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The Thread of Dreams


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As I've mentioned on the first page I've had night terrors/sleep paralysis, I've read that it's possible to see things as you would in a dream whilst being awake, I know his theories are out of vogue but I think Carl Jung has written about it, maybe that's what people see when seeing ghost's and stuff. I remember wanting to try lucid dreaming after reading one of those Carlos Castenada Don Juan books, but eventually dismissed it as mumbo jumbo, but a lot of people seem convinced that it can be done.

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I've had dreams about my gran who passed away a few years ago. But I've also been visited by my gran in my sleep. I can tell the difference between just a dream and when she actually visits me. The first time it happend was unreal


I still really feel this has been neglected. Any chance you can expand upon this RV?

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I once dreamt of d-day. It was a recurring one for a few weeks. Each time I couldn't press the trigger on my gun but in each dream I would advance to different parts. Sometimes only a few feet sometimes a good 100 metres.


if that happens again, it's triangle triangle, left left, circle circle.

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I go through periods of dreaming very similar dreams for a couple of nights in a row where it's the first day back at school after the summer, around year 10/11. I seem to be the age I am now but my school friends are all 16 again but that doesn't come up in the dream... the fact I've aged 7 years over the summer. We just carry on as normal.


I also had a dream where two Nazis are plotting to take control of the country and for some reason part of the plan involves killing me, not that I hold any power at all but still they think it's necessary. Luckily Emma Peel turned up to save me.


Another dream involving Nazis killing me was more realistic. I'm some kind of prisoner and I'm being forced to work over a field and I help somebody to escape but the guards find out and line me up to shoot me. I woke up just as the rifle was fired.

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I have a reoccurring dream about being attacked by a cat (not the same cat in every dream). No matter what I do to it, the cat keeps coming. I can kick it, punch it, grab it and throw it, but it still keeps going for me. Usually I'm around other people in the dream, who find it hilarious. Weird shit.

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I've had dreams about my gran who passed away a few years ago. But I've also been visited by my gran in my sleep. I can tell the difference between just a dream and when she actually visits me. The first time it happend was unreal

I still really feel this has been neglected. Any chance you can expand upon this RV?

ye well I'd like to point out that its just my opinion and it does not mean my gran actually visited me but I believe she has done on more than one occasion. If you believe in the supernatural like me then you might believe it. But if you don't believe in it you will just put it down to dreaming. Me and my gran were incredibly close, we were each others world. Anyway she died of cancer at the age of 69. About 2 months after she had died I was dreaming that I was in the street with my girlfriend and she was lying on the floor with a crowd of people around her. I was confused because I did not know what I'd done but I'd done something to her. All of a sudden my gran appeared next to me(I'd dreamt about my gran before this occasion by the way) but this time when she was in my dream it felt so different to my other dreams of her. It was weird because she just appeared out of no where. Anyway she warned me that I had to stop drinking otherwise I'd get in serious trouble if I wernt careful. Next thing I knew I'm up the other end of town outside this pub and their is loads of people about, then all of a sudden my grans face appears infront of me and its clear as day. She warns me again, then says you know I'll always be looking over you. I reply I miss you and love you so much which my gran replies I know you do. I ask her if she's ok and what's it like where you are. All she said then was that she was ok and I can't say anymore to you. Then she disapeared. I woke up in the middle of the night and could not believe what had happend, I just lay their for an hour going over what she said. I've had maybe a couple of other dreams where I believe she has visited me but that was the strongest one. I can't explain how real it was. Oh ye also in the one dream she said I would win the grand national and guess what happend? Ballabriggs was the horse I'd already betted on and it won. Anyway like I said it might not of meant anything and I aint just clinging on to the fantasy that it was real. Its just my belief that it was. I've had and been involved in a few supernatural incidents over the years so I'm a firm believer in that their is life after death
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Is there not some sort of state of being between conscious and unconscious that you might be experiencing?


Very rarely I am in a state like that, though I don't dream about anything per se. The best way I can describe it is if you've ever been woken up my a muscle jerk or a loud noise or something JUST as you were falling asleep. It's like being in that state of dropping off but for a prolonged period of time. It's actually a really exhausting experience for me and I'm not fully aware I'm dreaming nor am I that I'm awake. It sort of just feels like I'm trapped but I'm still not fully conscious so it's not like I think much or panic. It's only when I'm fully awake that I feel exhausted and a little weirded out by the sensation. It's incredibly hard to describe.

Yeah something like that. It's horrible. It's not quite sleep paralysis because stuff is still going on that isn't real but I know it isn't real but I also can't prove it's not real. So weird.

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I have a reoccurring dream about being attacked by a cat (not the same cat in every dream). No matter what I do to it, the cat keeps coming. I can kick it, punch it, grab it and throw it, but it still keeps going for me. Usually I'm around other people in the dream, who find it hilarious. Weird shit.

You more of a dog man?

