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Smoking Will Kill You


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So sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with you, mate.


I don't have anything to say to cheer you up. I know what you're going through. My womans mother passed away about a year ago from the same thing. She didn't get any time frame, but it took about a year and 3-4 months after she got the diagnose. So it's really hard to tell how much time you have with him. Make the best of it.


Hate cancer.

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  • 3 weeks later...

He's gone through two rounds of chemotherapy, and has responded well. He's gained some weight and is eating more. He's still helping around the house, doing little handyman jobs, so it's good to see. He's doing as well as possible. He'll have a round of chemo this month and another next, and then his oncologist will see if more chemo can help him, but said that most people don't respond to chemo after four rounds.


So it's likely that the cancer will come back with a vengeance sometime in January, and it will probably be a matter of weeks to a couple of months until he's gone.


But we will have one more Thanksgiving and Christmas with him, so we are grateful for that.


Thanks for asking  :)

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  • 5 months later...

Well, this morning my dad died. I was tending to him all night giving him morphine. It was pretty brutal watching him fighting for air. It was a relief when he exhaled his last breath. Chemotherapy worked great for almost 6 months. But once it stopped working, the disease came back with a vengeance. He weighed about 115 pounds at the end, and was winded just from shifting position on his chair. But he died at home surrounded by family, which is what he wanted. He was still making people laugh as recently as Monday. He was my best friend and a great guy. Every now and then he would ask me how Aston Villa were doing, not because he had any real interest, but because he knew what it meant to me. I'm going to miss my main man. Coming on hereand telling you guys this is important for me because VT is a big part of my day to day life, and I feel privileged to be a part of such an incredible group. I'll see you on here later.


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Glad you got that little bit of extra time with him and that he got what he wanted in regards to having his family around.

I truly imagine he's in a better place now, stay strong bro and live every day to the fullest!

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Deepest sympathies. Nice words, in what I'm sure is a hard time. Losing a loved one is one of life's unfortunate inevitabilities, that we have to go through at some point. I hope our community of like minded fools can give you some comfort, and put a bit of a smile back on your face while you come to terms with your loss. Chin up mate, all the best to you and yours. 

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My uncle developed a very bad cough that just wouldn't go away. His GP eventually sent him for tests which revealed lung cancer. My uncle had been a heavy smoker most of his life but had kicked the habit for the last ten years but the damaged had already been done.

He went through chemo and thought he had beaten it. Months later tests revealed that it had come back so he fought again and is now in remission.

He loved his sport and played football for several local teams while working for most of his life before the battle.

He now is a changed man losing most of his hair, frail and needs the use of a walking stick but he still has a positive outlook on life and has never said 'why me?'

He is as I'm sure your dad is, an inspiration and mate I'm so, so, sorry for your trouble.

Edited by shaggy
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Very sorry for you and your family, Mike. At least you know your Dad is no longer suffering. I suppose it makes me a 'typical bloke' that I'm struggling to add anything else. I wish I could but it is too upsetting for me. Sorry.

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