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How was 2013 for you?


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As the year draws to a close, how was it for you? Good? Bad? Indifferent? Same old, same old?


It was a decent year for me,,, went from renting to owning my first property, which was a big step. However, I missed out on a promotion at work and didn't get myself back into shape like I wanted, if anything I put weight on! Need to sort that out in the new year.


How about you good people?

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Seeing my 2 year old daughter grow up makes every year amazing no matter what.


Asides from that, we're in hardcore saving mode (even though I've just bought/buying a PS4, Vita & a new phone :lol:) so nothing really exciting is happening other than that. Just want the next 2 years done with so I can stop being tight and worrying about money as much

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Fairly decent for me. First foreign holiday in a while owing to circumstances. Still gainfully employed in a market where it wasn't guaranteed. No woman troubles either... I'll be happy enough if 2014 is more of the same actually.

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No woman troubles either...


Well...your wife did leave...but then he came back so I suppose it all worked out.


By the way, I'm still waiting for both of you to sign the contracts for MythBoffers...

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  • work was really hard, lots of hours and mostly up hill with fees per job slashed


  • saying that, squeezed a couple of decent holidays out of it


  • skimming along superficially fine, but actually constantly one bad debt away from meltdown


  • still getting away with it


  • completely in love with my missus


  • kids are healthy and appear to be sorted at school


  • set a PB in my bid to live forever



I think that about sums it all up

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Best year in a very long while for me. Well, the last 6 months were, can't remember much about the first half of the year.


Job is going well, Im in love and loving living on my own in my flat. 


Actually, talking of that, I've had my flat key cut and am asking my missus to move in tonight before we go out for a Xmas family meal. I've wrapped the key in a fancy little box and doing it as an early present.

Edited by Ingram85
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