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Batman: Arkham Knight


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Think it's a fantastic game so far . The fact there's so many side quests is a winner for me. Might actually try and get 100% completion on this .

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I've put a few hours into this today, and I don't know if its just my mood today or whatever but while I could appreciate the quality of this, I don't like it very much.

It feels tired, to me. The little changes to the control scheme (usually due to the Batmobile) constantly irritate me as I'm so used to the control scheme of the older games. The


stuff gets REALLY old really fast, not even saved by a good performance or allusions to the famous storylines from the comics really. I have a decent idea who the Arkham Knight is, from the very first meeting you have with him.

But it's just another of these games. And it feels like a retread.

A retread with a big issue. The Batmobile is horrible, IMO. I damn near had a throw my hands in the air and walk away moment when the game asks you to platform with it. Not because it's difficult, but because it's just out of place and awkward and feels palpably line the shoehorning job it is. The Batmobile is not fun. It's a worse way of getting round the city than the tools the game already gave you, and every interaction with it feels foreign to the series and, I think, to the property its based on. It doesn't feel like Batman. He has had tank style Batmobiles before but nothing like this.

I'll finish it, and it has its moments and is very polished and pretty, but I'm not blown away by it at all, which is a shame as the early entries have been some of my very favourite titles of the last few years.

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I'm surprised you feel that way, Chindie. I'm a huge fan of the first two games in the series and I think this is up there with them both. I said it before but I enjoy the batmobile bits, and if I get bored, I just ditch it and soar around the city just like in Arkham City. Ah well, each to their own. Shame you're not enjoying it though.

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Having put in a few more hours and cracked on through the storyline, I'm enjoying it more, and there's no doubting it's a bloody good game.

But, the Batmobile is an abomination. Every single time you're required to use it, is a moment to sigh, grit your teeth, and just get through it in the fastest way possible. It's horrible. It handles like a greasy pig in an ice rink, and the game rate tanks whenever you use it. And when your tasked with taking on 'drones' for the umpteenth time you just want it to end as fast as possible because it's not fun, and it's certainly not Batman. Having run through the main Riddler puzzles, the last one had me wishing pain on whoever was responsible for developing the Batmobile handling. The puzzle is the worst kind of trial and error fluke bait but is made infinitely worse by the Batmobile handling like lame poodle.

It absolutely taints the game, terribly. The boss fight you do in it is just... Bad. Bad bad bad. Real gutter stuff.

It's a shame as the rest is good, polished Batman gameplay we expect from Rocksteady. It has a few ideas I'm not too sure about (a few story beats are over done, and I'm now certain the one big secret it has I solved in the very first scene the character appeared, the more they bolt on to the combat I think the more it starts to creak, and they've basically gone too far with the Riddler stuff, way way too much of it now) but it's a good way to spend a few hours.

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And finished.

Probably tells the best story of the Arkham games, effectively stealing little bits of every major Batman plot from the last 30 years and winding it around done themes and ideas present throughout modern Batman arcs. The surprises that there are are strange as, well... Anyone who isn't a Batman fan isn't going to get the importance of some reveals, and anyone who is will work them all out hours before the game thinks you will.

It does feel a little tired at times, and despite a brilliant final 30 minutes the preceding couple of houes feel like they've outstayed their welcome. The game tries to keep it's best in class combat fresh by song a few minor elements and then hybridising them constantly. Which this ends of doing is dining making the brawls irritating, especially as BT the end of the game each fight is simply a struggle against the enemies the game knows are most annoying to fight (special mention here to knife welding electrified shield holding brutes).

Everything to be said about the Batmobile had been said. Bottom line, it's shit and the game uses it fair too much.

Beyond that, if you've enjoyed the others, you cannot miss this. It's brilliant. Looks incredible, the performances ate superb (Conroy and another significant name are absolutely at the top of their game), on song it's brilliant fun and basically plays like a best of Batman which well have fans going crazy for it.

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I'm near the end now and I have to say, even I got a bit fed up of the Batmobile tank sections. Maybe I should have spaced out the bomb side missions a bit more because doing all of those and then some of the sections towards the end of the game which are very tank-heavy really was overkill for me.


Still, absolutely love this game, it'll be a shame when I finish it. I still have a load of riddler trophies to get and the majority of the challenges, however. Many hours left.

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It's fair to day that everything genuinely crap about the game boils down to the Batmobile. I don't know who thought padding the game out with shit tank shooting sections was a good idea but Rocksteady would do well to ignore them on their next project. The 2 boss battles you use it on are also atrocious and each time the Riddler requires you use it I'd recommend calming music and a cocoa as a couple are pad breakingly irritating. The final race you do for him is just... awful. It'd be a bit crap regardless but because it handles awfully it makes the whole thing an exercise in hoping you get the lucky run where you fluke it.

One moment near the end of the main plot the game seems to suggest you won't need to worry about the Batmobile any longer... Sadly you soon end up back in it... Doing the same bloody tank shoot...

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To be fair, as much as I love the Arkham games, they've always had crappy boss battles. I'd rather the tank sections than the Quick Time Event bore-fests of the previous games, though I would like a little more variety.


I actually quite enjoyed the Riddler races in the Batmobile though. I didn't find them particularly frustrating.


I love the detective mode gameplay, I love all the riddles and collectibles and I definitely adore the combat system. The only thing these games have always missed is a really strong final boss battle. If they could just find one more really fun gameplay mechanic to end strongly on, they'd be a 10 out of 10 for me.

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I've only finished the main story, I'm going to dive in to the side quests soon and I know I've made it quite clear that I'm a massive Batman fan, so I'm biased, but, I've loved it so far.


