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The Thread of Dreams


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I had two separate but related dreams last night. In the first, 65 Indian students arrived without warning at my language school and I had to timetable them (a normal week involves around half a dozen students starting). So far, so humdrum; I dream about work all the time, and while the actual content is ridiculous (we rarely have students from India) the sense of timetabling panic is a constant feature of my week. But after going to the bathroom in the middle of the night, I began a second dream in which I had to rescue several of the female Indian students from a dungeon under Noel Edmonds' house, which was a bit different. 

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  • 3 months later...

Sometimes I will have a dream, and it will feel like the setting of the dream has an history to it, like I have known it my whole life, and this affect stays with me when I wake up. I even recently had a dream where I was in some town, that felt so familiar to me, that I could 'remember' parts of the town and the surrounding areas, that didn't even feature in the dream, and again it was the same when I woke up, kind of frustrating because I felt homesick for the place almost, although I know in reality I've never been there.

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15 hours ago, useless said:

Sometimes I will have a dream, and it will feel like the setting of the dream has an history to it, like I have known it my whole life, and this affect stays with me when I wake up. I even recently had a dream where I was in some town, that felt so familiar to me, that I could 'remember' parts of the town and the surrounding areas, that didn't even feature in the dream, and again it was the same when I woke up, kind of frustrating because I felt homesick for the place almost, although I know in reality I've never been there.

I often have dreams, or more frequently those very brief thoughts you get just as you're drifting off, where I remember stuff that never happened.

Like in the dream I'll be remembering something really specific about my life and it'll make perfect sense. 

Then I'll wake up and realise it's not a memory at all, it's just made up.

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I don’t remember my dreams very often. 

But when I have a sense of déjà vu, it’s normally feels dream like so I wonder whether I’ve dreamt a similar moment rather than actually witnessed it in real life. A quick search suggests this feeling is called déjà rêvé (already dreamed).

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I went through a phase of recurring plane crash dreams a few years ago. No idea what it meant but it was weird. I'd be on the ground, never was in the plane itself, watching a plane flying and I'd just know that it would lose control which it then would a few seconds later.

I'd watch it either spiral and crash in the distance or it would just stop mid air and glide/float/fall down and crash behind some houses and I'd always hear a noise like thunder rather than an all out explosion.

Other recurring ones are buildings collapsing, driving uncontrollable cars, driving over hills or bumps and that sends the cars flying while I'm inside. 

Places that are recognizable but not a real place are common for me too, I've been to loads of stunning seaside towns miraculously only a few minutes from Kings Heath and they are all amazing in my dreams. Probably why going to actual coastal towns never live up to the hype for me 😁.

All in all, dreams are **** weird.

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I love it when my dog starts dreaming. Her paws start twitching and then in a few minutes you can tell she's dreaming of galloping through dreamland!

I don't like it when she howls in her sleep though. Reminds me of the nights when the people I live with tell me I was doing the same in my sleep.

Those nights are usually nightmares that are centered around the attempted kidnapping/abduction I experienced as a child, or the trauma that led to my psychotic breakdown.

The worst.

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I get a bit of a “classic” recurring dream about exams. I’m a lawyer so I’ve always studied hard from GCSEs onwards to get here but I stressed out big time over exams. Seems to have affected me permanently as I dream perhaps every 2 weeks specifically about my A Level exams. It’s always the same - it’s exam time and I totally forgot that I had taken English and I have to cram an entire English syllabus in one night and I’m having a complete breakdown as I realise it’s impossible and so my hopes of a legal career are over. I then always wake up in a panic and gradually get a lovely warm feeling that I’ve done it all now and I never have to take an exam again.

But the weird thing is that throughout the dream I kind of know it’s a dream deep down and that the result is just going to be the same as always (wake up, panic, relax) and yet I have to go through the motions. I hate it. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you enjoy vivid and bizarre dreams that you remember days later, I suggest taking the beta blocker Propranalol. Last night in my dream I was walking through a shopping mall and came across this hot chick who was lifting her skirt up to show a thong. Aroused, I walked closer to her. She then said "Yeah, I'm the hot chick with diarrhea running down her leg."



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An ex-girlfriend from long ago told me she had dated this guy with some sort of schizo spectrum condition. She said she would know when he was about to change personalities because he would be in deep REM sleep and he'd start to "smell like a goat". 

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On 23/08/2019 at 13:13, maqroll said:

I'd like to hear more about this..

