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Everything posted by Designer1

  1. I voted GOOD. I was a big fan of his at Sunderland and he did score some quality goals. Lets hope that a) he bags a few for us and we get one more striker in addition.
  2. ...which could lead to a certain Mr.Smith being available :winkold:
  3. Mr.Rogers sums it up perfectly for me.
  4. Not a big fan of Baseball caps to be honest. But if he was in your house, would you tell him?... :shock:
  5. John Terry for me. Been outstanding all season, great leader, gets goals and an excellent defender. We also share the same taste in hairstyle :wink:
  6. Voted for the Tesco Carrier Bags purely for the 'derby'.
  7. Couldn't give a monkey's if FistFace wants him or not to be honest (or if he was on loan there). He is a good goalscorer and we pinched him from under the noses of the noses then all the better.
  8. Agree. Would much prefer Forsell to be honest, more of a genuine goal threat.
  9. Designer1

    THE Pint

    I love Friday lunchtimes.
  10. No. For a (very) short spell at Leeds I thought he was the best box to box midlfielder in the country. Now I think he's a nasty little ratboy bitch and would hate it if he came. :evil:
  11. Hurray! Another Droog. :wink:
  12. ^^^I thought you pair were older. Or isn't it actually you on your Avatars?
  13. Bowyer, the nasty snarling little Ratboy bitch.
  14. 1971. Clockwork Orange. :wink:
  15. Having owned both PS2 and XBox I can honestly say that I love both for different reasons (just get the splinters out me arse). The Xbox is technically superior and Rev is right about the 5.1, it's fantastic and unnerving particularly when there are bullets flying around your head. :shock: I've also played a fair bit of GameCube and am looking forward to a good session on Resi 4. Someone on here seems to like that one a bit :wink: The only reason I would personally give the PS2 the edge is for the four weeks solid that I played GTAIII on it's rather inconspicuous release (skiving off four days from work in the process). I have been a gamer for 25 years and still nothing has come close to those four weeks for sheer entertainment and violent bliss. So, it's obviously a very personal choice but in the end mine comes down to the bare bones of overall enjoyment. PS2 by a whisker for me.
  16. I got a phone call from a gorgeous ex-girlfriend of mine the other day. We lost track of time, chatting about the wild nights we used to enjoy together. I couldn't believe it when she asked if I'd like to meet up and maybe rekindle a little of that magic. "Wow!", I said, "I don't know if I could keep pace with you now! I'm a bit older and a bit balder than when you last saw me!" She giggled and said she was sure I'd meet the challenge! "Yeah", I said, "just so long as you don't mind a man with a waistband that's a few inches wider these days!" She laughed and told me to stop being so silly! She teased me, saying that she thought tubby bald men were cute! "Anyway", "I've put on a couple of pounds myself!" she giggled... ...so I told her to f*ck off.
  17. Zola for me. Not only a consumate pro, he was an excellent footballer.
  18. I voted GB, seems to have a level head. Overeaction? :wink:
  19. Of the movies mentioned I like the look of Be Cool. Sin City looks good from a style point of view, but I always find it's the ones that creep up out of nowhere like Closer and Sideways that turn out to be the gems. Oh, and of course anything by my man Takashi Miike.
  20. We have to stand by Tommy. All the best keepers make ricks from time to time. Don't think dropping him and putting the Postman in would solve anything.
  21. Steve McQueen is cooler but Newman's the better actor imo.
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