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Thomas Hitzlsperger


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Didn't Hitzlsperger ask for a discussion? Didn't come out just to tell everyone to shut up


He isn't endorsing a discussion about whether your 'average' homosexual is a dancer or hairdresser or whether 'gaydar' is a legitimate way of 'identifying' gays though is he?


You are trivialising the discussion by diverting attention on yourself. Well done you. 

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Didn't Hitzlsperger ask for a discussion? Didn't come out just to tell everyone to shut up


He isn't endorsing a discussion about whether your 'average' homosexual is a dancer or hairdresser or whether 'gaydar' is a legitimate way of 'identifying' gays though is he?


You are trivialising the discussion by diverting attention on yourself. Well done you. 



Discussion: the action or process of talking about something in order to reach a decision or to exchange ideas.

If the discussion is not about what I've been talking about, what is it about?
We're not discussing how wrong it is that gays are bullied if they try to come out (although that idea has not been tested recently). We all seem to agree that it is wrong for gays to be sworn at, bullied, treated as pathetic, diminished in any way. As far as their individual talents allow for job performance, there is no difference between a gay footballer and a heterosexual one
That being said, and all agreed upon, the discussion moved to why there are apparently so few "out" professional footballers. My view is that's because there are very few gay footballers, not because there are lots who just don't want to come out.
That's a legitimate discussion. All the points you raised come from it.
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Britain's only openly gay footballer

Gay footballer Liam Davis admits he has been abused plenty of times while playing for Gainsborough Trinity, six divisions below the Premier League.

The 23-year-old semi-professional player (pictured above, in blue) has been openly gay for four years and says the sniping in the Football Conference North can be brutal.

Yet, with one exception, most of the insults have been related to his height, which he takes with a pinch of salt.






A list of openly gay professional footballers from that webpage:

  • Former Germany and Aston Villa midfielder Thomas Hitzlsperger
  • Ex-Leeds winger Robbie Rogers, now playing for LA Galaxy in his native United States
  • Anton Hysen, Swedish semi-professional
  • Liam Davis, semi-professional footballer at Conference North side Gainsborough Trinity


As far as we can tell, there are no "horror" stories about players coming out as gay. Not even in the semi-professional league, as Liam Davis attests.


So there really is no reason for the dozens and dozens of gay professional footballers playing in the Premier League to not be out. If they exist, that is.


It might be that's that list is a high percentage of them.

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"There is no reason for them to not be out"


Or maybe, just maybe, they are happy being "in" and would like to keep their private life as just that? Why should it be dictated to anybody that their sexual orientation MUST be public knowledge? It is just as bad as the "horror" stories you talk of in my opinion. Let them live their life as they choose fit, it is nobody else's business.

Well said. I don't know why people are so obsessed with gay footballers coming out. Firstly, it's their choice. Secondly, who cares?

Edited by Mantis
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Firstly, nobody has ever heard of him and is therefore unlikely to know anything about his orientation.


Secondly, he plays in front of an average crowd just shy of 450.  I can't imagine it's a particularly partisan atmosphere compared to playing at somewhere like Newcastle...

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

So everyone was so surprised that Hitzlsperger waited until the end of his career to come out, there's no reason not to hide, it's the 21st century, and so on.


And here, on the biggest event in football,  Diego Costa who (probably) isn't gay has thousands of fans chanting "Diego veado" at him (literally translates to deer, but it's used as a homophobic slur).... I wonder why gay players feel they need to stay silent.


Surprisingly, no one seems to care. Maybe just the language barrier, but you'd think someone would be reporting on it.

Edited by Davkaus
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Crimestop means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought.” 

Orwell 1984.


I'm certainly not claiming 100% effectiveness but I'm extremely surprised that some people are willing to disagree with the idea you can tell just by what they wear, and how they behave some people are gay.
That's not to say I'm saying gay people are freaks who stand out. You can often tell when someone is Spanish rather than English, but that is not because the Spanish are freaks.
For example, Spanish people on holiday, apart from often being more tanned than English, often wear jumpers around their necks whereas the English tend to wear their jumpers around their waists.



I'm so, so, so glad that this thread was bumped, because I honestly don't think my life would have been complete without learning of Con's Theory Of Spotting Spanish Men By The Way In Which They Wear Their Jumpers. I'm having difficulty typing this because I'm having to pause for giggling fits. 

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I know this is a serious subject, but the wording of the thread title ("Thomas Hitzlsperger is gay") keeps making me think of schoolboy graffiti, possibly scrawled onto the inside back cover of a maths book.  I've tried not to think it but I just can't help myself.  Bumping the thread to say this is a bad thing for me to do on multiple levels. :P


Actually Rev, I think it's "M.Khan is bent!" 


'M. KAHN IS BENT' was, until recently, painted in very large white letters on a railway bridge that crosses the North Circular road in London between Crouch End and East Finchley (Just by the gasworks).

It had been there for over ten years, unmissable by every single car travelling in a westward directionon the North Circular, which, bearing in mind that approximately 300,000 cars containing an average of 2.7 people pass under that bridge every day, would indicate that, over the course of time, the fact of M. Kahn's bent-ness may have been impressed on 2,956,500,000 people, or round about five times the population of Europe.

This kind of majority opinion must have made it very difficult for M. Kahn to dispute.


Many things, however, remain unexplained. Considering the scale of the insult, why did the man who painted it choose to use the polite form 'M. Kahn' - as if he was writing a letter to his bank manager? Perhaps he didn't know Mr Kahn's first name (Micheal? Monty?), in which case he can't have known him very well - in which case it seems a bit much to go and paint definitive statements about his sexual orientation ten feet high on the North Circular.

And perhaps even more intriguing, why was M.Kahn himself (Morris? Matt?), no doubt a resident of the Funchley area and well able to contact the local borough council, content to leave the message there for over a decade? Is it possible that he wrote it himself? Which would suggest that the graffiti was not in fact an insult, but the biggest sex-advert in the world. Perhaps we'll never know.


Whatever it was that persuaded the council finally to paint over 'M. KAHN IS BENT', The Mary Whitehouse Experience is prepared to offer a large sum of money to any person or persons prepared to go back to the bridge, under cover of darkness, and paint on it the words 'M. KAHN IS STILL BENT'.

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