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Posts posted by C4rvillan

  1. They did have a very strong hand shake yesterday. Maybe Kenwright wants to improve their bank balance considering they had to take out a £14m loan to cover the wage rise of Arteta. But it doesn't make sense. He has said he wants to stay at Everton blah blah. So I can't see it being him or Hughes. Pinch of salt might be needed again.

  2. The difference being that the heroes died at the Alamo. We stood firm and defeated the enemy. More like Rourke's Drift if you ask me. As Michael Caine said, 'Don't throw your bloody spears at me!'

  3. General,

    Thanks for the update and I would like you to pass on my thanks to K Mac for taking over in such difficult circumstances and that we can all look forward to appointing a new manager in the near future which which will show our ambition and get us excited again. Also can you thank the players for showing some real guts out there today.

  4. The one thing that is pleasing is that we have some big names coming forward to take the job on Klinnsman, Koeman, Sven. All we can do is speculate. There may even be a big name being considered who hasn't even been mentioned yet. I suspect that the Klinnsman story may be more linked to his odds with the bookies more than anything else. But I would be more than happy with Klinnsman, Koeman, Sven or Hitzfeld. As long as they are in it for the long haul. And can get us playing good, successful, attacking football and can get us excited again with their signings rather than just signing British 'hod carriers'.

  5. Thanks for the reply General. I don't know if Koeman is being considered or not, but he truely seems to want the job and I hope the board can make every would be manager sound like they are willing to run through a brick wall to get the Villa job during their interview. Good luck!

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