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Everything posted by mykeyb

  1. "Down and down I go, round and round I go In a spin, loving the spin I'm in, under that old black magic called love." Old Blue eyes was right
  2. I thought from some of the posts on the previous page it was half term already
  3. You know this thread sums exactly why this country is in the shit. Those on the left defend their party no matter what - they simply cannot be in anyway responsible for our current situation - "its a global recession" Those on the right try and make political gain out of it. And those on the middle ground who make sensible reasoned comment get attacked at by both sides. Since exactly the same thing is happening at the highest levels in this country instead of working together to get the economy back on its feet again. Its pathetic
  4. Jon the BOE and organisations like Institute of Directors, The Ernst & Young Item Club etc all see it still as the right move. Now you could easily argue that the main causes of these problems were the very people who are saying they are the right thing to do, but at this moment you have to listen to them. Savings are being put on hold, but a lot of people are using the benefits they are gaining from lower interest rates on mortgages to increase their payments and lower their debt - so there is a big swings and roundabouts The key still is the banks and their unwillingness to pass on the cuts and lend more money. When we see them still "looking after their own" you can start to question what exactly their motives are. The banking sector are really being shown for what they are The BOE made a huge mistake 12 months ago when they put rates up to try and keep inflation in check when everyone in business was saying they needed cuts rather than hikes. They need to do something to stimulate the economy, and they are hoping this will help. What is the alternative for the BOE.
  5. Because it is? Care to share some sort of contribution to this thread? Not really. I have better things to do on a saturday night rather than get involved in another political topic which has little to do with debate and more to do with point scoring............
  6. this guy would not be a right winger would he typical right wing response in a recession do **** all never mind it is right wing free market deregulated markets that caused this 'price worth paying' © Norman Lamont And the Friday afternoon quiz is: Who said this? Was it: a) Norman Lamont Vlad the Impaler c) George Soros d) ianrobo1 Now that is quite funny
  7. A draw would be best as I think Pool are just about ready to implode.
  8. It certainly isnt a UK only issue. The question is how well we do during the recession compared to the rest of the world - that will tell how well the government are handling it.
  9. Well Mr Sullivan popped up on WM tonight and admitted that as the "new" stadium looked unlikely they would spend the money on undersoil heating rather than on a new player. Just imagine having him on your board.
  10. Defo a good idea. We also should have our National Insurance number tattooed on our forehead while they are at it.
  11. You know something. We could try and have a sensible reasoned debate on this or we can just start launching personal attacks on the party we dont support. If its the former Im all in. If its the later it will be a totally **** waste of time contributing.
  12. In all honesty Trent I dont think they have a clue about how they would tackle it. They will probably say that until they take office they wont know exactly what they are looking at which may well be a bit of a cop-out.
  13. Here is a question for fellow posters. Will bringing VAT down to 15% really make any difference, I mean will some organisations just keep the same price and pocker the extra 2.5% as a little bonus and the shoppers get zilch. Pretty much like the interest rate cut which my mortgage provider still hasnt passed on after not passing on the first 0.5% cut.
  14. It makes you wonder if they dont really want to win the next election and then the Tories have to sort out the mess thats left.
  15. Who do you think..... They've currently got nearly twice as many votes as the Green Party, which is pretty disturbing. I know, Im amazed anybody voted for the green party
  16. Well if they are members of the BNP we know their names dont we
  17. Id vote for that. Im hugely surprised that there are so many liberal minded posters on VT. I have obviously spent too much time in the political threads.
  18. Unless I am wrong if found guilty you would not be taken from court and hung by the neck the next day. All the people who arent sure or against the death penalty are better people than I. Id prefer it if the murdering scum had their dying breathe snatched from them like they did to their victims.
  19. It would be very interesting to see if the anti-death penalty voters would change their opinion if it was their child or loved one that was killed by some serial offender?
  20. How can you then assume the moral highground and separate yourself from the worst of human kind if you sink to their level and call for legalised murder to be introduced? What moral and ethical right have you got to call for people to be killed in your name? I take it you didnt watch the program then. Torturing a toddler, swing him round by his ankles and smashing his head on the floor, breaking 8 of his ribs, breaking his back...need I go on. If that is your view of a civilised society then were **** basically. I would shoot the **** cowardly bastard in the face at point blank range and nor bat an eyelid. Now if you really cannot see the difference then I'm lost for words.
  21. I would be totally in favour of donations being the norm unless you opt out. Infact bring back the death penalty and you have a ready made source of organs on tap. At least the evil bastards "give something back to society".
  22. Having just watched Panorama and the Baby P case the sooner the death penalty is introduced the better.
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