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Everything posted by Laivasse

  1. Whether 'you're' was used is neither here nor there, the posts were intended to characterise the type of fan that the posters did not agree with. A generalisation isn't so 'sweeping' when it's being applied only to people who don't share your perspective.
  2. and Really? The poster was not including himself as part of the 'whining brummie' stereotype. He was using it to characterise other fans. How do you not realise it's saying the same thing?
  3. Sorry, what? Saying 'you probably weren't at the game so you should keep quiet' or 'you're just a typical modern day football fan' or 'you're just a stereotypical typical whining fickle brummie', amounts to saying 'I'm a better fan, so I know what's right'. What planet are you on?
  4. Certainly, although I'll start with a couple from this thread: Could probably find more if I was prepared to waste more of my time. Better if we just agree that 'fickle' and 'better fans will keep faith' are bullshit implications to make.
  5. I think he's been the best of a bad bunch most times when he's played, but today was terrible. Shocking, stroppy attitude when tackling and an all round lack of concentration and effort. Looks like he simply doesn't want to be in a team this bad - understandable, but he's being paid a king's ransom for the privilege so he can **** off with his delusions of grandeur. Lambert should have started him consistently though, it's obvious he's a fragile headcase.
  6. Hold my hands up, upon a reread there's not much 'better fan' rubbish in this thread, but I just came from the match thread where there was more of it brewing, cries of 'fickle' and the like. Even so, 'we'd be back to square one' isn't all that strong an argument in Lambert's favour when it appears we haven't even left square one.
  7. Judging from the comments in this thread, the main argument in defence of Lambert seems to be "I'm a better fan than you." Says a lot.
  8. Surely you are kidding (apologies if you really are). Please let's not revise this into 'yeah, I know it's Wigan but actually they played very well'. They didn't. Wigan were very poor. THEY WERE SHIT. We were just shitter. Their passing was more laughable than our own and their attacks were limp, they just still managed to carve through our weak clueless defence. They should have had two obvious penalties within the first 10 minutes, which had nothing to do with them playing well. It's all on Lambert. He should have bought an extra CB in summer. His other buys should have been better. He shouldn't have stuck with a broken formation that already caused us to concede 12 in two games. He should give at least some minor impression that he knows what he's doing. Bottom line, he should have these players playing better. He's not good enough.
  9. Our team isn't good enough, because half of them were signed and given instruction by a manager who is not good enough. Get rid, no hard feelings.
  10. I can't answer how he managed to do what he did in the past, but the fact remains that Lambert signed half of our outfield players. If we still don't have the talent available to beat Wigan, that's on his head too.
  11. What seals the deal for me is Wigan are a shocking team. SHOCKING. They've even been shocking today. Their passing is no better than ours, which is shocking. All they've done is attack half-decently a couple of times and put in an OK corner, and Lambert's Villa has been unable to cope. Not only that but they've had 2 blatant penalties turned down and screwed up a one-on-one chance. We're not a team in development, we're a team in freefall.
  12. Upon switching to 4 at the back, Herd and Clark are now our CB pairing and Lowton at RB. It should be Herd at RB and Lowton CB, since Herd is a **** disaster on legs at CB and plied his trade as a RB for ages. Lambert can't even get that right.
  13. No excuses. We needed a strong new defence but we got rid of two CBs and got in one, plus a couple of cannon fodder unfinished products at fullback. None of our other purchases sufficiently strengthened us elsewhere on the pitch. Tactics = clueless. Lerner's appointed 3 shit managers in a row. Lambert seemed like a good gamble but it hasn't worked out. **** him off, he's not good enough, just like the players he bought.
  14. Wigan look shellshocked from having been in a possession of dominance. Now's our chance, they look traumatised by the unusual experience of outplaying another team.
  15. Villa as a team and management have been shit for Ireland's entire Villa career. He could be quality and we'd never know. Different from NRC, who was obviously talentless even when we were performing well.
  16. I'm a fan of Ireland but he's shocking today. Tackling like a spiteful, sulky kid in the playground and passing like a drunk.
  17. Wigan have been denied 2 stonewall penalty shouts, on top of the scoreline and possession.
  18. Wigan aren't even anything close to a good team. Their passing is **** awful. There is just no excuse for getting dominated like this.
  19. That's another penalty they haven't been given. If I was a Wigan fan I'd be livid. As it is I'm just livid we're so shit.
  20. Don't understand how that's not a pen. Dodged a bullet in the - Well ****
  21. He may well turn out to have been a terrible buy. But you're a hard man to impress if you didn't get at least a little excited by someone scoring from a great strike in their second ever Prem appearance.
  22. This kid is very confusing to me. He looked like a great buy early on - technically skilled, confident, great passer, like a slightly more attack-minded Petrov. Then suddenly he turned into a steaming heap of bullshit, so that the exact opposite of all those descriptions now apply. So either his early promise was a blip or his current form is a blip. I would like to think it's the latter, but our midfield is so threadbare and lacking in choice it doesn't make much difference what we think anyway. If it's a choice between KEA, Delph or Bannan, I'd pick KEA since the other two have already had way way more chances to prove they aren't crap, yet haven't taken them. KEA's made only 11 Prem appearances, some of which were good, some of which were part of a clearly stupid formation, some of which were less than half an hour. I think we need to give him more time before we bring down the hammer.
  23. Lambert doesn't seem to know what the hell he's doing. I'm not sure if that's an acceptable trade off for having a lot of promising young players who might (or might not) get better at some undefined point in future. Also, I said so at the time but it's all the more evident now that shipping out 2 first team CBs, from an already threadbare defence, then filling the gaps with youngsters and one unproven new arrival was madness. We should not be having to contemplate Clark and Lowton as our CB pairing.
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