, is toxic. (Jaime Lannister, whatever else you can say about him, is to the last motivated by love.)

It was clear even before it had finished airing that a lot of people hated this episode, because of its brutality, or because they think it betrayed the characters or the story. But I found it one of the most powerful, most viscerally truthful, hours of television I have ever seen. And the critics are wrong about betrayal. This was always the story the show has been telling. This is the only way it could end.


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Meh. The battle in episode 3 still anoys me. Its just the main characters left standing. Then the unsullied fleet and a dragon gets whiped out in a matters of minutes in ep 4. Yet there's a huge unsullied army left for ep. 5. Its **** clone wars.The super effective ballistas turns into stormtroopers for episode. 5. Eurons Fleet turns to shit. Do they not patrol the waters? Stopping the unsullied sailing fron stone island to King's landing? Its just so damned inconsistent. 

The mad Queen plot was fine, but the buildup was quite poor and she didn't really flip before mid battle. There should be a more painful buildup. It's too rushed and forced. 

Wonder how they will tie things up in ep 6. 

Have to say I'm rather disappointed with this seasoson. 



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My theory is Arya kills greyworm, takes his face and then kills Dany. But that leaves Jon Snow redundant for a second big death. Maybe he kills a dragon or something. 

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18 minutes ago, Seat68 said:

My theory is Arya kills greyworm, takes his face and then kills Dany. But that leaves Jon Snow redundant for a second big death. Maybe he kills a dragon or something. 


I hope this isn't the case. I'd like to see Tyrion grow a pair and go all Shae / Tywin vengeance mode, e9specially as Dany is the reason his brother and sister are dead.


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16 minutes ago, jacketspuds said:
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I hope this isn't the case. I'd like to see Tyrion grow a pair and go all Shae / Tywin vengeance mode, e9specially as Dany is the reason his brother and sister are dead.


That's a good point of even Samwell Gamgee of house Gamgee. Maybe he thinks hold on time to off me a mother of dragons. 

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