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The Quiz Thread


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I'll fill some of serpente's gaps


2. Robin williams

6. Snake

7. Button Moon

8. Firefly

10. Citric Acid

21. Definitely isn't 50. That's its length. I'd guess at 25

25. Tittle (lolz)

26. Kubrick

28. I'll guess at lemur. I guess it might not mean relatively though, so that's probably wrong

30. I know Ferdinand got assassinated in June, so I'd go for that. War might not have started at that exact point though...


6 is a dog


29 - is Cassius Clay  

He nearly didn't go to Rome due to be frightened of flying , asked if he could go via boat and car  ... but got talked into it at the last minute


30 - is July  , it took a while for war to finally break out , Despite Germany's aggressive stnace it was almost as if nobody actually wanted it to happen , but eventually events spirled out of control


13 is England , surprised nobody knew that one


oh and 30 fences at the GN


think I knew about 19 of them , wouldn't have got giraffe though

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giraffe does make a bit sense when you think how big they are, cant remember where id heard it


logic after that to me would say something like a snow leopard, an animal that needs it for balance, id guess they are the longest in proportion to the rest of their body

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I thought that was Lemur which is why i said it, even though I knew it was probably wrong because it didn't say relatively

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I'll fill some of serpente's gaps


2. Robin williams

6. Snake

7. Button Moon

8. Firefly

10. Citric Acid

21. Definitely isn't 50. That's its length. I'd guess at 25

25. Tittle (lolz)

26. Kubrick

28. I'll guess at lemur. I guess it might not mean relatively though, so that's probably wrong

30. I know Ferdinand got assassinated in June, so I'd go for that. War might not have started at that exact point though...


6 is a dog

Fair enough. Was a bit of a guess but was sure I'd heard that before.

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13 is England , surprised nobody knew that one

County not country (I had to go back and check that's what I wrote!).

oh and 30 fences at the GN

That wasn't the question.

It was: how many fences on the GN course?

And dog was not the answer given by our QM.

I'll wang all the answers down in a bit.

Edited by snowychap
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ISTR Darwin may have had a bash at divinity and then medicine before he dropped out. He then cadged money off his dad to go round the world on HMS Beagle. His dad wasn't too pleased.

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13 is England , surprised nobody knew that one

County not country (I had to go back and check that's what I wrote!).

oh and 30 fences at the GN

That wasn't the question.

It was: how many fences on the GN course?

And dog was not the answer given by our QM.

I'll wang all the answers down in a bit.


fairly sure it's dog for envy and  the punishment is being put in frozen water in hell


County - D'oh


GN fences - grrrr

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ISTR Darwin may have had a bash at divinity and then medicine before he dropped out. He then cadged money off his dad to go round the world on HMS Beagle. His dad wasn't too pleased.

t'other way round, he dropped out of medicine at Edinburgh and was sent to Cambridge to study divinity I think

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Tonight's local pub quiz (usual apologies for anything incorrect and anything incorrectly recalled):

  • In photography, what does GIF stand for? Graphics Interchange Format
  • Who played the character Seymour Parrish in the film One Hour Photo? Robin Williams
  • Someone born on the 1st March comes under what sign of the zodiac? Pisces
  • What was the name of The Beatles' first feature film? Hard Day's Night
  • What was the name of the paranoid android in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? Marvin
  • Which animal represents the deadly sin of envy? Snake
  • In the children's series, what is the name of the planet on which Mr Spoon and his family live? Junk planet
  • In what Joss Whedon series is Malcolm Reynolds the main character? Firefly
  • Which british author's 1986 autobiography was called Going solo? Roald Dahl
  • What is the food additive E330 better known as? Citric acid
  • Stig Anderson is commonly known as the 5th member of which band? Abba
  • What is the national animal of Greenland? Polar bear
  • In which county would one find Adnams brewery? Suffolk
  • Which british singer released the 1975 album 'Rock of the Westies'? Elton John
  • What is the capital of the US state Minnesota? St Paul
  • How many fences are on the Grand National course at Aintree? 16
  • What is a female alligator called? Cow
  • Which martial art is translated as 'The Gentle Way'? Judo
  • What does MRI (as in scan) stand for? Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • Which element has the symbol Se? Selenium
  • How wide is an Olympic swimming pool in metres? 25
  • What subject did Darwin read at Edinburgh University? Medecine
  • How long, in earth days, does it take Mercury to orbit the Sun? 88 days
  • Before becoming president, for which state was Obama a senator? Illinois
  • What is the dot over a lower case i called? Tittle
  • Who directed the 1960 film Spartacus? Stanley Kubrick
  • In legend, who pulled the thorn from the lion's paw? Androcles
  • Which land mammal has the longest tail? Giraffe
  • Who won the 1960 Olympic bosing light heavyweight gold medal? Cassius Clay
  • In which month did the First World War begin? July

Answers as provided by the man in the pub.

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I hope you will be having strong words with him next week about number 6 :)

Tbh, it's not a very good question.

I had a look last night and some have it down as dog, a few as snake (I guess he took that from the picture on the Wiki page).

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I hope you will be having strong words with him next week about number 6 :)

Tbh, it's not a very good question.

I had a look last night and some have it down as dog, a few as snake (I guess he took that from the picture on the Wiki page).


you mean the picture that has both a snake and a dog in it with the dog being the more prominent of the 2 :P



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Snake. BOOM!



it's akin to the quiz i went to where they asked who wrote Jealous Guy and told me I was wrong with John Lennon and everyone that had Bryan Ferry was correct  ...


enjoy your hollow victory :mrgreen:  I shall have my revenge

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You mean the picture that has both a snake and a dog in it with the dog being the more prominent of the 2 :P

Nope. This one:





An allegorical image depicting the human heart subject to the seven deadly sins, each represented by an animal (clockwise: toad = avarice; snake = envy; lion = wrath; snail = sloth; pig = gluttony; goat = lust; peacock = pride).



But it's just a guess.

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