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Everything posted by Designer1

  1. Yes, but all they see is 'Bicks says something to you.' Which is a shame really as you could use some choice words couldnt you? :winkold:
  2. Can you play in this world as a lone player. You know ride around like Clint Eastwood in a fist full of dollars? Or do you have to form teams? Its a mixture tbh. You WILL need to get help from other players and form teams for certain quests because they are just too hard, but there are some q's that can be soloed. There are also end game quests that require you to join a team of 40 players. :shock: What is the maximum level you can get to? 60 (i'm 52 now) 8) Can you become like the Emporer is star wars? In a word...no.
  3. There is a player on Deathwing called Splatter. If you ever come across him NEVER EVER join a party with him in, he is quite simply the biggest nob I have ever had the misfortune to team with (Nayson will agree) totally selfish and only interested in his own quests etc and not prepared to play as a team. Also loves the 'need' roll. A rocket polisher basically. :evil:
  4. Had quite a nice time late last night around Silverpine. Came across a couple of lowbies who were doing the quests in the werewolf village and Fenris Island. They asked for help and I did, basically took out the whole of Fenris for them (not difficult as i'm lvl 52 and the mobs were about lvl 14 :winkold: ) The thing is when I was around the 12-16 lvl mark i cant remember anyone higher than lvl 20 helping me, so I think they appreciated it. It helped that they were both decent blokes and didn't 'Do a Splatter' as the phrase goes. I reckon when I'm lvl 60 I might do that now and again, just ride around and if anyone asks for help give it. Always makes you look like a cool bastard too. 8)
  5. ^^^Tarq the Tauren. Catchy!
  6. ^^^Oh well, another social life lost! :winkold: Welcome to the group mate, whats your character name so I can add it to the Friends list? BTW, my mate is a lvl 45 Tauren Druid so you wont be short of advice.
  7. I've been increasing my Blacksmithing skills today which has cost me nearly 30g in bits and pieces. :shock: I know its worth it in the end as I'll be able to make some nice weaponary and armour but 30g! Should be able to make some Mithril spurs soon too to make the geegee go a little bit quicker. Also skilled up on First Aid and it is excellent tbh. I'm on 249 now and it helps no-end, in fact cloth wearers would love it. Also bought a shootah (As Vern would call it :winkold: ) and got the skill level up on that. Not sure if it will replace the bow though as I like the sound of arrow into flesh Should be 51 by Monday with any luck.
  8. there you go Paddy... http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/worldofwarcraft/review.html
  9. Nayson and I ran into a corpse camping cnut Hunter by the name of Demonology. He'd started on Nayson (who was surrounded by mobs at the time and down to about half health) and killed him but he hadnt seen me so I took the rocket polisher down but unfortunately I got killed about 5 secs after by the bunch of mobs. Then the fun began as he camped on mine and Naysons bodies (he obviously didnt like me killing him) and we couldnt res because at half health we would have no chance against a lvl 54. Then our Knight in dull bloodstained armour appeared in the shape of a lvl 60 Horde Rogue. We whispered him and he came back and killed the piss out of Demonology - ahhhh revenge. And I reckon he was a SHA fan.
  10. Not surprisignly, I've logged on to Draenor to play my Alliance alt.
  11. F***ing F***ing F***ing Server!!! Just kicked me again as I was waiting to re-join Battlegrounds and now the queue is 7 minutes again!!! Deathwing Server is arse. End of. :evil: :evil: :evil:
  12. Went to Badlands and noticed a 'few' extra people around They were meeting to do the Molten Core Instance, which is a high level dungeon. 40 man i believe :shock:
  13. Never had it that bad Simon, thats just taking the piss. :?
  14. Seriously had enough of the Deathwing server now. Got kicked out for no reason three times today and then had to queue for 10 mins each time to get back on. Next migration, I'm off. Its just not good enough tbh. :evil: :evil: :evil:
  15. It was indeed an excellent night, in fact probably the best night I've had on WoW to be honest (sounds like I missed the final act of vengeance though ). Heres a few screenshots for the memory... This was the 'Battle of Freewind post'... Being involved in that was fun especially the aftermath, note the skeletons of the recently deceased Alliance... And then we stood around basking in the victory... This is me and Sie doing over a lvl 60... and I got to win the Batman lookalike competition...
  16. ^^^I'm on now Riss, I'll have a look for you.
  17. I agree totally, its getting silly lately so migration would be a very good idea. If I see a queue now I just go over to Draenor server and play with the Alt until its not so busy.
  18. ^^^I know the feeling Riss. My build dictates that I use two handed more tbh as I specialise in it rather than 1h. I do have a 1h +Shield though which I use more for instances and tanking but the dps is nowhere near as good. Best to have proficiency in both though.
  19. I'll be on later tonight (after the Cinema) and then I have a nice afternoon to myself tomorrow (the joys of working for yourself :winkold:) So should get the Warrior up to 48 and Hunter up to 13 by the weekend. Nice. 8) btw, Nays...2663 Now THAT is a Crit! Gratz!
  20. ^^^Dont forget to check your post Simon.
  21. I'm on about 7.30 tonight mate and will help you finish it if you like.
  22. That quest was just bollox mate. One of the worst on the game imo. The main problem was the 'testing' of the samples which led to some of the poorest drops I've seen so far. Unenjoyable and not what the game should be about. Those few quests we did just before were exactly the opposite though, very enjoyable wasting all those water bag carriers
  23. ^^^I like my contribution to that conversation!
  24. That was interesting. I log on and Nayson whispers me from Undercity to tell me that 2 Alliance are on the Zep and heading to Orgrimmar (which is the Horde main city and were I was at the time). I give the shout out to the other Horde players and run outside to the gates to see the Alliance arrive, three level ?? on horseback. They mill around for a sec and then four Horde level 60's come to take them apart... Two got spanked and the third one must have pissed off home.
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