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Why Paul Lambert should get the sack


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IMO Kozak works harder than Bent.

Perhaps but what he still isn't producing anything different is he? He offers nothing in terms of link-up play nor hold-up play. He hasn't been good aerially or physically so far either. Ultimately he is an extremely limited player. There are not many arrows to his bow.


He's nowhere near as bad aerially or physically as you're trying to make out here.

Yet he continuously wins the minority of his aerial duels in pretty much every match and he hasn't physically bullied any defender so far to my mind. Now to be fair to him he may well pick up in this respect later down the line BUT this wouldn't take away from the general limitations to his game and the fact he has next-to-none footballing ability.

I said this when he signed, a poor man's Benteke at best. At my most optimistic, he'll be as moderately successful at this level as somebody like Carlton Cole.

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Lets face it if he were at any other club than Villa he would have been sacked by now

Its almost as if were forced to accept that he's the best out there and nobody can do a better job because the board have zero ambition it is quite embarrassing

That's absolutely not true is it. For example West ham spent more on one player than we did on half our squad yet San still has a job.

4 of the 9 teams below is would all be looking for new managers based on your logic.


I think Big Sam may be gone very soon he is the bookies favourite to get the bullet with Lambert in second place Big Sam even said himself after today's game that the 5 - 0 drubbing they got today may have "Repercussions" for him


As for other clubs below us looking for new managers i wouldn't be too sure they are not 90% of Norwich fans do not want Hughton as manager just look at their messageboards i can see him going very soon


We are in a false position at the minute and i predict Lambert and his dire tactics will become far more exposed after our next 5 fixtures


Conversely, if we were 20th and claiming bad luck I'm sure you'd be trotting out the league table doesn't lie line

From a poster who constantly changes his point of debate that is a pretty hypocritical statement to make.



Not biting Morf.........still looking out for Berbatov through the window?


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and yet he blew £7m on Kozak.

I have said this numerous times on the forum, but Kozak has contributed to nine points this season and should not be classed as a poor signing. It was the right decision to sign Kozak in hindsight.
Not when he had five other strikers already it wasn't.

It's a good job he did sign him, 5 strikers or not. Be on 9 points less or thereabouts.

That of course is taking into consideration that any of our other strikers taking his place wouldn't have also scored those goals.

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Well that's why we need a No.10. Our strikers have been hopelessly isolated at time this season.

Weimann and Benteke have missed enough chances.

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I don't see any of the sack lambert brigade offering proper reasons for sacking him other than home form. We are MIDTABLE were we will probably stay, its a STEADY IMPROVEMENT on the last two seasons. Lambert HAD to buy quantity, because we NEEDED players, and they HAD to be young because WE COULDN'T AFFORD the high wages and fees experienced players command! We are not VIlla challanging for Europe anymore, we are Villa trying to get ourselves out of the mire (This was the situation Lambert INHERITED), you need to get your brains around that! For all the dire football and home results to match he has forge a very hard working team capable of consolidating our position in the league and giving him a base on which to build for the LONG TERM! Lerner will not spend the money required to do things quickly, he tried that already and spunked a 100 million down the drain!

If you look through the threads posters have been able to quote more than home form to substantiate their debate.
Yet no one seems to be able to name a suitable replacement manager.
Suitable to whom though? To you?

Posters have put several names forward but none seemingly were acceptable to the fraternity although that wasn't surprising since it was mainly those who support Lambert who didn't like the suggestions.

Suitable to the club and the way Lerner wants to run the club. I must of missed the suggestions apart from Clarke and McLaren.

There have been one or two others put forward foreign and closer to home.

Personally I think McClaren would be ideal in that he took himself away after the England debacle and has steadily rebuilt his reputation gaining experience abroad and now getting Derby playing some lovely football. With his experience gained abroad I'm sure he would have build up enough contacts there to have a decent scouting network as well and wouldn't be too bothered about working to a budget if he got the opportunity to manage back in top flight football again. I also feel he would get us playing more progressive football than Lambert but that's only my opinion.

However I still think Lambert should be given one more transfer window to get it right with wage outlay now down to a level where we should be bringing more experience quality in but that will come down to budget and Lambert's choice of player, both of which haven't been great so far.



McClaren??? - sacked by England, sacked by Wolfsburg, sacked by Twente, sacked by Forest and suddenly Derby has a handful of decent and he's the man for the job? oh dear. It was Steve Bruce you liked for the job, last week I seem to remember.  Don't worry folks, if you don't like this suggestiion there will be another one along in a minute

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Lets face it if he were at any other club than Villa he would have been sacked by now

Its almost as if were forced to accept that he's the best out there and nobody can do a better job because the board have zero ambition it is quite embarrassing

That's absolutely not true is it. For example West ham spent more on one player than we did on half our squad yet San still has a job.