It may sound a bit of weak story considering I used the word abduction/kidnapping. But here it is..

In my early childhood I lived on a mountain that was covered by rainforest. Pretty secluded by all means.

On the weekends I would visit my father in a different pocket of the mountain, where I didn't have anyone to visit within walking distance.

So I would go play basketball by myself at the local school. during the daylight hours.

To cut to the chase, one day a stranger approaches me and talks his way into joining me to play basketball.

I was like maybe 8 years old and didn't really have a concept for the danger this man might pose, but in hindsight he was building that initial trust.

So we play basketball for sometime and eventually it gets time for me to go home, he plays along with me saying that I would leave after this last match.

Well when that time comes I remember going to pick my ball up and him snatching me violently in a bearhug and lifting me up off the ground.

In the struggle that ensued I managed to get an elbow into his stomach or a kick to his nuts, something, and from then on I ran and didn't dare waste time looking back.

About a km down the road and 150meters from my Dad's property, I take my first glance back, and I see a wicked smile that I will never forget, he's caught up.

He grabs me again and this time I just shutdown crying and beg him to let me go because I'm just a kid. And he did..

I was inconsolable and collapsed upon entering the front door and the police visited not long after. They thought of him as someone trying to find a friend.

We then learned that predators usually try 8 or 9 times before becoming successful. And I know intuitively this guy wasn't just socially challenged.

He was manipulative and dangerous, every bone in my body knew there was no way this guy had anything but bad intentions.

That area was actually a bit of a hotspot for predators with a number of reported attempts and it becoming a community focus.

I saw that same man about 30 meters from our property on another occasion, not long after the incident, but I was with my father and was too scared to speak up.

I think he might've been scoping the property in hindsight. I can't be certain though.


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I meant to post these here before.

I think a therapist would have a field day with my dreams lately. A selection - all of these were extremely vivid, vivid enough I could direct a movie of them down to a tee.

I was travelling with some school friends as part of a trip, along with some other random people I didn't really know. We arrived at a place that was like a combination of some back alley at an industrial estate or an army barracks and all had to get on a coach parked up there. The coach then became a ship and we ended up traveling to a seaside resort town. We got paired up and went off around this resort. I was paired with a girl who I didn't know and who was constantly darting off alone. We all gravitated to a bar restaurant, which inside was very much above our station. I went to the bar and ordered food, the woman serving me along with a colleague went to lengths to explain extremely minor differences between 2 types of burger on the menu, but in a way that seemed like she was saying 'are you sure you want that one?'. Eventually I bought the food and the burger was given to me by what looked like a very expensive letter box in the bar. We then got back on the bus ship and travelled somewhere. Along the way we were attacked by giant saws out of nowhere that trashed the ship, and narrowly escaped. We got back to the army base industrial estate alley and looked at the bus ship, which was cut up like something out of a cartoon. We then were back in my local area, it was dark and snowy and 3 of my friends walked off home. I walked into my house and my dad said we should give my friends a lift home. So we jumped in the car and caught up with them and drove for hours.

In another dream, part of a bizarre trilogy I had last night, I travelled to my girlfriend's house to meet with her family. But the house I ultimately went to was not their house and inside was not her family, although they claimed to be. Their dog, a black pug, pissed on my trousers, and I said I would need to go home to get changed. The fake dad insisted he would take me. We drove for a while and ended up at a community centre of some sort. The rest of the fake family were there together with lots of other people who seemed all to know each other. I felt very uncomfortable and was made to feel even more uncomfortable with people acting passive aggressive and making it clear I wasnt that welcome. The fake dad then actively started whipping up people against me and while I tried to calm things down the things he said included stuff that actively pissed me off. I eventually managed to leave and as I walked out of the door it ended.

This was followed by a separate dream. I was in an area very local to me. It was dark, wet and cold, like a really shit November evening. I was walking home having just got off a bus together with a huge crowd of other people. The area was quite different to how it is in reality, but was still noticeably the same place. A large part of this is a fairly run down pedestrian area of shops, but in the dream it was more... sleazy somehow. A grim strip club was set up, a run down later night takeaway, and in the background a shiny but ominous chain store. As we walked through this we passed random people - a stripper in her stage garb looking miserable, a guy dragging another into the takeaway while arguing, a prim woman crying. This area in reality would take a minute to walk through, but seemed to take hours. I became aware that behind me a group of girls didn't know where they were going and decided they would follow me. I was approached by a desperate looking guy who wanted me to go to his ship that sold cheap watches. We eventually got through the area and the crowd started to break up. I started to walk towards my house and one of the girls that were following me ran up and asked me if I knew where I was. I said yeah I was just going home and asked if she knew were she was, to which she said no. We then just kept walking while I told her about the area. The road seemed to keep extending and never ended, just kept going into the darkness. The remaining bits of the crowd I was with just kept walking.

