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What is your experience of mental health?


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19 minutes ago, lapal_fan said:

From watching a handful of videos and the alt-right stuff indeed coming up, he does distance himself from any political spectrum, but does acknowledge why the majority of his followers are men in their 30s.  For example, a photo was flashed to him standing in front of a pepe flag with 2 men, to which he explained was a moment in time, that each person who wants to "meet and greet" him after a talk gets roughly 15 seconds, and that the flag was put before him by the people who met him, and that if put in the same situation again, would probably reconsider.

He doesn't think lobsters and people are the same, he's saying that we evolved from the same thing and we obey the same sort of hierarchical societies they do, which, if he's looked into the evidence and found that to be true (evolutionary speaking), then who are you to use it as a stick to beat him with.

I for one don't seem him as some sort of misogynistic demi-god, but someone who is essentially saying whatever your background, you can find a value in yourself and have a meaning to life.  

The gender stuff from him, is that he doesn't agree with a pre-disposed wondering of pronoun before addressing someone, which I kind of agree with.  If I were to introduce myself, and thought of myself as gender fluid or whatever, I wouldn't expect the person I was introducing myself to have guessed that before knowing, that's absurd. 

He's been a valuable resource for me when it's come to my mental health (which has improved a lot since I turned 30 due to a lot of factors).  People may disagree with him on certain subjects but he does seem to base his opinion on doing a lot of research. 

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18 hours ago, Chindie said:

I'd posit there's a reason a certain demographic likes him, and he knows it. He's saying stuff that appeals to the alt-right. That's an audience I wouldn't want. He does the circuit of their leading lights regularly, playing up to it.

Lobsters and people are completely different. He argues that 'lobster society' is dominated by aggressive males because they get more serotonin which makes them more aggressive and thus a cycle is formed and therefore it's natural that humans have a patriarchical hierarchy dominated by aggressive males. But it's not natural. Theres dozens of examples of creatures with flipped hierarchies - creatures much closer to lobsters who are affected by serotonin in the same way as them have matriarchal societies, polyamorous societies, etc etc. And moreover humans and lobsters are so vastly different that drawing any conclusions from the comparison between them is nuts - they're so different that serotonin actually works reversed in humans - you get more aggressive with less of it. It's just a bollocks pseudoscientific dressing up of his very outdated views. But his audience wants to hear that to get on in life you need to rise above the cucks.

As for the trans stuff, he got caught out on that IIRC because the law basically didn't want you to be psychic, but if someone let you know they wanted to be referred to in a specific way you would need to take note of their wishes. But he got big with the alt right you couldn't make it up crowd and so he had to double down and dodge what he actually feels about it. Which to any normal thinking person is - if someone wants me to refer to them in a certain way, it might be a bit odd, but who am I judge, and it's no skin off my nose.

He's a clearing in the woods. IIRC a guy he worked with before he became famous was appalled when he got big because he viewed him as a hack in the world of psychology. He rejects postmodernist thought in the same way Brexiteers reject Remain arguments - he doesn't like it so just goes 'nah'.

He's the last thing desperate people should turn to. That way lies a very, very dark view on humanity.

But it is pretty much nonsense though.

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18 hours ago, sharkyvilla said:

He's been a valuable resource for me when it's come to my mental health (which has improved a lot since I turned 30 due to a lot of factors).  People may disagree with him on certain subjects but he does seem to base his opinion on doing a lot of research. 

He makes a lot of good points and presents some very good arguments, but does lose me entirely on religion and his following is incredibly cringe worthy. 

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19 hours ago, Chindie said:

He's an alt-right poster boy who pushes bullshit patriarchal (Christian) morality hierarchy thinking dressed up in psychological clothes and sprinkled with laughable common sense. And he thinks lobsters and people are the same.

He's like the gateway drug to calling people cucks and hating trans people.

You read too much Graun.

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Well, I'm not talking about the political statements he does or doesn't say, I'm not politicizing him, I'm watching him talking about people who are struggling, procrastinating and how to debate and discuss with other people, and I think he makes a lot of good points. 

That he's been politicized by alt-rights, leftists is beside the point for me.  I just see him trying to give people the power to say "regardless of how small it is, I can make a difference" and it's a message I like.  Making people feel better about themselves (and ultimately other people) is a good thing, especially for mental health. 