4 of the 9 teams below is would all be looking for new managers based on your logic.


I think Big Sam may be gone very soon he is the bookies favourite to get the bullet with Lambert in second place Big Sam even said himself after today's game that the 5 - 0 drubbing they got today may have "Repercussions" for him


As for other clubs below us looking for new managers i wouldn't be too sure they are not 90% of Norwich fans do not want Hughton as manager just look at their messageboards i can see him going very soon

 We are in a false position at the minute and i predict Lambert and his dire tactics will become far more exposed after our next 5 fixtures


Conversely, if we were 20th and claiming bad luck I'm sure you'd be trotting out the league table doesn't lie line

From a poster who constantly changes his point of debate that is a pretty hypocritical statement to make.


Not biting Morf.........still looking out for Berbatov through the window?

No but apparently Wenger is.

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Firstly I will say I think we have a very good manager, who needs to be given the time to properly implement the project. 


The home form has been dreadful, and is the main reason for the fans being on his back.  If we had the same points and in the same league position only with our away wins coming at home instead then there would be a lot less fans on his back. I don't think anyone can argue with this and if you feel you can then clearly your expectations are unrealistic.


At the start of the season 99% on this site said they would be happy with a comfortable midtable finish.  We are in a comfortable midtable position right now.  We are a team that clearly lacks creativity in midfield, but we have pace and power up front. So Lambert has simply set us up to play to that strength. Defend deep draw the opponents on to us and hit them on the counter. The problem is this doesn't work against teams around our level when playing at home.


The reason we win more games when we have less possession is a clear indicator that our countering tactic is working, which is why we are 11th when on NET money spent over the last 2 season we are probably 17th or 18th in the league.


The comments about the FA cup were bull, Lambert never said do without, he simply stated the obvious that The premier league is more important! Why because if we get relegated but win the cup like wigan it puts us in a WORSE position, where we would be right back at the beginning of the rebuild, instead of halfway through, only with less money to spend!


VILLA namely the OWNER, CEO and MANAGER have taken a LONG TERM approach to rebuilding the squad and moving up the table, because to owner is not willing the be the clubs sugar daddy, he wants the club to stand on it own two feet! There is nothing wrong with this! If Lambert gets sacked now things will be MUCH worse! What top manager would want to manage a team that has no money to spend and whose fans boo their team at home if we aren't winning! Every halftime if we are drawing or losing BOOOOOOOO! It disgusts me! Get behind your team! These lads bust a gut almost every game!


Until Benteke and then Vlaar got injured people were pretty satisfied (apart from the home form). We have had most of the season so far with Benteke out of form, Our new tasty looking CB out injured for the season, Then Vlaar gets injured and now Kozak (who has struggled to adapt but still got a almost goal every other game ratio) breaks his leg!  Terrible luck with injuries to our best players, not to mention Gabby has missed a few and is probably carrying a couple of knocks. Lambert's record with transfers is solid, the players he has signed as a collective are worth more now then what we paid for them, he has got the wage down, and is preserving our premier league status, more than that at this stage is unrealistic.


Compare this December / Jan period with last seasons, there is a clear improvement in results and league position. This team is a Benteke goal and sustained return to fitness of  Vlaar away from a run of sustained positive results.  We are going through a bad patch this happens with young teams, hell this happens with all premier league teams that aren't top 8 quality! And our Home form is one quality creative playmaker and a quality attacking mid of being turned around.  Our defensive resilience this season (combined with the excellent work ethic) has meant we are very rarely out of any match, it certainly isn't pretty to watch but the foundation is there, the right midfielder and attacking midfielder in and we will have a good first team with everyone fit, with young hardworking and improving players to come in.  This is the best first week of Jan league position we have had since MON's last season in charge, things are definitely improving albeit slowly, but slow and steady is fine because what the club needs more than anything is stability and we will destroy the little bit of stability we has got if we sack the manager now!. 

Very impressive read, but to say 'we are comfortable mid-table' and 'Lambert's record of signings is solid' is complete crap. Firstly we are six points off the relegation zone, defeat to Liverpool and Arsenal will mean we are most likely down there in serious trouble again. Secondly out of PL's 16 signings, how many do you honestly think are of Premier League quality, 3 are certainties for me (Benteke, Vlaar and Guzan) and I'm undecided on three, Westwood, Helenius and Bacuna.