This was followed by another separate dream. I was driving to some kind of lesson that had been booked for me. The journey took me down a lane that was really more like a footpath, barely wider than the car and bordered on each side with a hedge. This lane eventually came to an end, the hedges closing together leaving a small gap to walk through. I decided to turn the car around and park (despite this being impossible). I managed to do it but then couldn't lock the car. The car itself was odd, not what I actually drive, or anything real. It looked like a cross between a TR7, a Ford RS200 and a Smart Coupe, but very run down and tired. And I couldn't lock it. I was getting very frustrated, no matter how I tried to turn the key a skit would unlock. Then my brother appeared and pointed out a key hole in the inside of the door frame, which made the car extend a little and also locked it. As I did that a former colleague appeared with his son. I tried to ignore him but he was pointedly talking about me, about problems I have that ultimately cost me the job. Eventually I went nuts and started going back at him arguing my case, which he was completely unmoved by. He wandered off. I then walked into a building and had to sign in to the class. I spoke to someone outside the lesson, and when we walked in to the classroom he seemed disappointed I say with other people I knew. I sat down, looked at the textbook in front of me, and woke up.

I have been having loads of very vivid dreams lately, and oddly also sleeping terribly. All of the above I 'saw' in great detail, in most cases I could describe the random people involved like a real person, the colours, textures, atmosphere, 'feel' of each scenario... Very weird.

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I've been having Exploding Head Syndrome (EHS for short 😀) moments the last year or so. It can happen just as you fall asleep or wake up, for me it always happens in the crossover of deep sleep to waking up as you come out of a heavy dream. It's like a loud 'BANG' sound. A split second thing.

I used to always think it's someone breaking in but I'm starting to get used to it now but I still always look out the window and go downstairs just to check everything is alright and then go back to sleep. Happens every couple of months or so. It's weird as all hell but it hands down has one of the coolest names for a condition ever.

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5 minutes ago, Ingram85 said:

I've been having Exploding Head Syndrome (EHS for short 😀) moments the last year or so. It can happen just as you fall asleep or wake up, for me it always happens in the crossover of deep sleep to waking up as you come out of a heavy dream. It's like a loud 'BANG' sound. A split second thing.

I used to always think it's someone breaking in but I'm starting to get used to it now but I still always look out the window and go downstairs just to check everything is alright and then go back to sleep. Happens every couple of months or so. It's weird as all hell but it hands down has one of the coolest names for a condition ever.

Weird! So it's similar to that thing some people get where they dream they're tripping up a curb or falling or something and wake up with a jolt, but instead with this you hear a loud bang?

I had a really childish dream last night, I dreamt I was a Villa player and was best mates with Jack Grealish. We didn't like our new manager David Ginola though because he worked us too hard in training. I wonder if I'll still dream about being a Villa player when I'm in my 50s/60s?

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2 minutes ago, Paddywhack said:

Weird! So it's similar to that thing some people get where they dream they're tripping up a curb or falling or something and wake up with a jolt, but instead with this you hear a loud bang?

I had a really childish dream last night, I dreamt I was a Villa player and was best mates with Jack Grealish. We didn't like our new manager David Ginola though because he worked us too hard in training. I wonder if I'll still dream about being a Villa player when I'm in my 50s/60s?

I very rarely remember dreams but I remember one I had must be 5 years ago now.  I was casually chatting to Zlatan in his large, veranda kitchen.  He was in casual clothes, I was as well.  And it was the type of conversation you have with old mates, just laughing a joking around.  I don't know why I dreamt of Zlatan. 

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I had a dream last night that there was a giant badger in my grandparents back garden. In my  though I didn’t know it was a badger, and it was only when I woke up that I knew it was a badger. I kept throwing cat food out of the window to it because i wanted it to eat that incase it decided to attack the house . 

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I used to lie in bed at night and imagine myself downstairs sitting in the dark, and think how scary it would be, and I'd have that same dream of myself being downstairs sitting on the sofa in the dark  and wake up with a fright. But when I'd sit downstairs at night for real in a dark and silent room with just the clock ticking I'd find it quite peaceful.

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