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Why Paul Lambert should get the sack


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The £7 million on Kozak would have been better spent elsewhere. Along with that of Tonev and Helenius. Wages are probably an issue, but most of Lambert's business in the transfer market is proving to be poor.

It was €4.4m according to hh, less than half the figure you've quoted


Well he has always come up with the truth on other things so i believe him when he says he cost less than what was reported.



He is always right when it comes to team selections so I believe him when he said Kozak cost 



I believe the actual accounts numbers, which showed the exact figure for last season's signings. We'll soon know this year's too. 

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Absolutely YES YES YES now.

Lambert has totally failed and I'm sure a new man would get way more out of this group than he has.

He's a lower league manager totally out of his depth. He got lucky with Norwich like George Burley and Owen Coyle at their various clubs before him. And we will go down with him in charge.

He should have been sacked last winter to be fair.

Not sure about the last Winter comment as he deserved a chance. He's had that now and we are worse than last season.

You are right about the comparisons with Coyle.

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The £7 million on Kozak would have been better spent elsewhere. Along with that of Tonev and Helenius. Wages are probably an issue, but most of Lambert's business in the transfer market is proving to be poor.

It was €4.4m according to hh, less than half the figure you've quoted
Yes and as has been greatly discussed, there is ample reason not to believe the figures promoted by HH. So can we please stop throwing that figure around as unquestionable fact!

And instead you propose we take the other figure as unquestionable fact?



Hairyhands was wrong on what last year's players like Westwood cost, as the audited accounts disagree with his assertions.  We'll see in the next two months what this year's dross has set the club back.

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I think most people aren't so deluded that they believe we are a 'big club' anymore. We're not a big club.

I also don't think that the expectation levels are high at all. Just not being in a relegation battle and at least trying to attack shit teams is pretty much all we ask for.

That really shouldn't be too much to ask. The buck stops with Lerner in the long run but lambert should be doing a darn sight better than he is. His tactics are horrific and the players he has brought in are really incapable of playing at this level. 

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I'd love to hide up a tree at Bodymoor Heath and watch training for one week to see what we actually do in sessions.


I have a suspicion that it amounts to little more than fitness work to ensure the players can compete for 90 minutes in the premier league on a weekly basis.


Given how wretched our football is, you can not convince me we have numerous passing drills as surely with half the season gone we'd seen some evidence of this on the pitch? Same our corners are the same floating nonsense so little work is done on them or set pieces.


Looking more and more like Feb-May last year was just a massive fluke where thankfully the players realised they were about to be responsible for relegating a famous football club and so many of them overperformed above their natural level to just about keep us up.

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Just got back from that embarrassment today, i thought we were outmuscled way too much by a very average at best Palace team which was frankly there for the taking. That is what scares me with this Villa team however... they don't know how to "take".


It was pityful, we simply do not have the players to play through or around anybody. Our only hope is with a quick counter attack but now teams have rumbled this. Palace just swamped our players in midfield and basically muscled them off the ball most of the time and that was that... zero threat from us. Even late on when we tried to push a bit you could see we would never score in a month of Sundays. No Guile, no ariel threat, no pace outside of Gabby and virtually every player was muscled off the ball constantly. Now i can understand that against say Man CIty or whoever but PALACE!?


Against a better team we would have lost by 2 or 3 today as Palace had a few decent situations... as for us? We would not have beaten one Premier League team on todays showing in my opinion... An average Championship side at best.


For me we are in desperate need of a Lescott type player at the back to partner Vlaar. This would make a massive difference to us back there for me and Baker/Clark should be back up squad players no more.


Ditto in midfield we need a couple of new players at least. A strong leader in the middle and also a playmaker. Again we are playing back up players in there who are just, well just weak.


Up front we are nothing without Benteke. Weimann is so out of form it's scary.. missed another sitter today. Kozak looked just weak and don't get me started on Bowery although he at least tried when he came on. The full backs were just average again and will never break any records.


So that leaves Gabby and Guzan who were our best two for me.


