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Randy's 12 Month No Show ?


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Does anyone really care? I mean REALLY actually care?

This revisionism that we were really close to "making the next level" but for a few more millions under MON is ludicrous. Lerner quickly realised that he was pissing money away and that 80 odd million only took you up to 6th where there was no profit returns whatsoever. People need to accept that the best we are going to get is 6th and that a cup win is a the mecca. At this moment I am happy to avoid relegation and have the occasional great victory. If that sounds unambitious then so be it. But I've been a Villa fan for 20 years and I've never known it to be any different during that time.

Our chairman puts money in, isnt going to make us bankrupt, and keeps his mouth shut and out of the limelight. There is no way I would risk losing him for some clown like 80% of clubs have.

Yes totally agree, I think we supporters have unrealistic expectations and its not our personal wealth we are pissing away. I believe football clubs should manage within their means and the way were under Oneill with a higher wage bill than clubs like Tottenham was unsustainable.

I still can't believe the shit I read on here at times.

We've had 3 consecutive relegation battles and you're happy with the owner and complaining fans have unrealistic expectations. Did you feel this way when people wanted Doug gone?




That's bollocks. He's not the manager. He didn't tell Oneill to to spend money on crap and escalate the wage bill so its out of control. Poor management is the reason we have been fighting relegation. Everton during that period were spending a lot less and they continue to challenge the top 6. 

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Does anyone really care? I mean REALLY actually care?

This revisionism that we were really close to "making the next level" but for a few more millions under MON is ludicrous. Lerner quickly realised that he was pissing money away and that 80 odd million only took you up to 6th where there was no profit returns whatsoever. People need to accept that the best we are going to get is 6th and that a cup win is a the mecca. At this moment I am happy to avoid relegation and have the occasional great victory. If that sounds unambitious then so be it. But I've been a Villa fan for 20 years and I've never known it to be any different during that time.

Our chairman puts money in, isnt going to make us bankrupt, and keeps his mouth shut and out of the limelight. There is no way I would risk losing him for some clown like 80% of clubs have.

Yes totally agree, I think we supporters have unrealistic expectations and its not our personal wealth we are pissing away. I believe football clubs should manage within their means and the way were under Oneill with a higher wage bill than clubs like Tottenham was unsustainable.
I still can't believe the shit I read on here at times.

We've had 3 consecutive relegation battles and you're happy with the owner and complaining fans have unrealistic expectations. Did you feel this way when people wanted Doug gone?

That's bollocks. He's not the manager. He didn't tell Oneill to to spend money on crap and escalate the wage bill so its out of control. Poor management is the reason we have been fighting relegation. Everton during that period were spending a lot less and they continue to challenge the top 6.

Haha you've just said poor management. Who hired them?

And as for wages spiralling out of control of course it's the owners responsibility. The issue became wages in relation to income, now you tell me who should be on the ball over that, the manager or the owner?

Honestly what has this guy done for some to defend him so much? Like I said this could well be our 4th consecutive year of worrying about relegation.

Edited by Big_John_10
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Does anyone really care? I mean REALLY actually care?

This revisionism that we were really close to "making the next level" but for a few more millions under MON is ludicrous. Lerner quickly realised that he was pissing money away and that 80 odd million only took you up to 6th where there was no profit returns whatsoever. People need to accept that the best we are going to get is 6th and that a cup win is a the mecca. At this moment I am happy to avoid relegation and have the occasional great victory. If that sounds unambitious then so be it. But I've been a Villa fan for 20 years and I've never known it to be any different during that time.

Our chairman puts money in, isnt going to make us bankrupt, and keeps his mouth shut and out of the limelight. There is no way I would risk losing him for some clown like 80% of clubs have.

Yes totally agree, I think we supporters have unrealistic expectations and its not our personal wealth we are pissing away. I believe football clubs should manage within their means and the way were under Oneill with a higher wage bill than clubs like Tottenham was unsustainable.
I still can't believe the shit I read on here at times.

We've had 3 consecutive relegation battles and you're happy with the owner and complaining fans have unrealistic expectations. Did you feel this way when people wanted Doug gone?

