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my dad has prostate cancer


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Very sorry to hear that, Daz. My old man was diagnosed with Stage 4 Small Cell lung cancer back in September. He's been in chemotherapy which has given him extra time, but his time is starting to run out. He will die soon.


My understanding of prostate cancer is that it's very treatable? I hope this is so, and that your father has success in treatment. 


Take the time to tell him things that you might have thought too sentimental before, let him know how much he means to you. Even if he he comes out of it fine, he'll know how much his son loves him, if he doesn't already.


I hope your grandmother is ok too. 


Wishing you all the best

Edited by maqroll
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Sorry to hear this mate, I lost my dad 10 years back to brain cancer so like others on here I know where your heads at and it's not nice :(.

However stay strong because just because it's cancer it doesn't mean its one out come, I know lots of people that have pulled through this.

Again sorry to hear about this.

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As others have said, prostate cancer is very treatable. In fact if you have to choose one, prostate is pretty much the one to go for!


May be wrong, but I believe in most cases it's possible to have a completely normal life. It's only if you really let it go that it can spread, so you probably don't need to worry very much at all.

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Guys, thank you for taking the time even to just right one word, it would be easier to read and skip by. Hes a lifelong villa fan and we both have season tickets with my nephew and ill pass on your wishes.

To the people also affected by it especially thanks for commenting and I wish you well too.

We have to wait now for scans to find out severity etc so im not sure how to live until then but you find a way im sure.

The doctor did say if your going to get one this is the one to get, so ill take some positives from that and we wait and see

Thanks again all, theres some good people here

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Really hope your Dad recovers and, these days, there is every chance. As a racing cyclist, I obviously took a great deal of interest in the Lance Armstrong situation. Don't forget that he recovered from cancer, albeit testicular cancer, and went on to ride The Tour de France - regardless of the doping issue - he still recovered. As others have said, treatment has improved greatly.

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This is a good place to share, mate.  You've got anonymity, and despite the arguing and the stick we give each other this community pulls together when one of our own is in need.


It's horrible news to have heard.  I can't even begin to imagine how you feel.  Just hope for the best, as others have said it's not the death sentence it once was.


And put your faith in the NHS too.  They get a lot of stick, but they're passionate about saving lives...


Big love mate.

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Sorry to hear of your news Daz. My Grandad has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer for the third time last week, at the age of 91. He's beaten in twice in his 80's and he will give this a bloody go as well! 


As people have said, a lot of people get through it now and the treatment is very effective.


Good luck to your Dad infighting this horrible disease. 

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Best wishes to your grandad xela. Ive had a thought a few times in my life that im lucky enough that cancer has never directly impacted upon my life, itd never affected anyone close to me. Know its here even tbe word makes me feel sick, you just dont want to say it

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I really feel for you mate. The word cancer when associated with someone you love is a devastating word. Even though its nearly 12 years now I can still remember like it was yesterday the day my dad told me he had cancer. It completely knocked the stuffing out of me.

My dad lost his battle. However prostate cancer is one of the more treatable cancers and someone I work with has recently beaten it and is now back playing 5 a side and looks as fit as a fiddle.

As others have said stay positive. Keep your dad positive and look forward to the day you hear those words from your dad that he has beaten it.

You ever need to share your thoughts mate there will always be someone on here ready to lend an ear. All the best.

Edited by markavfc40
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Bes of luck to your dad.

My mom got Breast cancer about 14 months ago. 6 months later my dad got diagnosed with bowel cancer.

My mom's fine now, completely recovered. Dad isn't so lucky and unfortunately he'll never recover, although he's doing well for the moment. Should have a fair amount of time left.

Its a lottery buddy. Just fingers crossed that they've caught it early and can help your dad. Stay positive, its the least you can do for your old man.

Best wishes

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Can I join in with the positive crew?

My old feller was diagnosed in his 70's, with the disclaimer that old age would kill him first. Turns out that he kicked on to his mid-80's, so the cancer got him. But he refused treatment, because he thought that at 85 it was a waste of money, and he didn't see the point in feeling shit for 6 months to extend a life that was nearly done. Basically he decided that his time was up.

Your old feller is a mere youngster, with plenty to live for and look forward to. He will accept treatment, his body will respond to it, and he will win through. Determination and positivity from those around him are what he needs.

Good luck to him and your family as you take this on.

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Sorry to hear of your news Daz. My Grandad has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer for the third time last week, at the age of 91. He's beaten in twice in his 80's and he will give this a bloody go as well! 


Good luck to the old boy, mate!


Cheers mate. 

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My Grandad has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer for the third time last week, at the age of 91. He's beaten in twice in his 80's and he will give this a bloody go as well!
If I was cancer I'd give up. He sounds like a tough old cookie :-) Best of luck to him.
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