For me the experiment in young up and coming is on the verge of failing and could easily relegate this club now but what scares me is that Lambert has made a bit of a rod for his own back now... He either persists with this and risks relegation or finally admits he needs a backbone of stronger experienced players who can add the missing grit & know how and at the same time give the young players someone to learn their craft from... As it is who they supposed to learn from?


As for the above question?


If he is man enough to admit it isn't working and gets us the players we actually need, not the ones he would like us to need, in January then i say carry on and fingers crossed it works out. If he stubbernly persists with this young up and coming... eventually,,,, well at some point we hope so anyway..... approach then for me anything less than a win against Swansea and it's sadly time for a change.


The only thing i am unsure of is who's actual plan is it we are following?


Is it Randy's instruction or Paul Lamberts? or Both of them? ....Time will tell i guess.

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Our home form is atrocious and I can't see any improvement with Lambert in charge. I watched them @ home against Newcastle & thought we cud improve as it was early season. Now we are at the crossroads, he goes and we give a new manager a chance in Jan to repair some of the damage done. Or he stays and we cross our fingers that the team turns the corner. In the long run he is not the manager I see taking us forward in any respect. He is relying on second rate players from lower league clubs to step up and take things on. We are being found out every game now.

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And instead you propose we take the other figure as unquestionable fact?

Not unquestionable no. Pretty much all transfers these days are undisclosed but as Risso said, the fees pushed by HH and by extension, Lambert do not tally with the accounts or our total spend revealed by Faulkner.

Also, you are the one using this obscure figure to correct somebody else as if your figure is definitely the correct one. Not the other way around.

Well he has always come up with the truth on other things so i believe him when he says he cost less than what was reported.

He is ITK no doubt but that doesn't mean everything he tells us is therefore the truth. He is clearly somebody very close to the manager and thus is ultimately on here to make Lambert look as good as possible. Promoting a lower spend obviously helps do this.

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I have been here a number of times during my Watching of Aston Villa....changing mangers is not what i favour, However there is a level that you reach in terms of demise where serious action is needed.


Whether Paul Lambert deserves the sack or not is for me to say... but clearly, he has lost the team.


They are devoid of any kind of resemblance to a premiership team.....this is a similar team, who beat Arsenal and Man City.....how any team can reach the low levels of performance that Villa have reached after beating those teams, is beyond me.


I am all for continuity, but, sorry these low levels are just unacceptable.


Unless Paul Lambert had any kind of mitigation that he would like to share with us, and judging by his post match comments i would be surprised, he has to go.


The CEO and the owner, need to take equal responsibility, because, they have basically sold him down the river.


The lot are a shower of shit IMO.....and a total let down to Aston Villa football club

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Can we stop talking about our difficult start now?


Another Yuletide embarrassment, the bloke has had enough chances and needs to go immediately.  Utterly bereft of ideas and ability, he's much worse than even McLeish, which is about the only thing of note that he's achieved.


Anybody who makes claims that any manager is worse than McLeish is grossly exaggerating, is clearly far too emotional to think clearly and losses any argument immediately.



Do you think the football we are playing is better than anything we played under McLeish?



Are you talking about over the last 5 games, or the last 50 games?


McLeish had done nothing to prove he could put together a decent side whereas Lambert guided us to safety last season in what was always going to be an incredibly difficult season. The football for the last few months has not been of a good standard but it was similar last season when we were losing 8-0, 4-0 and then turned it around in the new year.


People are over-reacting to the latest blip. I'm not surprised, it's the nature of most football fans but changing the manager won't change the fortunes for us... only changing the owner will do that.


This is wholely Lerners fault, not Lamberts.



Oh do get over yourself old boy.  The only "blip" has been the odd game where we've actually looked remotely look a football team.  Lambert has turned us into the worst footballing side in the division, so yes, he is worse than McLeish.  Lambert's whole tenure has been an unmitigated disaster, and it only seems to be getting worse.  A year and a half in, and he's bought a whole load of dross for £40m+, and has shown a level of ability to coach them into an effective unit that would embarrass an under sevens dad.



This isn't a debate about McLeish vs Lambert, however McLeish had no "blips" at all which made us look like a football team, so for Lambert to take over that team and win plaudits during parts of last season for his attack minded, counter attack football is a hell of a damn site more than McLeish ever did for us so any talk of McLeish being better is simply emotions talking and not sense.