That's bollocks. He's not the manager. He didn't tell Oneill to to spend money on crap and escalate the wage bill so its out of control. Poor management is the reason we have been fighting relegation. Everton during that period were spending a lot less and they continue to challenge the top 6.

Haha you've just said poor management. Who hired them?

And as for wages spiralling out of control of course it's the owners responsibility. The issue became wages in relation to income, now you tell me who should be on the ball over that, the manager or the owner?

Honestly what has this guy done for some to defend him so much? Like I said this could well be our 4th consecutive year of worrying about relegation.



Oneill was hired by Doug wasn't he? Nobody complained when we hired him. Nobody complained when we were challenging top 4 but unfortunately i think we are paying for that now in cutting the wage bill. I agree subsequent choices of mangers up until Lambert have been poor. But Martinez was our first choice before Mcleish. Perhaps Lerner gave Oneill too much of a free reign for too long. Perhaps since the City raised the financial stakes Lerner realised hes not in that financial league, Perhap sthe credit crcnch, expensive divorce. All these things have contributed to a loss of interest, but until we get such ultra rich benefactor who can buy Lerner out then what can we do.


It wasn't all good with Doug. He took over after we won the league in 81 and was the reason Saunders left and then we had a decline before Graham Taylor sorted the club out. But Doug would not have competed in the current financial stakes. My guess is he made quite a lot of money out of the club as well.

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That's bollocks. He's not the manager. He didn't tell Oneill to to spend money on crap and escalate the wage bill so its out of control. Poor management is the reason we have been fighting relegation. 



I think its getting a little rich still blaming someone that left 3 and half years ago for our woes now. To use it as a means to defend the man ultimately responsible for the club is a real kop out.
The facts are this. When O'Neill left us we had the 6th highest wage bill in the league. We had just finished 6th. There was no reason for us to believe that shouldn't have been sustainable. The fact that it wasn't certainly isn't the manages fault. We can argue the toss till we're all blue in the face around the quality of some of O'Neill signings but in terms of league position in relation to wages the manager achieved about what you would expect. No more no less.
The real failing is that the owner allowed wages to get to a level that the club couldn't sustain. We had the 6th highest wage but couldn't get income up to a level to sustain it. That is down to Lerner.
The way he has gone about remedying his original mistake, in allowing wages to get to a level we couldn't sustain, has been nothing short of reckless.
It seems it was mid 2010 that Lerner realised he had dropped a bollock in terms of wages to turnover so after O'Neill is shown the door what does he do? He employs Houllier, a known cheque book manager which resulted in us having to spend the best part of 30 mill in the January transfer window and commit to another 100k a week in wages to stave off relegation. To remedy this error our owner then appoints McLeish who has just relegated our near neighbours, who is known for playing dour football and gives him a budget of minus 20 mill and tells him to slash wages. Then to remedy this error he employs a promising up and coming manager gives him around 15 mill to spend and tells him to continue to slash the wage bill.
Lerners decisions over this last 3 and a half years should have resulted in relegation. The fact it hasn't yet is the only saving grace but certainly shouldn't excuse the fact that he has over seen the worst sustained spell for this great club since we were relegated in 1987.
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I really couldn't give a rats ass if he turns up or not.

What I really care about is him selling the club ASAP. I really believe he thought he could throw come cash in and give it large and start winning things. I can understand why Doug never spent mega money because he never had it but what's Randy's reason?. He's making the club look like a joke.

I think we need the A4 flyers with the £ signs back when we wanted Doug out.

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Does anyone really care? I mean REALLY actually care?

This revisionism that we were really close to "making the next level" but for a few more millions under MON is ludicrous. Lerner quickly realised that he was pissing money away and that 80 odd million only took you up to 6th where there was no profit returns whatsoever. People need to accept that the best we are going to get is 6th and that a cup win is a the mecca. At this moment I am happy to avoid relegation and have the occasional great victory. If that sounds unambitious then so be it. But I've been a Villa fan for 20 years and I've never known it to be any different during that time.

Our chairman puts money in, isnt going to make us bankrupt, and keeps his mouth shut and out of the limelight. There is no way I would risk losing him for some clown like 80% of clubs have.