Your lack of understanding is mind-blowing!!  By it's very nature "mid-table" is just above "the relegation zone". By the end of the season teams in "mid-table" will be 8-10 points ahead of the relegation zone (for example, there was 10 points between 8th and 17th last season). Given this situation, by the halfway stage you would therefore expect "mid-table" teams to be 4 or 5 points ahead of the "relegation zone"? We are six points ahead and level on points for 10th. 


Secondly, your disaster scenarios, of "two games away from serious trouble" are always based on all the teams at the bottom winning. Teams at the bottom are there for a reason - the reason being that they average around a point a game so at worst we are probably six games away from serious trouble


On your other point I would think that the vast majority of Lambert's signings would make the Premier League squads of most lower half premier league teams


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No I haven't mate.

You really have. We all agree that dropping Bent was the correct decision because of how little he offered in his all-round game. However,now that Kozak offers exactly the same that no longer applies for many on here.



Revisionism!!!!  Morf, how can you like this and yet you were banging on for months about how Lambert should have "built a team around Bent"? So are you now saying that you agree that Lambert was right to move Bent on?? there was a massive swell of opinion that Bent was the man and now all of a sudden it was obviously the right decision

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Not biting Morf.........still looking out for Berbatov through the window?

No but apparently Wenger is.



I doubt it, but it would make more sense at Arsenal who could carry a fanny merchant / luxury player than most places

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I don't see any of the sack lambert brigade offering proper reasons for sacking him other than home form. We are MIDTABLE were we will probably stay, its a STEADY IMPROVEMENT on the last two seasons. Lambert HAD to buy quantity, because we NEEDED players, and they HAD to be young because WE COULDN'T AFFORD the high wages and fees experienced players command! We are not VIlla challanging for Europe anymore, we are Villa trying to get ourselves out of the mire (This was the situation Lambert INHERITED), you need to get your brains around that! For all the dire football and home results to match he has forge a very hard working team capable of consolidating our position in the league and giving him a base on which to build for the LONG TERM! Lerner will not spend the money required to do things quickly, he tried that already and spunked a 100 million down the drain!

If you look through the threads posters have been able to quote more than home form to substantiate their debate.
Yet no one seems to be able to name a suitable replacement manager.
Suitable to whom though? To you?

Posters have put several names forward but none seemingly were acceptable to the fraternity although that wasn't surprising since it was mainly those who support Lambert who didn't like the suggestions.

Suitable to the club and the way Lerner wants to run the club. I must of missed the suggestions apart from Clarke and McLaren.

There have been one or two others put forward foreign and closer to home.

Personally I think McClaren would be ideal in that he took himself away after the England debacle and has steadily rebuilt his reputation gaining experience abroad and now getting Derby playing some lovely football. With his experience gained abroad I'm sure he would have build up enough contacts there to have a decent scouting network as well and wouldn't be too bothered about working to a budget if he got the opportunity to manage back in top flight football again. I also feel he would get us playing more progressive football than Lambert but that's only my opinion.

However I still think Lambert should be given one more transfer window to get it right with wage outlay now down to a level where we should be bringing more experience quality in but that will come down to budget and Lambert's choice of player, both of which haven't been great so far.


McClaren??? - sacked by England, sacked by Wolfsburg, sacked by Twente, sacked by Forest and suddenly Derby has a handful of decent and he's the man for the job? oh dear. It was Steve Bruce you liked for the job, last week I seem to remember.  Don't worry folks, if you don't like this suggestiion there will be another one along in a minute

As per usual VIllaCas you continue to omit facts to suit your debate. Let's have a look at what you've omitted.

McClaren won the League Cup with Middlesbrough in 2004. He then took the same team to the UEFA Cup Final in 2006. With FC Twente he won the club's first Eredivsie Championship in 2009-2010. McClaren was also assistant to Alex Ferguson from 1999-2001 when, if you now remember, Man U won three Premiership titles in a row.

Oh and since joining Derby they are climbing the Championship with hast.

In comparison Lambert has won two promotions and .........?

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Not biting Morf.........still looking out for Berbatov through the window?

No but apparently Wenger is.


I doubt it, but it would make more sense at Arsenal who could carry a fanny merchant / luxury player than most places

Yeah the same 'fanny merchant' that you previously described as crap and who ran the game for Fulham against us.

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No I haven't mate.

You really have. We all agree that dropping Bent was the correct decision because of how little he offered in his all-round game. However,now that Kozak offers exactly the same that no longer applies for many on here.