Anyway, I'm not pro Lambert or against Lambert, I'm ambivalent towards him. Though if Lambert were to leave then who do you suggest could take over and provide us with entertaining and winning football on a shoe budget? I can't think of anyone and some of the names being banded around on this thread are simply laughable.


The reality is that you will find as many failings in Lambert as you would with any other available manager and the only way the fortunes of this club are going to improve is by a change at the very top, not the middle.

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Lambert has to go - no doubt about it in my mind.


4 defeats on the bounce and not just that the performance levels overall have been shocking for a while now.


The style of play is a big issue for me. If we're controlling games, passing the ball well, creating chances and looking like a team then I accept us losing matches.


However if we don't control games, hoof the ball, look boring, create few chances and look disjointed then it's time for a change.


Lerner needs to go aswell though!

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What is clear is Lambert has lost both the players and the fans.  I don't actually think the players are as bad as a few are saying. The problem is they are being managed by someone who is completely out of their depth. Bowery for Kozak today? I actually burst out laughing. Mind you those spineless tossers Lerner and Faulkner won't do a thing and I doubt will spend any money in January.


I am actually glad I am missing the Swansea game and will not be wasting my money on the Sheffield United game. 


Sack the buffoon before it is too late.

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Can we stop talking about our difficult start now?


Another Yuletide embarrassment, the bloke has had enough chances and needs to go immediately.  Utterly bereft of ideas and ability, he's much worse than even McLeish, which is about the only thing of note that he's achieved.


Anybody who makes claims that any manager is worse than McLeish is grossly exaggerating, is clearly far too emotional to think clearly and losses any argument immediately.



Do you think the football we are playing is better than anything we played under McLeish?



Are you talking about over the last 5 games, or the last 50 games?


McLeish had done nothing to prove he could put together a decent side whereas Lambert guided us to safety last season in what was always going to be an incredibly difficult season. The football for the last few months has not been of a good standard but it was similar last season when we were losing 8-0, 4-0 and then turned it around in the new year.


People are over-reacting to the latest blip. I'm not surprised, it's the nature of most football fans but changing the manager won't change the fortunes for us... only changing the owner will do that.


This is wholely Lerners fault, not Lamberts.



Oh do get over yourself old boy.  The only "blip" has been the odd game where we've actually looked remotely look a football team.  Lambert has turned us into the worst footballing side in the division, so yes, he is worse than McLeish.  Lambert's whole tenure has been an unmitigated disaster, and it only seems to be getting worse.  A year and a half in, and he's bought a whole load of dross for £40m+, and has shown a level of ability to coach them into an effective unit that would embarrass an under sevens dad.



This isn't a debate about McLeish vs Lambert, however McLeish had no "blips" at all which made us look like a football team, so for Lambert to take over that team and win plaudits during parts of last season for his attack minded, counter attack football is a hell of a damn site more than McLeish ever did for us so any talk of McLeish being better is simply emotions talking and not sense.


Anyway, I'm not pro Lambert or against Lambert, I'm ambivalent towards him. Though if Lambert were to leave then who do you suggest could take over and provide us with entertaining and winning football on a shoe budget? I can't think of anyone and some of the names being banded around on this thread are simply laughable.


The reality is that you will find as many failings in Lambert as you would with any other available manager and the only way the fortunes of this club are going to improve is by a change at the very top, not the middle.


Pretty much anyone based on the last few games.

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The Benteke signing is used to defend Lambert.


However, Benteke looks to me this season like he doesn't particularly want to play for the current manager. A new manager could well get the best out of him and that's what we need if we are to stay up this year.


The Benteke, Guzan, Westwood, Lowton and Vlaar signings are used to defend Lambert.


If Benteke didn't want to play for the manager do you think he would have signed a new contract a few months ago?


Something has gone wrong for the last couple of months though these players have what it takes to turn it around as they did at a similar point last season.


We have a young squad and inconsistency was always going to be an issue. Turning on the players and management staff for very little chance of good does not seem to me to be a wise thing to do right now.

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