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Game of Thrones (Spoilers)


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Depending on what entrance Ramsey chose to consummate the marriage (neat touch to have a witness), Sansa could still technically be a virgin.


Whatever she either needs to light that candle or get a decent solicitor.

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I just don't get why they feel the need to add rape scenes. As someone on the interwebs pointed out, the Mad Max film managed to tackle sex slavery without rape scenes. It isn't handled well at all. It's just a shock for shock's sake. It's lazy writing, it's gratuitous, and it's not the first time they've done it either.


Just... ugh.


From what I've read, the books get away with scenes like that because you get the impression GRRM takes misogyny and sexual violence seriously. I don't think the show writers do. I think they think they do, but the evidence suggests that what drives their writing is a desire to shock more than anything.


4 episodes to redeem themselves, or I'll just pack it in and read the books and hope for the best.

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Had high hopes when this season started, more seemed to be happening than the last season. But its gone the same way as season 4.

Nothing is happening. Or rather stuff is happening, but its usually one thing over episode and it happens in the last 5 minutes. The rest is just people walking.

The show peaked at the red wedding and hasn't got anywhere remotely close to that since.

Edited by Stevo985
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I really don't get people talking about jumping the shark, they've gone back the the original pace of the show after last seasons fireworks. I think last season spoiled people, people forget season 2+3.

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I really don't get people talking about jumping the shark, they've gone back the the original pace of the show after last seasons fireworks. I think last season spoiled people, people forget season 2+3.

Last season was crap. If that's being held up as fireworks then we're in trouble. it had it's moments I suppose.


The fireworks came in season 3 for me. That's when the show peaked.


Last season and this season have just been episodes full of 5 minute clips from every story. it's so fragmented that you just can't get into any of the plots. That would work, but barely anything intertwines. That coupled with them dragging tiny stories out across half a dozen episodes means it's just incredibly difficult to be gripped by it.


Tyrion and that chap who's kidnapped him, for example. We'll now be going into what, the fourth episode of their story since that happened? What's actually happened? They could have squeezed everything those two have gone through into about 20 minutes.


Hopefully everything is building towards something, but I've been saying that for 2 seasons now.

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I was talking more about some of them coming together and having the stories all wind back in with each other.


You know, like Danaerys finally turning up. That'd be nice. I assume we'll see that in season 14 :D

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Plenty of stuff is happening but it's too disjointed and momentum suffers,



My point is that because of the fragmented nature of the stories, stuff that is happening is being stretched over multiple episodes. The kind of stuff that you could probably get into a 20 minute segment is being dotted over 4 or 5 hours of the show.


It makes it very difficult to be excited about it because as soon as you think something is going to happen in one plotline, the episode is over.


I think it makes it worse watching it week by week. Watching it all the way through may be a better approach.

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I just don't get why they feel the need to add rape scenes. As someone on the interwebs pointed out, the Mad Max film managed to tackle sex slavery without rape scenes. It isn't handled well at all. It's just a shock for shock's sake. It's lazy writing, it's gratuitous, and it's not the first time they've done it either.


Just... ugh.


From what I've read, the books get away with scenes like that because you get the impression GRRM takes misogyny and sexual violence seriously. I don't think the show writers do. I think they think they do, but the evidence suggests that what drives their writing is a desire to shock more than anything.


4 episodes to redeem themselves, or I'll just pack it in and read the books and hope for the best.

A thousand times this. 


I have no idea why they included that scene. It  doesn't have a character development function, it adds very little to the plot beyond the

snapping Theon out of his Reek persona

and actually removes any agency they had been building with Sansa for the last few episodes. Its there solely for shock value in a pathetic attempt to be "edgy" 


We know Ramsey is an arsehole. Season 3 of solid torture and emasculating Theon taught us that. We know Sansa gets **** over - a lot. We know Theon is too terrified of Ramsey to intervene. Even the obvious best case scenario pay off

Sansa kills Ramsey during a subsequent rape attempt dropping the line "The North Remembers" in a merging of her and the Lady Stoneheart character

didn't require this additional motivation. 


I really thought with the opportunities that the TV has to be more efficient over AFFC they'd have done a better job than what they've served up so far. This is easily the worst season of the show. 

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I was talking more about some of them coming together and having the stories all wind back in with each other.


You know, like Danaerys finally turning up. That'd be nice. I assume we'll see that in season 14 :D

IIRC we're getting 7 seasons of TV show - hence the mass cull of extra characters and detail. 

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