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Everything posted by Laivasse

  1. EDIT: posting twaddle in my sleep.
  2. 3 years old but... Ha, totally unsurprising, and less surprising that not a damn thing has changed since. Good thing we have accountable officials, eh
  3. Massive props to Moyes and Everton. You concede three goals, so what do you do? Keep a load of attacking players on the field. Concede a 4th? Stick on another couple. So baffling that certain other managers, paid millions of quid, don't understand that this is the way football should work.
  4. Would be interesting to see a statistical breakdown of the amount of injury time gifted to Fergie at Old Trafford. Maybe we could use it as a basis to sack every ref in the Prem and start afresh.
  5. Seems more clear to me than ever that he's playing with some kind of niggle.
  6. Incredible game and fantastic performance from Everton.
  7. Like this? Ah, Vinnie, the original zebra-toucher...
  8. Laivasse

    GTA 5

    Seems like a pretty basic idea to me. Get a 4 star rating or more = the police remember it for 1-3 in-game days. However that would work, it would be a pain in the arse. I've talked to people who were already put off by how sensitive the police were in GTA4. Personally I doubt Rockstar would put in further arbitrary deterrents to hellraising and sandboxing, using gameplay ideas inspired by stealth-based games. So I reckon we're just discussing some kid's brainstormed wishlist. Edit: The same IGN list was also dismissed by one of the mods on the gtaforums as 'the same ol' fake crap' & thread locked.
  9. Laivasse

    GTA 5

    This line alone makes me want to call BS on the whole lot. Would make the game unplayable. Smells like something made up by an enthusiastic fanboy trying to mix in elements of Hitman, without thinking things through. He did say 24 in-game hours, not 24 real-time hours. It wouldn't take long to pass, especially if GTA 5 follows suit with it's predecessors in that you can go to sleep and fast-forward the clock 6 hours or however many it was. This isn't me saying I believe all the stuff this guy leaked however. I saw that it was in-game hours and it would still be unplayable, in the sense most people would find it so annoying they'd just put it down. For previous games you've had to save at the safe house like 3 or 4 times to even advance the game 24 hours, which would be a stupid requirement just to wash your wanted slate clean. Assuming you don't do that and just carry on playing after your 4-star+ rating, that's like an hour or so in real time for the gameworld to run its daily cycle, during which any cop in the game is going to come after you on sight. Even if they only come back after you on a 1-star level it would make the simplest journey into an enormous headache. Then it says that 5 star and higher have even longer requirements for evasion. Unless there are massive changes to the evasion system I just find it too silly to believe. It doesn't even make much sense from a game-logic standpoint. 'Searching for someone matching your description' is what the cops do when you're Wanted. But in GTA5 they still do it when you're no longer Wanted?? I smell a fish stench unless Rockstar are smoking the funny stuff and want to play at making a Hitman game.
  10. He never comes round to wash my windows or make me a cuppa either. When will we sell this indolent waste of space. What exactly is he supposed to do, astrally project his psyche into the body of Gabby or Heskey and score with their body after also putting them through?
  11. tippy tappy bollocks it is... he's being massively over rated by our fans this year for 2 reasons: 1) He was so shit when he first arrived 2) Everyone else in our team is utter gash if Ireland had played in a MON side along with Young,Carew,Downing,Milner etc he would be getting nowhere near as much praise... he cleared the ball off the line very well.... going forward he's as shit as the rest of them Total bollocks. he cleared off the line well, and tackled in midfield well, and linked up and supplied the forwards well. Was it Ireland's fault that Heskey fell over by the 6 yard box after Ireland threaded him through? Or that Weimann let the ball bounce too high after Ireland dinked a lovely little ball over the top? That's just off the top of my head.
  12. Laivasse

    GTA 5

    This line alone makes me want to call BS on the whole lot. Would make the game unplayable. Smells like something made up by an enthusiastic fanboy trying to mix in elements of Hitman, without thinking things through.
  13. Didn't play for long enough to have a fair appraisal today, which is generous because he was shit, but also generous because I wouldn't have brought him on at all.
  14. I think we're safe after today's point, but I'm still nauseated by the football and the mentality behind it.
  15. Obviously playing injured. Also started lively.
  16. I think that point has made us safe. As for the game: mediocre performance saved by some shit finishing and shit luck for Sunderland. 2 whiffed sitters and a 50/50 offside call going our way make McLeish's 0-0 win look like tactical genius. Ireland MotM for battling all over the pitch, saving a goal and making some sweet passes. Thing is, when he's coming deep to get the ball and working with Albrighton, Heskey and Bannan, obviously we won't see any fruits of his labour.
  17. N'Zogbia and Ireland have been good, and they were frozen out of several matches for stupid reasons. That's Mcleish's fault. It's also his fault for playing Albrighton and Heskey despite them both offering almost nothing.
  18. Ireland off the line. MotM again but I'm sure it won't be enough to prevent some calling for more. Greedy by N'Zog there but tbh I don't blame him for not trusting Albrighton or Heskey.
  19. Bloody hell. Gorgeous pass from ireland. Then Heskey Heskeyed it.
  20. Depends on the context. If it's a deliberate attempt to screw up the game by eg. preventing a goalscoring opp then it's serious foul play and a red. If it's similar circumstances but not so dangerous, and the keeper's just being a bit of an arsehole or clumsy, then unsportsmanlike conduct and a yellow. I'm not sure Mignolet's offence was clear cut enough to be either but I think most refs would ahve booked him.
  21. Mignolet tried to spread his arms as the ball slid over the line, so the ref probably wasn't sure if it was clear enough to be 'unsportsmanlike conduct'. Definitely wasn't 'serious foul play' as it was beyond Weimann by then. Lucky to avoid the yellow though.
  22. Another 6 yarder missed by them. We're asking to be punished for our inaction here.
  23. Agreed. They are getting too much space in midfield and Heskey won't make a blind bit of difference to that.
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