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Not a fan of Arena to be honest. 


Getting together a few decent decks now (my Pally and War decks are pretty good), and I just love experimenting by slightly tweaking a few cards here and there. I think the variety of play styles throughout the game is what really makes it shine - well that and wiping the floor with your opponent now and then  B)

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I really enjoy playing against Rush Decks


As control warrior unless they get a perfect draw i usually win


I like to take the maximum amount of time between turns as well to piss them off


They can go for my face all they want but they will do it on my terms


If they want to get quick wins they won't be getting one against me brb alt tab check villa talk end turn :D

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I nailed somebody with an unnecessary play earlier, I had total board control with a Knife Juggler and an Imp Master in play.  The Knife Juggler throws a knife at a random enemy every time a minion is summoned, the Imp Master takes one damage and summons a 1/1 imp at the end of every turn.  I had it so I could clear out the other guys board completely and reduce him to 1hp while I could still attack him.  I ended my turn instead, my Imp Master summoned an imp which meant the Knife Juggler threw a knife at a random enemy.  The other guys face was the only target. GG.
Unnecessary, but a bit of self indulgence never hurt anybody did it?    Oh, and:



Gold rag nice


I've only had two gold legendaries so far a gold Ysera which i disenchanted because i already had one and a Golden Sylvannas which i got within the first 2 weeks of playing :)

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I really enjoy playing against Rush Decks


As control warrior unless they get a perfect draw i usually win


I like to take the maximum amount of time between turns as well to piss them off


They can go for my face all they want but they will do it on my terms


If they want to get quick wins they won't be getting one against me brb alt tab check villa talk end turn :D



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  • 3 weeks later...

Arena run.  Can't remember the exact sequence but:





He managed to go Coin, Owl, Questing Adventurer, Innervate, Innervate, Defender of Argus in two turns. He followed that with a Raid Leader. That was pretty much my arena run over. 

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Aye, innervate is an incredibly powerful card if drawn early; its value weakens in to later game but if you're lucky enough to get it from the off, you have an excellent advantage. I use two innervates and two yetis on my constructed druid deck. If you have the coin, you can get a turn one yeti, which is just stupidly powerful for the other person to deal with at that point. Some people even concede^^

Edited by nobler
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Pretty sure i've just played one of the most satisfying matches of my life.


Without going into the play-by-play stats - I was playing as an (Otter Pops) Mage against Shaman and after round 8 he had me down to 4 health, at which point he still had 30 health left.


After hanging on for a couple more plays using low level cards with taunt he was down to 1 card in his hand per turn. And then the real fun began  :D


Thanks to Ice Barrier and multiple freezes, plus the opponents inability to draw a card capable of taking me down I ended up clawing it back and winning.


I can't imagine how frustrating that would have been for whoever I was playing against, but I imagine if they had a cat it would have taken a swift leave of absence.


Love it.

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I had to quit playing this. I got too addicted and then started getting consistent rage. Now that I have stopped, I have so much extra time. It is such a time sink.


Its a game based on RNG so getting mad about it is futile


I really used to rage myself but then just keep telling myself that card draws are random and in some games your just going to get shat on because your luck is that bad


The amount of times ive had a finisher as my last card in my deck when i needed it like 15 turns before really pissed me off

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It's like poker I guess. Yes, you are relying on the luck of the draw but there must be some level of skill involved or the same people wouldn't keep winning. 

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Curse of Naxxaramas goes live on the European servers tomorrow.


The new cards look interesting and will allow more:


  • hunter beast deck card draw bullshit
  • mage secret bullshit

but a lot less miracle rogue bullshit with Loethep, but there will be a fair few nerfs happening in the first few weeks.

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Anyone managed to get on to play the new Naxx expansion yet? I keep getting the D/C message  :rolleyes:

Haven't tried - I will have a go this evening when I get in. I assumed day one would be a total fiasco and didn't bother so was watching Day9 play it on YouTube and winning at Skyrim instead.

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Managed to get on last night. Safe to say it's 'challenging' to say the least, which is great to be honest as I didn't want something I could smash through in a day or so.

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The new cards are really interesting, particularly the one that raises the cost of battlecry cards for your opponent, that's a killer for Leeroy decks. I like the Nerubian egg, I've replaced my ancient watchers with them on my control deck; when used with shield bearer cards, the opponent will be forced to attack them and you get free 4/4 cards for just two mana. Working well so far, before people bring back that damn silencing owl.  :rant:

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