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Watch Dogs


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It's interesting to see just how much the internet has turned on Watch Dogs in recent weeks.   The latest gameplay videos which were released at the start of the month look nothing like what was advertised at E3. 

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True but id imagined the original footage was on a high spec pc. Still think the ps4 version will look good. As long as it plays well I'll be happy.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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In typical Ubisoft fashion, there are 9 different special editions on top of the normal version. Da fuq?


I like the premise of this game but there have been way too many inconsistencies with what the devs have been saying about it, the gameplay elements seem to change regularly, it's hard to have any confience in what they're actually going to be releasing.


And when it comes to the performance of the game, I've heard at least half a dozen contradictions about what resolution and framerate it'll be running on for consoles, from them being confident of 1080p at 60fps, to it only running at 792p on Xbox at 30fps, and everything in between. I've had too many poor performing Assassin's Creed titles from Ubisoft to chance this. Think I'll wait for a steam sale for this so I can see what people think once the hype dies down.

Edited by Davkaus
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If it ends up being the game it seems to say it is, I couldn't give less of a shit about whether it runs at 720p or not.


I'm more skeptical that it's going to just be an average sandbox game with some nice ideas. Ubisoft create pretty but hollow game worlds and they seem to be advertising it as this enormous, anything can happen game with enough story angles and npc interaction to keep you busy forever.


But I think it'll look much more linear than it says and the game will look like bad GTA with just a few different touches. What they're suggesting doesn't seem possible with the technology they're playing with. I hope I'm wrong, hopefully this game is mind blowing but I'm not sold on it.

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The resolution itself isn't a huge problem to me (though the framerate is), I am concerned at how many times they've set completely different expectations though.

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I've got this on pre-order but I think I'm going to cancel it as it looks a bit dull.


What is actually different about it? GTA is the ultimate sandbox game but this just looks like a boring, prettier version of it.

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The resolution itself isn't a huge problem to me (though the framerate is), I am concerned at how many times they've set completely different expectations though.

It's 900p on the PS4. Whilst I'm not that bothered about resolution, it's a bit of a piss take that consoles in this day and age still can't get a native resolution on every game.


Can't wait to build a PC again soon.

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What is actually different about it? GTA is the ultimate sandbox game but this just looks like a boring, prettier version of it.



The hacking feature is it's USP. If that doesn't appeal to you, it's probably not a game you should bother with.

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I saw a demo of this running in Game the other day. What happened to the revolutionary game that blew everyone away at E3? From what I could see it looked like just another 3rd person shooter. Still nothing to get me enthusiastic about the new consoles.

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What is actually different about it? GTA is the ultimate sandbox game but this just looks like a boring, prettier version of it.



The hacking feature is it's USP. If that doesn't appeal to you, it's probably not a game you should bother with.



From what I have seen, they've completely failed to establish how the hacking stuff isn't just more typical paper-thin context sensitive Ubisoft "press A to do thing" bullshit. I think they've talked it up well beyond what it actually is AKA the same shit they pulled with the original Assassins Creed. Even the reveal, way back when, didn't get me excited and they've not done much more to sell it to me. In fact Ubisoft have done their best to make the game look progressively worse. I can't help be feel a lot of people are going to be very disappointed with Watchdogs.


I'll be pleasantly surprised if it turns out to be amazing but I ain't giving them a penny for it until it's been reviewed.

Edited by Sie
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Seems like the delays may hurt this game a lot in terms of sales and such.

The longer the wait has been, the more that has been seen/heard/changed and in turn I don't know anybody that is interested any more.

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