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As I've mentioned on the first page I've had night terrors/sleep paralysis, I've read that it's possible to see things as you would in a dream whilst being awake, I know his theories are out of vogue but I think Carl Jung has written about it, maybe that's what people see when seeing ghost's and stuff. I remember wanting to try lucid dreaming after reading one of those Carlos Castenada Don Juan books, but eventually dismissed it as mumbo jumbo, but a lot of people seem convinced that it can be done.


Spoke about it before on here, but I used to have sleep paralysis quite a bit. It was usually when I was really tired or had a lot going on in my life at the time. I usually woke up but completely paralysed and dreamt about people walking around the room, looking at me, whispering in my ear and stuff. Terrified me the first few times, but soon realised I could just calm down to snap out of it or go back to sleep.


I used to get the lucid dreaming thing loads when I was a kid, most of my dreams I'd know I was dreaming and I could do whatever I wanted, but I couldn't control what was happening in my dream, if that makes sense? I'd still get attacked by giant marshmallow sheep, or whatever.

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As I've mentioned on the first page I've had night terrors/sleep paralysis, I've read that it's possible to see things as you would in a dream whilst being awake, I know his theories are out of vogue but I think Carl Jung has written about it, maybe that's what people see when seeing ghost's and stuff. I remember wanting to try lucid dreaming after reading one of those Carlos Castenada Don Juan books, but eventually dismissed it as mumbo jumbo, but a lot of people seem convinced that it can be done.


Spoke about it before on here, but I used to have sleep paralysis quite a bit. It was usually when I was really tired or had a lot going on in my life at the time. I usually woke up but completely paralysed and dreamt about people walking around the room, looking at me, whispering in my ear and stuff. Terrified me the first few times, but soon realised I could just calm down to snap out of it or go back to sleep.


I used to get the lucid dreaming thing loads when I was a kid, most of my dreams I'd know I was dreaming and I could do whatever I wanted, but I couldn't control what was happening in my dream, if that makes sense? I'd still get attacked by giant marshmallow sheep, or whatever.



It doesn't happen to me much these days but when it did I think it was down to a lack of sleep. I have read that while it's happening the best thing to do is to just relax and feel as calm as possible, despite knowing what it is now, it still terrifies me.

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I have a reoccurring dream about being attacked by a cat (not the same cat in every dream). No matter what I do to it, the cat keeps coming. I can kick it, punch it, grab it and throw it, but it still keeps going for me. Usually I'm around other people in the dream, who find it hilarious. Weird shit.

You more of a dog man?



Actually I was shit scared of dogs when I was a kid. I got trapped in an ally way by a Boxer Dog, and saw a German Sheppard attack a little girl who lived over the road from me. Never really had an issue with cats. 

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Also another interesting question. Has anyone ever had sleep paralysis ? Where you are awake and conscious but you cant move ? Been told about this many times but again i dont think ive experienced anything like it before.
I thought it was that you were still asleep but dreaming you are awake ? I get that quite often ... I lay there muttering and moaning as I can't move or turn off an alarm clock that has gone off ( all be it a non existing alarm clock ) Edited by tonyh29
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I regularly used to dream that I was being driven around a chain of tropical islands in a WW2 navy landing craft. The deep clear blue waters had targets on the seabed and a boss of mine from 15 years ago was dangling me over the edge, to try and drop me on to one of these targets. Every time he dropped me in, I was bitten on the leg by an orca who threw me around for a bit, then chucked me back in the boat so my boss could have another go at the targets.

Another regular for a while was the one where I was staying in Boston in a great big old Brownstone that was full of people from various times in my life. I went outside to see half the city burning and hundreds of US "Huey" choppers were flying away from the city. Having decided to follow them to see what all the commotion was, I bumped into my best mate from junior school who was a tramp, heating a tin of Heinz baked beans in an alleyway. We chatted for a while and then George C. Scott, reprising his title-role in the movie Patton, was driven round the corner with him stood on the back of the jeep. He stopped, asked us to donate our t-shirts to the cause. My friend the tramp was reluctant but as I was wearing three t-shirts at the time, I gave the General two of mine before promising to go back home and fetch some more. That was always the opening scene of the dream and was repeated many times but from that point on, it always went in different directions.

I went through a phase of dreaming I was in a WW1 trench and got shot in the butt cheek. Think it was a scene from a movie (12 monkeys).

Oh and last night, I dreamt my missus caught me going to see a prozzy but was offered the opportunity to join in. When the gf appeared keen, I went off the idea and went to play snooker with my brother.

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I had a dream last night that I was at an indoor football facility where the Villa were training and news broke that Bacuna had 7 charges of paedophilia against him in Holland and the media had only just found out. Also, Glenn Hoddle was also outed as a paedophile and lo and behold if he wasn't there at the training ground too.


I went and had a chat with both of them as they were digesting the news that their secrets were out and Ray Parlour was there too trying to calm them down. At one point, Bacuna turned to Hoddle and just said, "I really want to buy a clown's costume... oh God what am I saying?!" I assume he meant as a means of getting close to children...


In the end, Villa terminated his contract and that was the end of the dream.


I told you, I have some weird ass dreams.

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