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Everything posted by mykeyb

  1. Rumours of version 4 software doing the rounds already, some mention of a forward facing camera (but then Im sure the same rumour appeared before the 3GS was released) What would be the killer upgrade that would make you want to get the next version? Better screen, better camera, new user interface. People are expecting the next Iphone to be a major upgrade after the rather limp 3G to 3GS one this year.
  2. Well a personal highlight for me would be to see the faces of Jacqui Smith & Hazel Blears when hopefully the GBP kick them out on their arses for milking the system. (You can add any other, labour, tory, lib dem MP of your choice here) After watching Panorama last night when for some reason Blears didnt want any airtime on BBC One, I hope the BBC do the decent thing at the next election and turn the tables and avoid her.
  3. So some would have us believe. Good result against are rather awful Pompey team with how many changes...................one swallow. Always good to reach a semi but would be nicer to go all the way
  4. Thanks guys for the replies,didnt expect such a quick response. 3 kids and 8 adults at the moment. We have a dual oven and a steamer so lucking to steam most of the veg if possible to leave the oven free for the meat, roasties and possibly some roats veg as an alternative.
  5. If the "right direction" is monotonous, predictable football with players incapable of passing to each other, then yes we are. If it's qualifying for the Champions League, then no we're not. Spurs were so much better than us today in the second half, and we were supposed to be at home. Dreadful football from us, yet again. THIS!
  6. Well it appears that nearly all mine and the wifes family are coming to us on Xmas day and would like to make a bit of an effort with the luchtime meal. The wife will no doubt handle the turkey and pork which gives me free range for the rest of the day. Any suggestions for doing some nice homemade roasties, variations on the veg - stuffing etc would be appreciated so I can have a trial run before the big day
  7. I have seen lots of posts over the last 18 months about our club, our manager and the "3 year cycle". I will say that my hatrid of Harry Rednapp knows no bounds and would hate to see him managing our club, but what he has achieved at Spurs in the 18 months he has been there showed last night when if you are honest they pretty much played us off the park. I am not sure how much money "arry" has spent in his time at Spurs compared to MONs spend in his time here and would make interesting reading. I dont believe we are competing for top 4 - more likely top 6. Man City will at some point wake up with or without Hughes, Liverpool too, Spurs look like they have a basis of a decent squad. If we can finish top 5 this season or top 6 with a couple of good cup runs I will be more than happy for Martin to continue but so far this season he has raised more doubts in mind than at any time under his stewardship.
  8. If I was to take the wooly liberal view I would say they obviously have their reason for voting this way....... But you could well be justified. I wonder if anyone who voted that way would have the decency to explain their choice.
  9. I sure this post means something, I would ask but then there is little point. Really interesting to see the 3 major parties so close together. Now if that happened at the polls it would be very interesting wouldnt it
  10. Just out of interest why? Same as the idol bastards who dont vote, your spoilt paper changes nothing in the great scheme. (You may feel you have made a protest vote) Just seems a bit meaningless really Sorry It's because of the people who do vote that we have such useless govts - they're the ones who chose them. If more people actually demanded change instead of doing as they're told things might improve. What's worse? To abstain and register your distrust /dissapproval of the current political franchises or to vote and approve of the fools running the country. So you spoil your ballot paper and your next door neighbour just cant be arsed. Just say BNP got enough votes to win in your ward - your action and your neighbours inaction could hand those scum a seat. You may well morally be correct but it would be a cold comfort i suspect
  11. *idle* You watch too much reality TV mate! Clucking bell 1 incorrect letter and 1 in the wrong place. Well done Rob - I will enable my fcuking sepll chcekre nxet tmie
  12. Just out of interest why? Same as the idol bastards who dont vote, your spoilt paper changes nothing in the great scheme. (You may feel you have made a protest vote) Just seems a bit meaningless really Sorry It is far better to exercise your democratic right than not, if you can't see that then............you're thinking is a tad limited imo Spoilt papers are recorded and until we get "None of the Above" on the ballot paper it is the only legitimate means of recording your displeasure at all the candidates on offer Who would really care? The MP who wins in that ward - no they will be busy celebrating The losers - maybe but what can they do about it. There are always going to be more of the populous who dont bother to vote than those who can be bothered but dont feel able to vote for a political party. To think it will make any difference in the slightest is " a tad limited"
  13. Any party who decides to put law and order at the top of their agenda (unless its BNP)
  14. Just out of interest why? Same as the idol bastards who dont vote, your spoilt paper changes nothing in the great scheme. (You may feel you have made a protest vote) Just seems a bit meaningless really Sorry
  15. Anyone fancy an Iphone on Tesco Mobile? Its coming in time for Christmas apparently PAYG and Contract.
  16. I think there was some discussions among Arsenal fans last winter along similar lines that Wenger had taken them as far as he could. I dont think Villa fans are any worse than at other clubs to be honest
  17. Not prepared to throw the baby out with the bath water yet, but MON needs to take a good hard look at himself and the squad this season and sort out a formation which works best. If he doesnt I suspect he will start to feel very uncomfortable this winter.
  18. You can download the Skype app and make very cheap calls. We do it for all those 0845, 0800 numbers which you pay stupid money for as the fall outside of your allowance.
  19. App was up before lunch. Wifi at home will be 100% free. it appears that O2 are the only operator who are blocking this over 3G. Very naughty.
  20. Anyone fancy 3 months free sky footy on their iphone. http://www.o2.co.uk/skyoffer Link goes live midday on monday apparently.
  21. With our striking options the only way we can win games is if we keep a clean sheet.
  22. Mines still working too
  23. Trainline App works very well. I tried a few weeks ago to check on times of train from Cradley to Brum and it was a pain trying to do it on the net. This app did it in about 40 seconds.
  24. Omariqy - make sure you have all yourplug-ins enabled for safari and also make sure your are in the UK. I think sometime later this month the laws change and they will be able to stream to anyone in the EU. Apparently they are working on an app for the app store and will be adding more channels.
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