Revisionism!!!!  Morf, how can you like this and yet you were banging on for months about how Lambert should have "built a team around Bent"? So are you now saying that you agree that Lambert was right to move Bent on?? there was a massive swell of opinion that Bent was the man and now all of a sudden it was obviously the right decision

Trust you again to bold the part of the post that I wasn't referring to. I liked the post due to the last sentence but please carry on as I'm loving your attempts to try and have a dig at me.

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It's the same old arguments going round and round in circles.  


What cannot be disputed is that Lambert has managed to slash the wage bill AND build a team that has year on year improved it's league performance.  From where I'm standing he is doing a superb job.  True, performances are up and down but I would expect this with such a young squad (remember, we had the youngest first team playing in all the top five leagues of Europe last season).  I would hope our target is to finish somewhere between 8th and 13th this season and I would like to think we can achieve this. Next season we will build again.


The shit-stirring in the press about Lambert makes me chuckle - the press boys want a crisis club to stick their knives into  - thankfully Lerner and Lambert take no notice.  I just wish some of our supporters would show some nous and not be so quick to bite.

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If all managers were judged on slashing the wage bill for instance then many of us would be Premiership managers as any Tom, Dick or Harry could walk into a club and do that.

Ultimately managers are rightly judged on results and the stats say with increasing regularity that under Lambert our results haven't been anywhere near good enough.

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Gosh... I really don't know what to think any more.


Horrid to admit but I am was actually 'glad' (note the ironic, inverted commas) that we failed to earn a replay as that really is what we cannot afford. Let Sheffield have their day. They won the game fair and square.


As for Villa... Lerner... Lambert... Meh... I'm just sat here, shrugging, 'grinning' (irony again there...) with disbelief not knowing where to start. I think it's all been said and done either way.


Somehow, we're 11th... What does that say about the quality of the Premier League per se? That's off topic I guess.


So, £30 to Villa Talk if we beat Arsenal and complete the double.


I will go further still - another £30 to VillaTalk if we finish 11th or higher.

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I don't see any of the sack lambert brigade offering proper reasons for sacking him other than home form. We are MIDTABLE were we will probably stay, its a STEADY IMPROVEMENT on the last two seasons. Lambert HAD to buy quantity, because we NEEDED players, and they HAD to be young because WE COULDN'T AFFORD the high wages and fees experienced players command! We are not VIlla challanging for Europe anymore, we are Villa trying to get ourselves out of the mire (This was the situation Lambert INHERITED), you need to get your brains around that! For all the dire football and home results to match he has forge a very hard working team capable of consolidating our position in the league and giving him a base on which to build for the LONG TERM! Lerner will not spend the money required to do things quickly, he tried that already and spunked a 100 million down the drain!

If you look through the threads posters have been able to quote more than home form to substantiate their debate.
Yet no one seems to be able to name a suitable replacement manager.
Suitable to whom though? To you?

Posters have put several names forward but none seemingly were acceptable to the fraternity although that wasn't surprising since it was mainly those who support Lambert who didn't like the suggestions.

Suitable to the club and the way Lerner wants to run the club. I must of missed the suggestions apart from Clarke and McLaren.

There have been one or two others put forward foreign and closer to home.

Personally I think McClaren would be ideal in that he took himself away after the England debacle and has steadily rebuilt his reputation gaining experience abroad and now getting Derby playing some lovely football. With his experience gained abroad I'm sure he would have build up enough contacts there to have a decent scouting network as well and wouldn't be too bothered about working to a budget if he got the opportunity to manage back in top flight football again. I also feel he would get us playing more progressive football than Lambert but that's only my opinion.

However I still think Lambert should be given one more transfer window to get it right with wage outlay now down to a level where we should be bringing more experience quality in but that will come down to budget and Lambert's choice of player, both of which haven't been great so far.


McClaren??? - sacked by England, sacked by Wolfsburg, sacked by Twente, sacked by Forest and suddenly Derby has a handful of decent and he's the man for the job? oh dear. It was Steve Bruce you liked for the job, last week I seem to remember.  Don't worry folks, if you don't like this suggestiion there will be another one along in a minute

As per usual VIllaCas you continue to omit facts to suit your debate. Let's have a look at what you've omitted.

McClaren won the League Cup with Middlesbrough in 2004. He then took the same team to the UEFA Cup Final in 2006. With FC Twente he won the club's first Eredivsie Championship in 2009-2010. McClaren was also assistant to Alex Ferguson from 1999-2001 when, if you now remember, Man U won three Premiership titles in a row.

Oh and since joining Derby they are climbing the Championship with hast.

In comparison Lambert has won two promotions and .........?