Anyone who carries around a pepe flag is an imbecile who I wouldn't want to know, but if he can help them out in any way, fair play. 

People are too eager to see which side someone's on now-a-days and it's **** boring. He has detractors from the left and the right, which to me signals he's somewhere in the middle, or doesn't car to actually release his personal bias. 

Stop politicizing everything, it makes the world a bit brighter. 

The lobster stuff is by the by as well.  I haven't read the papers he has, I dare say @Chindie hasn't, I'm probably gonna have a quick google to have a glance at how accurate the comparison is, but it's an interesting take, not designed to piss any particular group off as far as I'm concerned. 

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14 minutes ago, lapal_fan said:

That he's been politicized by alt-rights, leftists is beside the point for me.


Stop politicizing everything

He hasn't been 'politicized' by others. And he has most surely accepted his place in a certain political world.

He can't claim to 'remove himself from political bias' (whatever that actually means) if he spends the vast majority of his time in the intellectual company of people with a particular political bent and if he spends considerable amounts of his public time and energy criticising 'cultural marxism', 'postmodernism', &c..

He's a prick and a dangerous prick at that.

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Just now, snowychap said:

He hasn't been 'politicized' by others. And he has most surely accepted his place in a certain political world.

He can't claim to 'remove himself from political bias' (whatever that actually means) if he spends the vast majority of his time in the intellectual company of people with a particular political bent and if he spends considerable amounts of his public time and energy criticising 'cultural marxism', 'postmodernism', &c..

He's a prick and a dangerous prick at that.

Meh, agree to disagree. 

I like him making people who feel suicidal better. That's as deep as I'm willing to go. 

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19 hours ago, snowychap said:

He hasn't been 'politicized' by others. And he has most surely accepted his place in a certain political world.

He can't claim to 'remove himself from political bias' (whatever that actually means) if he spends the vast majority of his time in the intellectual company of people with a particular political bent and if he spends considerable amounts of his public time and energy criticising 'cultural marxism', 'postmodernism', &c..

He's a prick and a dangerous prick at that.

This is over the top and I can't see how he is dangerous based on your grips with him. Postmodernism is demonstrable nonsense and pointless nonsense at that but I do agree he appears to spend too much time criticising it, it's very much low hanging fruit, but how exactly is he dangerous?

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On 19/10/2019 at 08:36, Dr_Pangloss said:

This is over the top and I can't see how he is dangerous based on your grips with him.

The post you quoted was not an exhaustive list of my gripes with him (or rather what he says, what he promotes and the methods he uses to do so), they were just examples of why any claim of his to be either apolitical or to have 'removed himself from political bias' is something with which I take issue.

I do think he's dangerous though not as an individual but as part those 'intellectuals', academics and others who appear to give succour to (if not outright or directly support) a distinctly unpleasant politics.

Anyway, this is all going quite massively off topic.

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On 17/10/2019 at 02:22, kurtsimonw said:

Not been in to work this week and unlikely to change. Before I go to sleep my anxiety kicks in hard, I'm sweating and my heart is pounding, there's no way I can get to sleep. Around 5:30am I drift off and then I'm exhausted when my 7:00 alarm goes off and my anxiety hits again. 

I don't really see a way out of how my life is. I see things so easy for others around me, and I am stuck in this hole of loneliness and depression. Doctors, therapists, medication... nobody and nothing can just change that. 

I just feel nothing. I'm not even sad, I don't cry. It really feels like game over. 

It's been a week since this post.

Hope all is OK...

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21 hours ago, Xela said:

He logged on yesterday so that's good

@kurtsimonw - how you feeling mate?

Still the same. 

I've gone to work this week simply only because I'm already going to be down on my pay at the end of the month to cover my bills. Even then I haven't been in every day. 

It isn't even stressing me out. I feel like what's the point? I have a job so I can afford a house and food. So I can spend all day at work to come home alone and survive, repeat over and over. 

If that's what life is going to be for me, then I genuinely don't see the point. It's a lonely existence. 

My brother had a break up a few months after me. He's been on 6 or 7 dates with a few girls this past month. Happy for him, but it's hard to see and I do feel like a complete loser as a result. 

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