Yes totally agree, I think we supporters have unrealistic expectations and its not our personal wealth we are pissing away. I believe football clubs should manage within their means and the way were under Oneill with a higher wage bill than clubs like Tottenham was unsustainable.
I still can't believe the shit I read on here at times.

We've had 3 consecutive relegation battles and you're happy with the owner and complaining fans have unrealistic expectations. Did you feel this way when people wanted Doug gone?

That's bollocks. He's not the manager. He didn't tell Oneill to to spend money on crap and escalate the wage bill so its out of control. Poor management is the reason we have been fighting relegation. Everton during that period were spending a lot less and they continue to challenge the top 6.
Haha you've just said poor management. Who hired them?

And as for wages spiralling out of control of course it's the owners responsibility. The issue became wages in relation to income, now you tell me who should be on the ball over that, the manager or the owner?

Honestly what has this guy done for some to defend him so much? Like I said this could well be our 4th consecutive year of worrying about relegation.

Oneill was hired by Doug wasn't he? Nobody complained when we hired him. Nobody complained when we were challenging top 4 but unfortunately i think we are paying for that now in cutting the wage bill. I agree subsequent choices of mangers up until Lambert have been poor. But Martinez was our first choice before Mcleish. Perhaps Lerner gave Oneill too much of a free reign for too long. Perhaps since the City raised the financial stakes Lerner realised hes not in that financial league, Perhap sthe credit crcnch, expensive divorce. All these things have contributed to a loss of interest, but until we get such ultra rich benefactor who can buy Lerner out then what can we do.

It wasn't all good with Doug. He took over after we won the league in 81 and was the reason Saunders left and then we had a decline before Graham Taylor sorted the club out. But Doug would not have competed in the current financial stakes. My guess is he made quite a lot of money out of the club as well.

Of course not many were bothered at the time because we believed we had a decent owner. We didn't know how bad he was allowing things to get behind the scenes. Such a stupid argument that keeps getting repeated.

I'd still like to know how you can claim we have unrealistic expectations while we possibly go into a 4th consecutive relegation worried season.

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Over the years, through business, I have met many super rich Americans.

Those that started their own businesses and made them successful, always had incredible vision, were tenacious and worked their bollox off.

Those that inherited their businesses or wealth invariably lacked focus, got bored easily, knew little about business and were basically spoilt brats.

I think RL is probably a good bloke, but he doesn't have his Dad's nous, skills, tenacity or conviction.

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I meant not many people complained when we hired Oneill. Just tell me someone who wants to buy the club. Its alright moaning about Lerner but who else is nuts enough to buy our club and run it at a loss.


Before RL bought the club there were more than a few who were "nuts enough"

However RL looked like the perfect owner, the fans loved the idea of him after all the years of Ellis treating us like shit.

RL (or his advisors) did the research, made all the right noises and he was eulogised as the perfect owner by the fans and the media. He put his money where his mouth was but ultimately the gamble didn't pay off.

Now he has bitten off more than can chew and clearly wants out.

I quite admire him in some ways, think he was genuinely passionate about AVFC BUT when it was apparent that the master plan wasn't working I believe he lost interest and started to seek ways out.

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I meant not many people complained when we hired Oneill. Just tell me someone who wants to buy the club. Its alright moaning about Lerner but who else is nuts enough to buy our club and run it at a loss.


Before RL bought the club there were more than a few who were "nuts enough"

However RL looked like the perfect owner, the fans loved the idea of him after all the years of Ellis treating us like shit.

RL (or his advisors) did the research, made all the right noises and he was eulogised as the perfect owner by the fans and the media. He put his money where his mouth was but ultimately the gamble didn't pay off.

Now he has bitten off more than can chew and clearly wants out.

I quite admire him in some ways, think he was genuinely passionate about AVFC BUT when it was apparent that the master plan wasn't working I believe he lost interest and started to seek ways out.




Yes i totally agree with you but i just disagree with people slagging him off. He has invested a lot of money in our football club and whilst he's weatlhy he's not in the same league as the oil sheiks. 

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Yes no doubt that is very true. Do the club not owe him 130 million in loans of which he has waived 100 million in interest.



I'm not sure where you are getting these figures from but if he has waived 100 million in interest on 130 mill in loans then f*ck me that was wonga levels of interest rates.