Interestingly Fergie was taking the credit for the Premiership titles himself in his book, rather than saying it was all down to Steve


Under-performing Cheque book manager with Middlesbro


Did ok for one season a Twente but couldn't repeat it at Wolfsburg, back at Twente or at Forest when he got sacked in double quick time at each club


It seems a a dozen decent games and he's a world beater again


Wally with or without a Brolly

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Not biting Morf.........still looking out for Berbatov through the window?

No but apparently Wenger is.


I doubt it, but it would make more sense at Arsenal who could carry a fanny merchant / luxury player than most places

Yeah the same 'fanny merchant' that you previously described as crap and who ran the game for Fulham against us.



Plays one decent game in ten............would have been a castastrophic signing for us. Wouldn't be in the top 1000 players I would like to sign for Villa

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It's the same old arguments going round and round in circles.  


What cannot be disputed is that Lambert has managed to slash the wage bill AND build a team that has year on year improved it's league performance.  From where I'm standing he is doing a superb job.  True, performances are up and down but I would expect this with such a young squad (remember, we had the youngest first team playing in all the top five leagues of Europe last season).  I would hope our target is to finish somewhere between 8th and 13th this season and I would like to think we can achieve this. Next season we will build again.


The shit-stirring in the press about Lambert makes me chuckle - the press boys want a crisis club to stick their knives into  - thankfully Lerner and Lambert take no notice.  I just wish some of our supporters would show some nous and not be so quick to bite.

I didn't realise that the season has finished?

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I don't see any of the sack lambert brigade offering proper reasons for sacking him other than home form. We are MIDTABLE were we will probably stay, its a STEADY IMPROVEMENT on the last two seasons. Lambert HAD to buy quantity, because we NEEDED players, and they HAD to be young because WE COULDN'T AFFORD the high wages and fees experienced players command! We are not VIlla challanging for Europe anymore, we are Villa trying to get ourselves out of the mire (This was the situation Lambert INHERITED), you need to get your brains around that! For all the dire football and home results to match he has forge a very hard working team capable of consolidating our position in the league and giving him a base on which to build for the LONG TERM! Lerner will not spend the money required to do things quickly, he tried that already and spunked a 100 million down the drain!

If you look through the threads posters have been able to quote more than home form to substantiate their debate.
Yet no one seems to be able to name a suitable replacement manager.
Suitable to whom though? To you?

Posters have put several names forward but none seemingly were acceptable to the fraternity although that wasn't surprising since it was mainly those who support Lambert who didn't like the suggestions.

Suitable to the club and the way Lerner wants to run the club. I must of missed the suggestions apart from Clarke and McLaren.

There have been one or two others put forward foreign and closer to home.

Personally I think McClaren would be ideal in that he took himself away after the England debacle and has steadily rebuilt his reputation gaining experience abroad and now getting Derby playing some lovely football. With his experience gained abroad I'm sure he would have build up enough contacts there to have a decent scouting network as well and wouldn't be too bothered about working to a budget if he got the opportunity to manage back in top flight football again. I also feel he would get us playing more progressive football than Lambert but that's only my opinion.

However I still think Lambert should be given one more transfer window to get it right with wage outlay now down to a level where we should be bringing more experience quality in but that will come down to budget and Lambert's choice of player, both of which haven't been great so far.


McClaren??? - sacked by England, sacked by Wolfsburg, sacked by Twente, sacked by Forest and suddenly Derby has a handful of decent and he's the man for the job? oh dear. It was Steve Bruce you liked for the job, last week I seem to remember.  Don't worry folks, if you don't like this suggestiion there will be another one along in a minute

As per usual VIllaCas you continue to omit facts to suit your debate. Let's have a look at what you've omitted.

McClaren won the League Cup with Middlesbrough in 2004. He then took the same team to the UEFA Cup Final in 2006. With FC Twente he won the club's first Eredivsie Championship in 2009-2010. McClaren was also assistant to Alex Ferguson from 1999-2001 when, if you now remember, Man U won three Premiership titles in a row.

Oh and since joining Derby they are climbing the Championship with hast.

In comparison Lambert has won two promotions and .........?


Martin O'Neill pretty much has a CV similar to McClaren's, let's bring him back!   Lambert is the best part of a decade younger than McClaren, at least give him a chance to build something.   Another thing to consider is that, despite some awful results as Middlesborough boss, Gibson stuck with McClaren and, in the end, McClaren became their most successful manager ever.  


The lesson to learn from McClaren's spell at  Middlesborough is to be patient and give your young manager time.  

Edited by McGregor1888
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