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Game of Thrones (Spoilers)


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13 hours ago, maqroll said:

Ok, so I'm exactly a half hour into this episode, and for the first time ever I've paused it because it was so bad.

WTF was that?

I really hope this one turns around, cuz that was comically bad.

Was it about the bit where the entire screen was filled up with some blokes cock & balls?

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2 hours ago, PieFacE said:

Why didn't the Raven tell Bran to not let a WW touch him ffs? Surely you'd say that at some point.... 

Maybe The Three-eyed Raven knew it was going to happen and that it HAD to happen this way so he didn't tell him that and a bunch of other things so he didn't interfere with important events that are necessary to trigger Bran's destiny, or some crap like that.

As for your theory, can't see it. Sounds complex and would take too much time to set up. They've already got a bunch of other loose ends that need to be tied up.

I really hope the whole Bran interfering with the past stops at what was revealed this episode. Anything else and it's just going to get too silly.

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39 minutes ago, PieFacE said:

So here's a crazy crack-pot theory of how GoT could end in relation to Bran, it more than likely won't, this is pure speculation from a conversation between me and a friend,  but you never know...


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So we know Bran is named after Bran The Builder, right? Bran The Builder built the Wall, Winterfell and was the founder of House Stark. What if Bran The Builder was actually just Bran (he can walk in his timetravel), but gone back in time TO build the Wall, build Winterfell and create House Stark. Another shitty paradox but there we are. Now what if Bran The Builder in his timeline after building The Wall, Winterfell and House Stark went north of the wall to that tree to Worg or go to the future to see how it all pans out, but then the tree people (can't remember their name) fear for their lives, turn Bran The Builder into a White Walker with dragon glass and the main White Knight dude is actually.... Bran from a different timeline? Then maybe only Bran could kill the White Walker because they are "connected"... in the same way Voldermort and Harry Potter are ha. To kill the White Walker, Bran would have to also sacrifice himself.

Chances of this being the case.... zero. But would be kinda cool if it was.


Not that i agree with you or think its going to happen but to add to it....



The walker king is the only one who could see bran in visions. Ned heard him but couldnt see him when he turned around


Edited by gharperr
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i don't think bran will mess around any more with the past, having learnt his lesson now. hodor in that sense was a human sacrifice, and the blood-raven urging bran to listen to his friend was probably his way of forcing bran to realise the dangers inherent in his ability, a lesson that needed to be pretty quick given the circumstances!

he'll probably still travel for plot reasons (tower of joy) but any fears that he'll save the day by going into the past aren't justified at this point imo.

i actually kind of like his story, a whole lot more than arya, dany, and everything in king's landing.


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24 minutes ago, CarewsEyebrowDesigner said:

btw did i spot richard e grant during the theatre scene?

Yeah, it was him. That also made me chuckle. Got two or three laughs, and a sob out of this episode. 

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I assume he'll make more of an appearance when Arya goes back to kill the actress. Be very weird to have him in such a minor role for one episode.

I actually liked that theatre scene. It was meant to be cheesy and base, just what the uneducated, unwashed masses would want to see and probably did see in actual medieval times.

Then again it's not like we've moved on much from that rabble. See X Factor, TOWIE and all that shite. Same thing.

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For me this was one of the weakest episodes, this series is losing me, to be honest, and I'd been waiting years for new development after being a huge fan of the books.

The endless **** cock jokes in every episode, the ridiculous Hollywood style ending (why did that tree lady have to wait until all of the undead were tearing her limb from limb, rather than just...throwing it? Not that it did them much good anyway). And I'm going to be seriously pissed off if the entire series begins to revolve around time paradox bullshit.

I was a little disappointed that the sacrificial lamb was the one who knew about the origins of the white walkers, I was hoping for a little more than "we made them to fight men", hopefully that gets fleshed out a little.

Sansa's becoming increasingly badass, and with actual justification, some actual character development is nice to see. It's nice to see something happen with the Iron Born, it'd been a bit quiet there.

Worst scenes for me, Bran, the play which just went on a bit long for me, the joke outstayed its welcome, and what the **** was with the Daenarys and Mormont scene? Christ on a bike. Too much cringe for one episode.

Edited by Davkaus
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best episode of the season!!

2 great historical revelations.... obviously HODOR.... but also the aliens creating the walkers who create the zombies.  woah.

Who/what the hell are the aliens anyway?

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12 hours ago, PieFacE said:

Am I the only one who doesn't want Ayra to become "no one"... I don't really want her to forget her family and all the people on her list, I want her to go get revenge!! 

She won't.. When the play was on, you could see she didn't like "ned" having the piss taken out of him and Joffrey being nice... She won't kill the woman like she's planned (just a guess btw).

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17 minutes ago, ender4 said:


best episode of the season!!

2 great historical revelations.... obviously HODOR.... but also the aliens creating the walkers who create the zombies.  woah.

Who/what the hell are the aliens anyway?

Children of the forest... They were on westeros before men came across the sea... It is their gods "old gods" that the Starks follow.

Edited by mikeyp102
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37 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

the ridiculous Hollywood style ending (why did that tree lady have to wait until all of the undead were tearing her limb from limb, rather than just...throwing it? Not that it did them much good anyway)

That had me rolling my eyes. It was utterly absurd and a completely different tone to the entire series so far. Like you said, it was like a cheesy hollywood movie.

Question for those who have read the books - was the Hodor revelation in the book or has it just been made up for the tv show?

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Sansa has gone hard core.. She's going to cut off Ramsey's cock!! 

Theon going to have lesbian sex with his sister.... but what a weird way to anoint a King, with such a shitty crown.

How quick did littlefinger get to the wall, takes everyone else months... Sansa hasn't been there long (we don't think, certainly not implied it's been long) and yet he's travelled all the way up from the river lands in days.
Sansa and Jon going to get it on.. Heard it here first ;-)

Bran has proper **** things up.. Clever twist on hodor though..Even though I was hoping it was going to go down the whole time travel route.. Seeing visions of past fine, affecting the past.. Na not for me (I normally live time travel stories, but GOT doesn't need it. Hopefully, Bran will see the damages of it now and not interfere anymore.

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3 minutes ago, Phumfeinz said:


Question for those who have read the books - was the Hodor revelation in the book or has it just been made up for the tv show?

The Hodor thing came directly from GRRM, but it is new story, the books haven't reached this point.

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