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Watch Dogs


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Hype machine has done it again hasn't it

Have you played it yet Pete?

I'm bound by embargo agreement not to confirm that I have had the game since last week



:)  Ah, I see.

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Possibly one of the most overated underwhelming AAA titles in years


The car handling would be something Benny Hill would have been proud of


Crap A.I


Soundtrack is awful


Don't even get me started on the clunky gun play


It tries to be a more techy GTA but fails on all front's due to bland characters boring plot and just the same repetitive generic missions over and over again i feel no connection with the characters there is zero immersion


No doubt that some review sites will still give it a 4/5 MUST BUY rating


Ubicrap never fails to dissapoint

Edited by AshVilla
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Played it way more now as I managed to remove the vsync issue I had with it, same with the car thing as that was my controller messing up.


Anyway, I agree that it has been hyped up but honestly I don't give a shit about that anymore. I have played so many games in my life that I don't try to let that stuff get to me and I judge it on its own, not it's marketing campaign. But there are many flaws here indeed. Done some more story stuff and it's not really that bad, at least from a gameplay perspective. The story seems kinda dull and what one would expect from a game like this(hacking).


A.I is just the same crap I have seen numerous times, they try to flank you and they might throw grenades after a while if you stand still(some enemies at least). The driving just does not get better, the damage model and such are just outdated.  Can't believe you can even upgrade that so you can handle more. Like really? It's already pretty sufficient in making you believe that you have tank armor on already.


I would say that the open world is better than sleeping dogs, even if that can be up to debate. That game's upper hand come from the fighting system.

Honestly, games like this has never been able to compete with GTA in the how refined the world is and many details. GTA V is pretty incredible on scale and that it's actually running on ps3/360 hardware. So it surprises me a lot that it gets so much hate when in reality there is nothing that comes close to challenging what they are doing.


This game is still fun in some ways but it's not gonna have the longevity you hope open world games would have. Ultimately the hype train this game got will be much of it's downfall for the criticism it will get. It's flawed in many aspects and there are many things that they should have worked on, BUT I would say the average consumer gets more value for it's dollar in this compared to say something like cod or fifa. Which by the way still gets 8-9 in review scores in many of the top gaming outlets.


If you are uncertain then wait for a sale or wait a bit so you can see people's general opinion on it, not just reviewers.

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Just finished writing up my review. Really disappointed with the game at first, but it comes into its own after a few hours. I can't recall such a poor start in a triple-A title before though. I can see plenty of people giving up and writing it off based on that. Overall, without getting into any embargo breakiness, it's a very good game, that has several flaws in key areas that stop it from really challenging the likes of GTA V

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Review embargo lifted at 8am, it's getting a mixed reception to say the least. I guess Ubi are reaping what they have sewn with that E3 demo.

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To be honest I think one problem with 3rd person open world games now is that they all get compared to GTA, which is silly to be fair because honestly nothing is going to compete with it in the genre, it is in its own league. I enjoyed Sleeping Dogs for example, it wasn't GTA but it was definitely a fun game.


I'm not 100% on this one but I'll give it a whirl.

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Yes it is but it will still mostly be compared to that as that is very recent and similar in many ways to watch dogs.

But I agree. This game is in many ways like mafia 2, just bigger and more side quests/activities but with a shallow open world. I have seen it maxed out, and it does not look like the original reveal. It's not bad it's just that some things are not as you would expect.

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Just got in from buying it. Installing now. Looking forward to the online stuff!


Just bought the Special Edition myself. My expectation has been dulled to some extent, but I bet I'll still enjoy it.

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To be honest I think one problem with 3rd person open world games now is that they all get compared to GTA


Well there's 3rd person open world, and there are games like GTA. In Watch Dogs you shoot a gun, you drive a car, you get chased by police, it has a contemporary setting, etc etc - it is undeniably like GTA. It is GTA with hacking in it - not that that makes it a bad game though.


From reviews I've read it seems that the worst part of it is the fact the graphics don't match what was originally shown, which of course does not affect the gameplay, which appears solid. It apparently out does GTA in the stealth stakes at least. The story and characters are pretty poor though, by the sounds of it, so if you need those to be strong to maintain interest in such a game then maybe it won't be as enjoyable - I assume this was Ash's main gripe, as above.

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Had one invasion so far and the dude was standing next to me! Tried entering someone else's game but couldn't do it. Played a few missions but mainly just free roamed. Good stuff so far. Like Spider Tank :)

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Saw some videos on how glitchy it has been, but I guess you can understand that considering it just launched. I wanted to get the game but I don't have next gen consoles and a mediocre pc.

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Can anyone comment on the driving? Looks a bit arcady.


Every single car handles differently, which is good I guess - they do seem a bit heavy like dubbs says but you get used to it. Enjoying to to be fair, story is a bit cheesy as such but its fun! 


Just got to what I can only describe as 

"the hack cave"

, the game really has a somewhat super hero feel to it 

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