I even like the Batmobile bits, all I've done so far anyway and I take it in that I haven't tackled a lot of the races and side quests that include it but I loved the bits where you're taken on armies of drones.


I love the hand-to-hand combat, getting very annoyed when I'm on the receding end of a single punch or electrified baton thing.


Spoilery bits that I'm not sure some are even spoilers but some certainly are massive ones...


I like the bits where you get to fight side by side with an ally and you can switch between them, I wish there was more of that.


I also worked out pretty early on that Arkham Knight was Jason Todd but I think it was still a good part of the story, He's always a bit of weird character; all angry and stuff, angry when Batman met him and angry now, whatever happens or happened he was/is angry.


The end was a good bit of psychological fun, I liked it but I do have to agree with others, the 'boss' battles are never quite satisfying for me and my favourite is still Arkham Asylums' Killer Croc cat & mouse game through the sewers, edge of the seat stuff.


I also knew Barbara wasn't going to be dead and it was just a bit of fear gas fun but her 'death' scene was really well executed'.


Ivy's was a sad one though, she's one of my favourite characters, is there any chance for Nature to reassemble her?


I'm sure there is other stuff I want to say but I can't think of it right now.

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As per your spoiler 8p...


I too like the ally fights, there's one in the AR challenges and I reckon they might add even more. It adds a different dimension to the fighting though I think I prefer taking on a whole heap of enemies myself. It's more satisfying.


The Jason Todd reveal was pretty obvious to fans. So obvious, in fact, that I thought it might have been a red herring but I suppose they have to account for the fact that a large portion, if not the majority, of people who play this game aren't going to have read the graphic novels. Part of me thinks that they should have just stuck with the Red Hood alias since it was so obvious to the fans anyway, but I suppose they wanted to at least try and keep it a surprise so that's probably why they changed it.


I liked the ending, even if it was a bit gameplay light. I'd only have complained if they did a QTE boss battle or a tank fight again I suppose, but still, it was a little lacking.


I thought there was a chance that Babs was still alive, but I think I enjoyed the shock of it so much that I told myself it was true. I kind of wish they had killed her off to be honest. I think it would have been a lot more satisfying from a story perspective and it could have had a big knock-on effect with the next game in the series (if there is one) with Tim Drake maybe going off on his own and turning against Batman perhaps? Ah well, never going to happen now.


As for Ivy, it wouldn't surprise me if she released some spores as she disintegrated and she can regrow herself or something like that. I'm not a big fan of her so it doesn't bother me either way. I was a bit disappointed she had such an important part to play in the story.

Edited by Ginko
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Every time I start to love this game it throws another tank section/riddler car platformer at me and I lose all interest again. They're so frequent it stops me wanting to play more than an hour.

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Every time I start to love this game it throws another tank section/riddler car platformer at me and I lose all interest again. They're so frequent it stops me wanting to play more than an hour.

The main plot is like that right to the end.

Definitely mix it up with the other missions. A lot of the traditional Arkham gameplay is tied into those missions and it breaks up some of the monotony of the main storyline and it's love of the Batmobile.

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Finished the main story, side missions and done everything for Riddler. Just the AR trial stuff now, though I don't really fancy doing the tank battles or the ones where you have to chase cars in the Batmobile. I had a couple of attempts and it's hard just finding cars to chase and blow up.


As for the Riddler trophies, I was gliding around thinking I'd missed a Riddler informant somewhere but couldn't find them for love nor money. I don't know if I was just unlucky or it's a bug, but if anyone is missing a few trophies and destructible objects on Founders' Island and struggling, chances are they're in the subway tunnels you can get to via a lift in the yard with all the shipping containers in the south-west section of the map.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm well into this now.


Like others, it took me a while. After playing Asylum and City the new controls pissed me off to no end, but once you've sunk a few hours in you get used to it. I still press the wrong button every now and again though. (Detective mode mainly).


Batmobile.. I've gotten used to it a bit now. Doing the chases and some of the riddler missions has given me a better grasp on the handling. Drifting is pretty easy now and helps loads.



So yeah, thoroughly enjoying it now after a slow start. Just getting data from the batwing (main story) so don't know how long to go. Completed a fair few side missions and a few are still locked.


Very well done game and excellently voice acted, as usual.

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The Batmobile is a blight on the entire game. That boss fight, and the other one before it, and 99% of what the Riddler gets you to do with it, is horrifically shite. Everything else is just bad.

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Well got past that bit and nearly finished the main quest. Just clearing up the militia side quests (only have 2 checkpoints and 3 bombs left to find) then I can start on finishing the Riddles off. Done about 4 of the missions with cat woman for that already but need to hunt down all the collectibles before finishing main mission. Wanna 100% this bad boy.


I'm under no illusion that this will be tedious.


Why there are so many more in this game baffles me.

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Well that's the militia boss taken care of (disappointing the boss battle was pretty much the same as a previous one. Just seemed recycled).


So Riddler quest is now on! (1 more key to get which is a bugger of a race). 350 riddles to go! >_<

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I mentioned it a few pages back, one tip if you intend to get every Riddler trophy but I'll put it in spoilers since it relates to a part in the story:


If you're missing some on Founders' Island but they're not showing up on the map and you've looked around for a Riddler goon to interrogate but can't find him, chances are the remaining collectibles are in Port Adams (the south-west section). There's an elevator you go into at a point in the story where you head underground to find one of Ivy's plants to free. Take that elevator and the remaining collectibles are in there. Took me a while before I realised, so I thought I'd spare you some potential frustration.

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