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Uncharted (series)


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Finished it today after a few long sessions, absolutely loved it from start to finish. No one does storytelling in games like Naughty Dog.

The Tomb Raider reboot was awesome but this is better, plus Crystal Dynamics totally lifted from Uncharted for the new Tomb Raider games.

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Quite often when I start off unimpressed, once I get into a game I start to love it, MGS and Witcher 3 being recent examples.  But this is just dull.  Very polished story-telling for sure, but if I wanted to watch a film I'd go to the cinema.  The game play is far too linear, and other games do the component parts much better e.g.  better climbing in Assassin's Creed, better combat in Tomb Raider and MGS.  It really is just very obvious and linear climbing ("Oh, another crumbling ledge"), a far too simple puzzle and then shoot a few bad guys.  On chapter 12 now, can't really see myself finishing it.

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I should have listened to my gut feeling and not bothered picking this up.

It's a technical masterpiece but I just found it all so uninspiring.

Just been to trade it in for Doom. Only cost me a fiver to do and I reckon that's a small price to pay for something i'm sure will be more entertaining.

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13 hours ago, Ginko said:
13 hours ago, Ginko said:

Finished it today after a few long sessions, absolutely loved it from start to finish. No one does storytelling in games like Naughty Dog.

Playing through again for missed items or on a harder difficulty? 

The above criticisms are fair, naughty dog have ran the concept into the ground, hence why it's the last one, there's nowhere else they can take it and they're fully aware of that. I'd still say the whole thing warrants a playthrough, there's some stunning moments. As mentioned before though, it's not a 10/10 game. 

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1 hour ago, Designer1 said:

I should have listened to my gut feeling and not bothered picking this up.

It's a technical masterpiece but I just found it all so uninspiring.

Just been to trade it in for Doom. Only cost me a fiver to do and I reckon that's a small price to pay for something i'm sure will be more entertaining.

Same here, except I downloaded it so can't even trade the bloody thing in.  

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46 minutes ago, hogso said:

Playing through again for missed items or on a harder difficulty? 

The above criticisms are fair, naughty dog have ran the concept into the ground, hence why it's the last one, there's nowhere else they can take it and they're fully aware of that. I'd still say the whole thing warrants a playthrough, there's some stunning moments. As mentioned before though, it's not a 10/10 game. 

I'll play it through again but not for a few weeks. Back to Dark Souls 3 until No Man's Sky next month I think. Doom doesn't interest me.

There are no 10/10 games for me but I do love the Uncharted series. I just get swept away with them. Surprises me that you didn't like it @Designer1 considering how cinematic these games are and what a movie buff you are but each to their own.

Best game of the year so far for me. I realise it won't be for many since they value things like multiplayer or replayability, but that stuff never bothered me really. I will go back and try my hand at some trophies and collectibles at some point though.

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Ugh, this games sucks.  The combat is absolutely awful.  The auto targetting didn't let me switch to an enemy sniper because it insisted on locking onto an exploding barrel instead.  And every level is exactly the same, all of a sudden a million enemies appear from nowhere.  The climbing is nonsensical and even allowing for a sense of escapism, doesn't feel remotely real. 4/10 would not bang.

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44 minutes ago, PieFacE said:

On chapter 7 and enjoying the story but i think it is over rated. Im a bit bored of walking up to things and pressing triangle..

That's more or less it. Jump towards the white ledges, pull yourself up, press triangle and hide behind cover.

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49 minutes ago, PieFacE said:

On chapter 7 and enjoying the story but i think it is over rated. Im a bit bored of walking up to things and pressing triangle..

Largely why I refuse to play it, I own it and I played like 60 minutes but that was more than enough. I enjoy the Uncharted stories but the gameplay is so one note it's unbearable four games in. I loved this series in Uncharted 1 and 2 but they lost me with the 3rd entry when nothing had changed. I understand that mantra of don't fix what isn't broken, but the gameplay is that basic it needs tweaks and innovation each and every time and a rope to swing with this time is not enough. The game may deserve its review scores for technical ability, visuals, sound and story but the gameplay hasn't evolved enough for me to give a shit. 

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You're all wrong :P

No but seriously, fair enough. I happen to like the mix of climbing, cover shooter and puzzles and I just think the quality of the storytelling is totally immersive but I can see why some don't like it. I really think they learned a lot from The Last of Us and incorporated it into this game. The whole 'walking around and pressing triangle' is a bit harsh. I think it adds to the depth of the story and you don't have to check everything out. It's not as bad as say Heavy Rain in that respect which I did find dull.

And Risso, you know you can turn off the auto aim assist, right? Or play on a harder difficulty.

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Aim assist, yuck. Can't imagine playing any Uncharted game that way. Well, I started off like that i guess cos its default, but not for time.

Just got through a right pig of a battle in chapter 19 - snipers, runners, grunts, grenade launcher, and two heavy armoured guys, one with a Gatling gun! Very tough especially when you can't stealth, and it doesn't help I had about 50 rounds in total on me when it kicked off. Was very relieved to get through it, inching to the end now. Hit 50 treasures today too, found without a guide.


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I think i'm up to chapter 12(ish) now and struggling to see why this is a 10/10 game.

It's a good game, but by no means a perfect game. Bit repetitive to be honest and QTE suck. Way too many of them.

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I do like the game but I wouldn't put Uncharted near my top 10. The Last of Us was better IMO. I can understand why people love it though, I much prefer Fallout 4 for example and people hated that game. It sounds like I'm saying this game is a disappointment but it really isn't, it's the best in the series. 

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2 hours ago, PieFacE said:

I think i'm up to chapter 12(ish) now and struggling to see why this is a 10/10 game 

As a bunch of us have already said, it definitely isn't! :D

Finished it earlier, @Ginko bet you loved that final boss

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Eh, I've come to expect it from these games. Didn't stop me from restarting it multiple times to get the trophy though ;)

Started on the Drake Collection yesterday. They've come a long way, let me tell you. Interesting to see some elements of their Crash Bandicoot days still in the first game though. Just gonna blow through it to get to Uncharted 2 & 3. That's where the real fun begins.

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On 16 May 2016 at 21:34, hogso said:

Aim assist, yuck. Can't imagine playing any Uncharted game that way. Well, I started off like that i guess cos its default, but not for time.

Just got through a right pig of a battle in chapter 19 - snipers, runners, grunts, grenade launcher, and two heavy armoured guys, one with a Gatling gun! Very tough especially when you can't stealth, and it doesn't help I had about 50 rounds in total on me when it kicked off. Was very relieved to get through it, inching to the end now. Hit 50 treasures today too, found without a guide.


If you're going to have aim assist, at least make it work properly.  I didn't realise you could turn it off to be honest, but in any case it shouldn't refuse to let you move to a different target.  Well, it shouldn't if the game wasn't totally shite.

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Yep, it shouldn't, and doesn't, cos the game isn't 'totally shite'. I assume the game suggests targets via aim assist based on threat and potential damage, so the collateral caused by an explosive barrel? I'll be turning it on for an Explorer run to get all the collectibles, conversations, miscellaneous trophies plus accuracy and maybe the speed run one too. 

2 hours ago, Ginko said:

Eh, I've come to expect it from these games. Didn't stop me from restarting it multiple times to get the trophy though ;)

I had to restart a lot too - not for the trophy, just to beat the dude! 

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