I really don't get this crap about him waiving interest on money he has invested into the club anyway. At the end of the day the club is his. I don't think for a second he should be charging any interest.


He underpaid for the club and despite the incompetent and reckless way he has run it I am certain that when he does eventually sell up he will recoup what he paid and what he has invested and won't have lost a dollar. In fact if he can keep us in the top flight he may still make a few quid.


The sad thing is though that despite the early promises he will leave the club in no better shape than he found it and in fact having overseen our worst run of sustained poor league form in almost 30 years. He should be hanging his head in shame.

Edited by markavfc40
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Yes no doubt that is very true. Do the club not owe him 130 million in loans of which he has waived 100 million in interest.



I'm not sure where you are getting these figures from but if he has waived 100 million in interest on 130 mill in loans then f*ck me that was wonga levels of interest rates.


I really don't get this crap about him waiving interest on money he has invested into the club anyway. At the end of the day the club is his. I don't think for a second he should be charging any interest.


He underpaid for the club and despite the incompetent and reckless way he has run it I am certain that when he does eventually sell up he will recoup what he paid and what he has invested and won't have lost a dollar. In fact if he can keep us in the top flight he may still make a few quid.


The sad thing is though that despite the early promises he will leave the club in no better shape than he found it and in fact having overseen our worst run of sustained poor league finishes in almost 30 years. He should be hanging his head in shame.

Well said.

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I meant not many people complained when we hired Oneill. Just tell me someone who wants to buy the club. Its alright moaning about Lerner but who else is nuts enough to buy our club and run it at a loss.

The club running at a loss is his doing though. He inherited the club when it was debt-free.

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I am in my 26th season on the spin as a season ticket holder. I went to Villa Park yesterday not expecting to beat Everton. Now I have been to Villa Park many times not expecting to beat the likes of Man Utd, Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool but this was Everton. A club very similar in size to ourselves and one that will most likely finish somewhere between 9th and 7th this season.
Lerners ownership has sucked all the hopes and expectations I had for this great club out of me. I know it has happened to a lot of other supporters as well. It used to be that top 6 should be the minimum of our ambitions for this great club. Now for some it is staying up and for many being lower to mid table fodder.
I don't think I am asking for much just in thinking that the least of our ambitions should be to compete to finish 6th/7th. Under Lerner though I have zero confidence that it will happen.
The real shame in it all is that he now has a manger capable of achieving relative success so long as he gets some decent backing in fees and wages. I wouldn't bet on him being around for the long term though as there will come a point when Lambert will realize the owner cannot match his own ambitions and expectations. Either that or he will be made a scapegoat for the owners failings.
Edited by markavfc40
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I am in my 26th season on the spin as a season ticket holder. I went to Villa Park yesterday not expecting to beat Everton. Now I have been to Villa Park many times not expecting to beat the likes of Man Utd, Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool but this was Everton. A club very similar in size to ourselves and one that will most likely finish somewhere between 9th and 7th this season.


Lerners ownership has sucked all the hopes and expectations I had for this great club out of me. I know it has happened to a lot of other supporters as well. It used to be that top 6 should be the minimum of our ambitions for this great club. Now for some it is staying up and for many being lower to mid table fodder.


I don't think I am asking for much just in thinking that the least of our ambitions should be to compete to finish 6th/7th. Under Lerner though I have zero confidence that it will happen.


The real shame in it all is that he now has a manger capable of achieving relative success so long as he gets some decent backing in fees and wages. I wouldn't bet on him being around for the long term though as there will come a point when Lambert will realize the owner cannot match his own ambitions and expectations. Either that or he will be made a scapegoat for the owners failings.

Hear hear!

I've been a regular since the late 70s and I've never known Villa to have such low expectations as we do now. This will be our 4th relegation battle on the trot, yet there's barely a whisper of protest from the fans. It's just bloody laughable that Lerner has been allowed to get away with what he's done to our club in just a short amount of time and we've all lay down and let him walk all over our great club. There are players here now not fit to grace the premier league let alone be allowed to play for such a great club as ours. 5 league games at home and 4 defeats. It simply isn't acceptable, but this is the team Randy Lerner has built at Villa.

Just sell the club and get the hell out!

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